Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 149 No one can stop Buzhou Mountain

"This..." Kunpeng looked at the scene in the distance, his eyes full of horror.

He was naturally aware of Buzhou Mountain's power, and he also knew how terrifying Tianyuan's strength was, but he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Even the two Demon Emperors, who were protected by the innate treasure Chaos Bell, were easily knocked back, and the key point was that they defeated Xihe.

Although Xihe is not strong, he is still one of the few quasi-sages in Demon Court.

The three of them had just entered Buzhou Mountain, but in the blink of an eye, the two Demon Emperors escaped in a hurry, even Xi and Xianzi didn't care.

The Ten Golden Crows are the princes of the Demon Court, but Xihe is the handsome Taoist concubine of the Demon Emperor, and also represents the appearance of the Demon Court.

Earlier in the Eastern Land, Taiyi could still fight back and forth with Tianyuan, but now as soon as they reach Mount Buzhou, the gap is so huge.

"Huh!" Kunpeng took a deep breath, feeling even more worried.

Not only because of Tianyuan in front of him, but also because of Hongyun in the Fire Cloud Cave.

With Buzhoushan Tianyuan so powerful, what will happen to Hongyun with the Fire Cloud Cave next to him in the end?

Kunpeng didn't know clearly, but he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the foundation of sanctification, was getting farther and farther away from him.

Kunpeng's complexion became ugly as his good fortune was gone and he was still in a calamity.

Kunpeng, who had many thoughts going through his mind, slowly stepped forward.

"Lord Demon Emperor!"

The demon clan accompanying them came forward in a panic, but they lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word, but their eyes were filled with fear.

The domineering emperor's aura hit their faces, causing their bodies to tremble slightly and their spirits to tremble.

But two such powerful Demon Emperors actually escaped from Mount Buzhou in embarrassment, and were captured by Tian Yuan and took away Xi He. How powerful must Tian Yuan be?

Di Jun and Tai looked livid and paid no attention to the people behind them.

The two people, who were still surrounded by golden luck, looked at Buzhou Mountain with gloomy expressions.

"Tian Yuan! You have gone too far." Di Jun's low words came out, and there was uncontrollable anger in his voice.

Although Tian Yuan had been regarded as Demon Ting's formidable enemy very early on, Demon Ting never openly fought with Tian Yuan, whether it was Tian Yuan who robbed them of their opportunity or the incident involving Fu Xi and Demon Saint Bar Tie.

But Di Jun had no idea that the stone man from Buzhou Mountain first captured his child, and now even they wanted to suppress him.

If he didn't have the protection of Demon Court's luck, he might not be able to get out of Buzhou Mountain.

Di Jun had to admit that Tianyuan was indeed amazing, but the other party had to rely on Buzhou Mountain to unify the ancient world.

Even when he came out of Buzhou Mountain, he was not afraid of Tianyuan. Emperor Jun didn't understand what Tianyuan was doing.

Tian Yuan stood on Buzhou Mountain and said calmly: "The Demon King does not need to be angry, I will take good care of Xihe Fairy."

After finishing speaking, Tianyuan felt that there was some ambiguity in the words, and then said: "Don't worry, Xi and fellow Taoist will see a few little Golden Crows."

The Golden Crow represents the sun star, and Xihe and Chang Xi are the lunar fairies. I wonder if this will be an unexpected surprise.

Di Jun's face, shrouded in golden luck, trembled repeatedly, and his eyes revealed substantial murderous intent.

He is not a person who gets angry easily, because after so many years of incarnation, there is no trouble that he cannot solve.

But Di Jun felt a deep sense of powerlessness with the stone man in Buzhou Mountain in front of him.

The skin is rough and the flesh is thick, and the key is Buzhoushan's help. The power is too exaggerated.

Having just fallen out of the Chaos Bell, he clearly felt the majesty and vastness of Buzhou Mountain, and the will that overcame heaven and earth was simply not something that human beings could resist.

