Tian Yuan, who appeared in the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, released Xihe at will.

Ignoring the angry and frightened Fairy Xihe, Tian Yuan immediately looked at the top of her head.


Tian Yuan couldn't help laughing after just one look.

Just as he thought, a thin silver-white line rose above Xihe's head and quickly fled towards the sky.

The thin lines of the ten little golden crows were barely detectable, but the top of Xihe's head was clearly visible.

In Tian Yuan's expectant eyes, in another part of the sky, there was a faint silver halo surging, which was the breath of Taiyin Star.

Tian Yuan looked at the void and whispered: "Huh! It seems that I have to go to Taiyin Star when I have time."

Although Xihe and Chang Xi are called Taiyin Fairies, they are not the real bosses on the Sun Star.

Xihe can seduce Taiyin Star, and the effect of that one is definitely comparable to Di Jun and Taiyi.

The Sun Star and the Moon Star, one yin and one yang, must have a great effect in this space.

Xihe, who was already panicking, saw Tianyuan laughing at the sky, and she panicked even more. She asked in a deep voice: "Tianyuan! What do you want to do?"

She looked around with her eyes. This must be the strange space on Mount Buzhou.

Dijun and Taiyi were not around. It was obvious that she was the only one captured.

The slightly dim sky, with the sacred mountain shrouded by the mysterious and yellow air, looked a little weird.

Thinking of the purpose of this trip, Xihe asked again: "Where is my son?"

Tianyuan did not suppress her directly, which made Xihe a little confused.

Tianyuan just glanced at the other party and replied calmly: "Follow me!"

Without much explanation, he jumped towards the southern land.

Thousands of years have passed, and he doesn't know what happened to the ten little golden crows.

Looking at Tianyuan who left, Xihe was startled, and quickly followed him, her beautiful eyes still scanning the surroundings.

The flames in front of her reached the sky, and there was no end in sight. The scene in front of her was somewhat beyond Xihe's expectations.

Because of her relationship with Di Jun, she knew a lot about Tianyuan and knew the existence of this space.

The stone men of Buzhou Mountain were everywhere capturing the two tribes of witches and liches, and they were invested in this space. It was also because of this space that Tianyuan's strength increased dramatically, making Buzhou Mountain more powerful.

But what she saw was very different from what she imagined.

"My son is only at the Golden Immortal Realm, how did you capture them?" Xihe couldn't help but ask again.

Some time ago, Tianyuan captured a lot of creatures in the Eastern Land, but they were all demons who had entered the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

The ten little golden crows were only at the Golden Immortal Realm. Xihe couldn't understand why Tianyuan insisted on going against the demon court.

After all, everyone knew that the ten little golden crows were the apple of the eye of the two demon kings.

Turning his head and glancing at Xihe, who was panicking and worried, Tianyuan casually replied, "They are fine, just follow them."

The other party's identity is not simple, thinking that he may be useful in the future, Tianyuan doesn't mind chatting a few more words.

Feeling the casualness in Tianyuan's words, Xihe was even more confused.

The stone man of Buzhou Mountain has no martial ethics and has always done things secretly. Now that they are in close contact, it seems that they are not as barbaric as the rumors say.

Xihe, who looked puzzled, stopped talking and just followed Tianyuan closely.

She was not Tianyuan's opponent, and was captured into this space, so she could only let the other party do what he wanted.

The space began to become hot, and there was a rolling heat wave coming towards her, which surprised Xihe a little.

She was the Taiyin Fairy, practicing the power of Taiyin. The only place in the prehistoric land that could make her feel hot was the Sun Star. It was obvious that the flames burning in the distance were not simple.

Stepping on the red earth, you can still feel the slight residual heat.

At this moment, she heard a few familiar "quacks" in the flames rising in the distance.

Xihe's eyes lit up, and she immediately rushed forward.

Thousands of years had passed, and Calabash Boy had already left with Gungun, and the ten little golden crows were all working hard to devour the flames.

Because if they wanted to get out, they had to practice hard, and absorbing the flames in front of them was the fastest way to practice.

