Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 134 Hong Yun cuts off his own cultivation

"What secrets does this space have?" Zhen Yuanzi thought as he looked at Hong Yun.

There was already a rift between the two tribes, the witch and the lich, and the relationship between Tian Yuan and the demon court and the witch tribe was even more so.

Now, because of this space, the demon king and the ancestor witch lived in peace, and even showed great respect to Tian Yuan.

Now that Hong Yun, his good brother, has come in, he has such a stunning fortune.

Hou Tu and others respected Tian Yuan so much, so they naturally got a great opportunity.

It is really incredible that one space encompasses so many people's fortunes.

Although he felt a little sorry that he had no fortune, Zhen Yuanzi was curious about this space at this moment.

The Xuanhuang aura that enveloped Hong Yun became more and more dense, and Zhen Yuanzi felt that there was an inexplicable aura emanating from his good brother.

The aura that was released made him feel very comfortable.

Zhen Yuanzi frowned, with a strange look in his eyes.

Hou Tu and others beside him did not speak, but only looked at Hong Yun one by one.

Gonggong couldn't figure it out, but Nuwa, Fuxi and the other two were shocked.

Dao, Hongyun found his own Dao.

The three of them understood that they underestimated Hongyun who gave up his seat in Zixiao Palace.

The Buzhou Mountain's consciousness space had such a big reaction, which meant that Hongyun's importance in the prehistoric world was self-evident.

Among the three of them, only Houtu found his own Dao, but it was also a difficult journey, and Nuwa was still in the dark.

Hongyun found his own Dao when he entered this space for the first time. This was too simple.

Houtu, who was surprised in his heart, was stunned, and immediately looked overjoyed: "Brother Dao, it is the will of humanity!"

Houtu finally noticed the will in Hongyun, and her delicate face was full of joy.

After the earth's revival, Houtu also muttered about humanity and heaven.

Because of the fusion of wills, the power of Buzhou Mountain can be increased at all times, thereby enhancing the strength of Tianyuan.

The three paths of heaven, earth and man complement each other. The revival of the will of the human path can also speed up the recovery of the earth path. It can also speed up the repair of the six reincarnation disks. The accident came too suddenly.

"The will of the human path!?"

Several exclamations sounded, Nuwa and Fuxi were envious, but Zhen Yuanzi was a little confused.

He only knew that the Taoist ancestor in Zixiao Palace was a saint of the heavenly path, so how could a human path pop up now?

He had known countless good brothers in Yuanhui, but he actually had such an origin?

After scanning the expressions of Hou Tu and others, Zhen Yuanzi knew in his heart that his good brother seemed to be really not simple.

It was quiet all around, but there was a faint roar coming from the distant veins.

The power of Buzhou Mountain slowly faded, and the Xuanhuang Qi that enveloped Hongyun began to shrink, but the will surrounding him was strengthened a lot.

The Xuanhuang Qi was completely immersed in Hongyun's body, but with a pop, Zhen Yuanzi, who was running forward, was stunned.

Gonggong and the others beside him were all stunned, with astonishment on their faces.

Hongyun, who had already killed one corpse, now fell to the peak realm of Daluo Jinxian again.

Hongyun got a great fortune against the sky, not only did his strength not increase greatly, but he actually dropped a realm?

Zhenyuanzi was at a loss, staring blankly at Hongyun, who was a little pale.

Gonggong and the others beside him all looked at Tianyuan, only Houtu and Nuwa seemed to have some understanding in their eyes.

Tianyuan looked indifferent, without any surprise on his face.

He cupped his hands and congratulated respectfully: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist for finding his own way."

With the gathering of human will, how could Hongyun go for the method of killing three corpses? The fall of realm was already within his expectations.

Hongyun opened his eyes faintly, looked down at himself, and his face was also filled with deep joy.

He walked forward and bowed to Tianyuan: "Thank you, brother Taoist!"

The human will was manifested, he knew a lot of things, and he respected Tianyuan more in his heart.

All creatures and spirits in the prehistoric world only think about their own cultivation, but Tianyuan is the only one who cares about the whole world.

This great gift is not only the good fortune given to him by the other party, but also Tianyuan's contribution to the prehistoric world.

"Let's work together in the future!" Tianyuan, who accepted the gift from the other party, was also very happy in his heart.