What's even more exaggerated is that at that moment, he was planning to sacrifice Hetu Luoshu to protect himself, but he didn't expect that this top-quality innate spiritual treasure could not move.

Standing on Buzhou Mountain, this Tianyuan is simply invincible.

At least in the current Hunyuan Golden Immortal realm, no one can be his opponent.

Tai Yi, who stood beside him, did not speak. The Chaos Bell above his head sank slightly, broke through the void, and crashed straight towards the top of Mount Buzhou.


With a huge noise, the void exploded, accompanied by a rich golden glow.

Layers of golden light emerged from Buzhou Mountain's surface, easily resisting the Chaos Bell's attack.

The powerful blow of the innate treasure did not even break a stone.

Taiyi's eyes narrowed, his expression became more solemn, and the face of Di Jun next to him became darker.

The eyes of the demon court behind the two people were full of horror.

That is the innate treasure Chaos Bell. When the bell rings, the sky and the earth turn pale and the universe shakes, but it cannot shake Mount Buzhou.

Obviously, the Buzhou Mountain in front of them is no longer the Buzhou Mountain they are familiar with.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, Tianyuan was very satisfied.

Although he regretted not being able to capture Di Jun and Tai Yi, this battle made him fully understand the power of Buzhou Mountain.

Ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortals can be suppressed by anyone. As for trying to collapse Mount Buzhou, that is even more impossible.

Looking at the angry Di Jun and Tai Yi in the distance, Tian Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, he was just a stone man carefully hiding in Buzhou Mountain. Afraid of the Lich Tribulation, Gonggong knocked him to pieces, not wanting to think that he had already reached the pinnacle of ancient combat power.

Taiyi, the first person among the saints, escaped from Mount Buzhou in embarrassment. If the saint could not escape, who else would be his opponent?

"Fellow Taoist really wants to be the enemy of my Demon Court!" Taiyi put away the Chaos Bell and heard an indifferent voice.

Tianyuan is indeed powerful, and the power of Buzhou Mountain is amazing, but they are not without means.

Whether it is the complete refining of the Chaos Bell or the Demon Court's Zhoutian Star Formation, they can resist the power of Buzhou Mountain.

And the demon court is not just the two of them. The huge luck of the world is also a terrifying force.

"I care about the prehistoric world and have never thought of being an enemy. Besides, this is also the good fortune of Xihe Fairy and others." Facing Taiyi's calm gaze, Tianyuan responded earnestly.

Being captured by him and put into the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, they are far away from the catastrophe.

Moreover, if he hadn't intervened, only one of the ten little golden crows would be left in the end, and those captured creatures would probably be only one in ten.

He is not only benefiting the prehistoric world, but also saving everyone.

Taiyi couldn't help but feel his chest rise and fall slightly when he heard this.

He was a man of few words and cold, and at this moment he was so angry that Tianyuan was about to curse.

This stone man of Buzhou Mountain had captured the witch clan everywhere earlier, and later took advantage of the war between witches and liches to fish in troubled waters and captured many of the two clans of witches and liches.

He almost suppressed them all just now, and he could still say such words.

Being captured by the other party is actually their blessing.

Only Jie Yin and Zhunti from the Western world can compare to such people who lie with their eyes open.

Tian Yuan was also depressed when he saw Tai Yi's expression.

This world is like this. No one believes the truth. These unruly guys can only be suppressed by force.

Tai Yi retracted his gaze and looked at Di Jun with a gloomy face: "Brother, this matter is probably difficult!"

Even if they gather the luck of the Demon Court again, they can't beat Tian Yuan.

Without the help of Bu Zhou Mountain, they are temporarily powerless.

Di Jun knew all this. The innate treasure Chaos Bell could not completely resist the power of Bu Zhou Mountain. If they rushed up again, they could only return disappointed, not to mention rescuing Xihe and the ten princes from that space.

"Return to the Demon Court!!!" Di Jun uttered a slightly cold word, with a pair of red eyes, staring at the stone man on Bu Zhou Mountain.