They opened their mouths and sucked, and the billowing flames sank into their bodies. When they were saturated, they sat down and meditated to refine and absorb.

In the blazing flames, the ten little golden crows did not say a word, and they were all practicing.

Suddenly, in the whistling wind, an excited call came.


The ten little golden crows that devoured the flames were shocked at the same time, and immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

Under the red sky, a familiar figure rushed over, and in an instant, they all widened their eyes.

"Mother! It's you who saved us!"

"Damn stone man, damn Calabash Brothers, I'll make them suffer!"


Amidst the quacking noises, the ten little golden crows all ran forward excitedly.

Xihe, who was running over, was overjoyed to see that the little golden crows were fine and many of them had even improved their cultivation. However, when she heard what they said, she was immediately panicked.

Tianyuan was so powerful that the two demon kings were powerless. If she made him angry, Xihe couldn't imagine it.

Xihe, who looked very anxious, hurriedly shouted in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense!"

It was a pity that the ten little golden crows had no idea of ​​the current situation. Moreover, as the princes of the demon court, they had never suffered such grievances.

Amidst the quacking noises, there were still curses against Tianyuan.

Xihe naturally felt the grievances of the ten princes, but now that they were at the mercy of others, how could she dare to punish Tianyuan too much.

With a slightly serious shout, Xihe turned to Tianyuan and apologized: "My children are rude, please don't blame me, brother!"

As Tianyuan said, he did not hurt the little golden crows, but their realm was improved.

Tianyuan touched his chin and waved his hand, looking unconcerned.

After not seeing each other for a while, the thin lines on the heads of the ten little golden crows were obviously much thicker.

It can not only clean up the flames in the southern land, but also accelerate the manifestation of the sun star, killing two birds with one stone.

It doesn't matter if he scolds him, after all, he works for him day and night, and some resentment is reasonable.

"Mother! You."

"Mother, he is the one who caught us in, and there is also a gourd boy who struck us with divine thunder."

"Mother! Where is the father? Why doesn't the father come?"

"Yes, father, and uncle, why don't they come?"

When the little golden crows saw Tianyuan appear, they were startled and asked in a low voice.

As long as my father and uncle are here, we can definitely take down this stone man and deal with that hateful gourd baby.

Xihe's stern eyes swept over the princes, making them dare not say a word.

Then he turned around and looked at Tianyuan with a little embarrassment.

What happened on Mount Buzhou was still fresh in Xihe's mind.

Dijun and Taiyi joined forces, but they couldn't take down Tianyuan on Mount Buzhou, so it was impossible for them to come to this space.

It was impossible to rescue them in a short time.

"I don't know why you captured us?" Xihe asked with a little doubt, holding his hands.

It had been a while since the ten little golden crows were captured, and Tianyuan didn't seem to do anything to them.

Although the little golden crows were angry, they didn't dare to speak again, but looked at Tianyuan angrily from time to time.

After glancing at the endless flames, Tianyuan responded softly: "Eliminate all the flames in the southern land, and I will let you go."

As he said that, he looked at the ten little golden crows with a smile.

The original intention of capturing the two tribes of witches and liches was to sort out this space and strengthen the will of Buzhou Mountain.

It's just that those guys in the prehistoric land always fantasize that he used some weird means to control these creatures.

"That's it?" Xihe's face was obviously stunned, and his eyes revealed doubt.

Just to clear the flames, he offended the demon court where the luck of heaven and earth gathered. Xihe really didn't understand.

Tianyuan walked forward and said again: "Under the flames are the broken veins of the southern land."

With Xihe's urging, perhaps the ten little golden crows will work harder, and Tianyuan doesn't mind saying more.

If the other party can really clear the flames in the southern land, the sun star will probably be completely revealed, and naturally they will not be needed.

"Okay, work hard, or you will suffer." Tianyuan said, without further explanation, and walked towards Buzhou Mountain.

All that should be said was said, and Xihe knew what to do.

Looking at Tianyuan who left like this, Xihe's expression changed repeatedly.

Tianyuan's behavior once again surprised her.

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