The earth and human ways have all begun to revive, and now only the heaven is missing.

If Tianyuan knew that the red cloud was so effective, he would have taken action against him long ago.

Hou Tu found the netherworld and the six reincarnation disks before opening the underground tunnel.

Who knew that the red cloud had just appeared, and the human will immediately rose. Tianyuan guessed that it might be related to the two tribes of witches and liches, and the red cloud just needed an opportunity.

The witch tribe is related to the netherworld, the demon court is related to the heaven, and they all belong to the human way.

The rise of the witch and lich is actually the revival of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, and the beginning of the prehistoric world's prosperity.

However, because of the person in Zixiao Palace, the two tribes of witches and liches were plotted, and Buzhou Mountain collapsed and was strangled in the cradle.

"Hongyun! What's going on?" Facing the gaze of his good brother, Zhen Yuanzi could no longer hold back.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's concerned eyes, Hongyun smiled and said, "I want to follow the path of the law."

The law of proving the way is the practice law left by the great god Pangu, and it is also the only way to the avenue.

Even if the method of beheading the three corpses eventually becomes a saint, it can't go on. What's more, the key is that the Hongmeng purple air is strange.

"This" Zhen Yuanzi was stunned.

It turned out that Hongyun destroyed the corpse he beheaded, so he fell into the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

What is the reason for making such a great sacrifice?

Zhen Yuanzi opened his mouth, but didn't know how to explain it in detail.

Seeing his good brother's confusion, Hongyun continued, "Zhen Yuanzi, you should also cut off your body and start over. You're right to listen to me."

For hundreds of thousands of years, he has been studying the Hongmeng Purple Qi and has never practiced at all. Who knew that he cut off a corpse for no reason.

At that time, he was still very excited. Now that he thinks about it carefully, it is clearly strange.

This is also the important reason why Hongyun cut off his cultivation without hesitation after knowing the law.

Zhen Yuanzi frowned. He had already cut off two corpses. If he wanted to start over, he would have to think about it carefully.

Hongyun did not urge this good friend, and turned to look at Houtu and others. "Hongyun meets several Taoist friends!"

His eyes stayed on Houtu for a little longer, and he already knew the other party's identity.

The Zixiao Palace's preaching is a complete scam. He has his own way.

Knowing that Hongyun's identity is not simple, Houtu and others all responded enthusiastically.

"Let's go! Let's go to the main vein and take a look!" Tianyuan retracted his gaze and walked towards the main vein below.

There was no more red clouds in the sky in the distance, and a nebula-shaped cave was vaguely formed.

The will of Buzhou Mountain surrounded it, and a weak life wave could be clearly felt.

Tianyuan knew in his heart that Huoyun Cave might be like the Six Paths of Samsara, belonging to the unique creatures of the prehistoric world.

With the gathering of human will, Huoyun Cave, which is related to the fate of humanity, will also wake up.

Seeing Tianyuan step forward, Hongyun immediately pulled Zhenyuanzi to follow.

Although he knew a lot of things, he was still very curious about this space.

"Father Mountain!" In the main vein in the distance, the gourd baby came running.

Just now, he threw all the ordinary witches he captured into that main vein, but these witches absorbed a lot of the blood of the Chaos Demon God and were fighting with the previous witches.

Seeing the gourd baby running, Tianyuan remembered that he had not released those ancestor witches yet.

Tian Yuan, who was thinking, opened his mouth and vomited. Suddenly, yellow clouds surged and five figures fell out. They were the captured Zhu Jiuyin and others.

A few magic powers were cast, and the ancestor witch Zhu Jiuyin and others woke up faintly.

Just as he opened his eyes, several roars exploded.

"Tian Yuan! This damn stone man!"

"Roar! Kill, kill, kill!"

Amid the roars, five figures burst up and rushed straight to Tian Yuan, all of them murderous.

Seeing the irritable ancestor witches, Hou Tu and Gong Gong's faces froze slightly, especially Gong Gong.

He saw his own figure in the ancestor witches, and also knew their fate.

The domineering momentum that came in front of them made Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun's faces change slightly, but seeing that Tian Yuan and others did not move, they also stood in place.

In the astonished eyes of the two, they saw silver light flashing in front of them, and figures escaped one after another.

They were actually a group of jumping stone men, and without exception, they all emitted powerful fluctuations.

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