Since the establishment of the Demon Court, they have suppressed the dragon clan, destroyed Dong Wanggong, and subdued all the tribes in the prehistoric world. Even when facing the witch clan that dominated the prehistoric land, they were not afraid at all.

But it was this stone man on Mount Buzhou that made them repeatedly lose face and helpless.

Taiyi was also unwilling, but he was also aware of the situation in front of him.

Looking at the stone man on Mount Buzhou with an indifferent look, the two of them leaped to the thirty-third heaven.

Although the Demon Court did not bother Tianyuan in recent years, it had also studied him carefully.

Tianyuan had captured many ancestor witches, but many of them appeared in the prehistoric land after a long time. It was obvious that it would take a lot of time for the stone man to subdue them.

This means that as long as they have enough time, they still have a chance to rescue Xihe and the ten princes.

The most urgent thing is to seize the time to practice the Zhoutian Xingdou formation.

The rest of Kunpeng Gang and others saw the Demon King leave, and immediately followed him in panic.

At this moment, Mount Buzhou had been listed as a forbidden area in their hearts.

"Just leave like that?" Seeing Dijun and Taiyi leave without looking back, Tianyuan felt a little regretful.

He was still thinking that the two might try one or two more times, but he didn't expect them to leave so easily.

Glancing at the figure that disappeared in the sky, Tianyuan also disappeared on Mount Buzhou.

After capturing Xihe, he wanted to see if there were any changes in the sky of the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou.

In the Pangu Temple at the foot of Mount Buzhou, Dijiang and other ancestor witches retracted their gazes, their eyes also full of shock.

"Damn it! Damn it! This stone man is getting stronger." Zhu Rong was angry and cursed.

Not only was Tianyuan's strength terrifying, but more importantly, the might of Mount Buzhou. They were so far away and could feel it very clearly.

Xuanming frowned, his eyes showing anxiety: "Brother! It's been some time since Zhu Jiuyin and others were captured."

During this period, they all made progress in their Taoism, but she found that Tianyuan made faster progress.

Taiyi, who was protected by the innate treasure Chaos Bell, was actually no match for the might of Mount Buzhou, and Xihe was easily taken away by Tianyuan.

Earlier, when the witches and demons fought, it took several of their ancestors to resist the attack of the Chaos Bell.

But in the eyes of the stone man of Buzhou Mountain, the Chaos Bell seemed to have completely lost the power of the innate treasure.

Tianyuan's cultivation speed is so fast, how can they save Zhu Jiuyin and other ancestors?

Maybe Houtu will bring Zhu Jiuyin and others to fight in a while.

By then, Houtu will have seven ancestors, plus that hateful stone man, how can the five of them resist.

If that happens, I'm afraid all the ancestors will be captured by Tianyuan.

The rest of Qiangliang and others didn't say anything, but looked at Dijiang with their eyes.

They were lucky and their cultivation speed was not slow, but relying on Tianyuan of Buzhou Mountain, their speed was still faster than theirs.

After seeing the battle just now, how could they not be anxious.

Dijiang put away the blood and qi wrapped around his body and looked at the prehistoric sky.

"It seems that this is the only way now!" Dijiang sighed, his eyes showing reluctance.

"Big brother?" Xuanming and others were puzzled and a little confused.

Dijiang glanced at the few people and said in a deep voice: "You all practice well, I will be back soon."

After that, without waiting for Xuanming and others to ask, his figure had disappeared in the temple.

The people by the blood pool looked at each other, all frowned, and were a little confused.

In the past, no matter what plans the brother had, he would discuss them with them, but recently he has been less and less.

It was just a thought in his mind, and Xuanming and others were too lazy to think about it.

If it weren't for the big brother, they might all have been captured by Tianyuan.

The few ancestor witches put away their distracting thoughts and began to concentrate on absorbing the surrounding qi and blood and practicing quietly.

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