Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 151: The Plot of the Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang

In the Sun Palace of the 33rd Heaven of the Demon Court, Di Jun and Tai Yi sat opposite each other, each with an uglier look than the other.

Earlier, it was because of the fear of Buzhou Mountain that the Demon Court repeatedly endured Tian Yuan's rampantness.

Because of the matter of the ten princes, they had to confront it, but they didn't know that the power of Buzhou Mountain was far beyond their imagination.

Donghuang Tai Yi, who was carrying the innate treasure, had no ability to resist in front of Buzhou Mountain.

The vast power fell, and even the Chaos Bell could not resist.

If it weren't for the luck of the Demon Court in the end, Di Jun might have been suppressed by the stone man.

Chang Xi and Kun Peng, who were standing below, and Bai Ze, the head of the demon saint, didn't say a word.

They knew the strength of the two demon kings very well, and naturally understood the power of Buzhou Mountain even more.

It was just that Tian Yuan's control over Buzhou Mountain shocked them all, and even Di Jun and Tai Yi were no exception.

Buzhou Mountain was transformed from Pangu's spine, representing the other party's will to never surrender. Logically speaking, even if it is related to living beings, it is the ancestor witch in Pangu Temple, and what is Tianyuan's identity.

The two brothers were born in the Sun Star, so they can arouse the will of the Sun Star. Is Tianyuan the stone man born in Buzhou Mountain?

However, Tianyuan is too mysterious, and there is still no specific information for such a long time.

If you want to find out the reason, there is only that space on Buzhou Mountain, but unfortunately they can't enter it.

Finally, Di Jun's cold words sounded: "Bai Ze, how is the refining of the Great Zhoutian Star Banner?"

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array requires the refining of 365 Great Zhoutian Star Banners and 14,800 Small Zhoutian Star Banners.

The Star Banner, whether it is the Great Zhoutian Main Banner or the Small Zhoutian Secondary Banner, each one is completely different.

They correspond to 365 main stars and 14,800 secondary stars respectively.

Finally, with the power of hundreds of millions of demons, one person represents a star, and with Di Jun and Tai Yi as the center of the formation, a powerful Zhoutian Star Array can be formed.

This formation is integrated with the external space, summoning the Zhoutian universe star power and the power of hundreds of millions of stars.

As long as this formation is thoroughly refined, it can completely resist the power of Buzhou Mountain.

Over the years, 14,800 secondary flags have been completely refined, but the 365 main flags are very troublesome.

Now that the prince of the demon court and Xihe have been captured by Tianyuan, we must speed up.

"It has been completed for the most part, but it takes some time to collect the power of the stars!" Bai Ze arched his hands and responded respectfully.

The star flag is not an ordinary magic weapon. The other materials for refining are easy to say, but the star power, one of the main materials, needs to be collected from the corresponding stars, which takes a lot of time.

Emperor Jun frowned and said in a deep voice: "Three thousand years, three thousand years, I want the Zhoutian Xingdou formation to be completely perfect!"

Three thousand years is the longest period that Emperor Jun can tolerate. If it drags on, the ten great golden crows and Xihe may all defect to Tianyuan.

The prehistoric world is huge, with so many creatures, and the magical powers and magics they possess are even more bizarre.

A group of ancestor witches were easily rebellious by Tianyuan, and Emperor Jun was not sure how long the princes and Xihe could hold on.

The earlier Chitie and Fuxi were fine, after all, they were outsiders, but the ten little golden crows were different, they were the princes of the demon court.

If they were subdued by the stone man, how could they still walk in the prehistoric world.

Even if they unified the prehistoric world, it would be a stain that could not be erased in their lifetime, so they must be rescued as soon as possible.

"Bai Ze understands!" Bai Ze was stunned and accepted the order respectfully.

Although he was in the demon court, he immediately knew what happened in Buzhou Mountain.

Since it was about the ten princes of the Demon Court, Bai Ze did not dare to be careless. He bowed to the two demon kings and turned to walk out of the hall.

Although the Star Banner was only an acquired spiritual treasure, it also took time to refine it.

Three thousand years was a short time. It was impossible to do it at the current progress. Now we had to speed up.

Chang Xi in the hall heard the words and greeted the people in the field and followed Bai Ze's pace.

Seeing the two leave, Di Jun looked at Kunpeng.

"Master Demon, the matter of Hongyun will take some time."

It took thousands of years, although they found the Fire Cloud Cave from time to time.

However, the will of the Fire Cloud Cave was revived, and they did not even see Hongyun.

Now that such a thing happened again, he had to gather all the luck of the Demon Court to help Donghuang Taiyi completely refine the Chaos Bell.

Although the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array was amazing, the only way to break the space on Mount Buzhou was the Chaos Bell.

Not only to rescue the ten princes and Xihe, but also to deal with Tianyuan, the stone man.

Although Hongyun was blessed, it was obvious that Tianyuan was the source. In terms of threat, Tianyuan was far above Hongyun.

Hearing what Dijun said, Kunpeng sighed in his heart.

After seeing what happened on Mount Buzhou, he guessed the current situation.

"Kunpeng understands that the Demon King should put the overall situation first!" Kunpeng responded with a bow, but still couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Thinking from another perspective, Kunpeng also knew that even if he sent more people to search, it would be difficult to find Hongyun.

Feeling Kunpeng's loss, Dijun spoke again: "Don't worry, Demon Master. If Hongyun appears in the prehistoric land, we will lend you a helping hand."

Huoyun Cave is a place of human destiny. Hongyun is also closely related to Tianyuan and is also a great enemy of the Demon Court.

Kunpeng nodded and was about to leave, but immediately turned around and looked outside the Sun Palace.

Dijun and Taiyi, who were sitting quietly at the top, also stood up slowly and looked at the distance with cold faces.

Outside the Sun Palace, the evil spirit was rolling, the blood was surging, and a violent and crazy breath surged out.

Emperor Jun strode over, looked at the figure hidden in the void, and shouted in a deep voice: "Di Jiang! What are you doing in my Sun Palace?"

The Sun Palace is still above the thirty-third heaven, which is the place where the two demon kings practiced in seclusion. How dare Di Jiang come here.

Did he see them being defeated on Mount Buzhou, so he came to laugh at them?

The thought flashed through Di Jun's mind, and he couldn't help but be secretly angry in his heart, but when he felt the rolling pressure, he couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

The perfection of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

After a while, the ancestor witch Di Jiang actually reached the peak of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

However, Di Jun was not afraid, because this was the base camp of the demon court, and the peak of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal could also suppress it.

It's just that Di Jiang's figure has been hidden in the void, and he didn't step out easily, and he didn't feel the breath of other ancestor witches around.

The space speed ancestor witch Di Jiang, I'm afraid that they haven't started the formation yet, and the other party has already escaped.

Taiyi did not speak, but the Chaos Bell beside him was faintly visible, and a five-color light burst out.

In this world, except for Tianyuan standing on Mount Buzhou, he was not afraid of anyone. Even if it was Dijiang, whose realm was higher than his, Taiyi did not care at all.

Looking at Taiyi and the others who were ready to go, Dijiang hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the two demon kings, Dijiang is not here to fight."

Dijiang's words made the three people in the field confused.

The witches and liches have been fighting for many years, and they all regard each other as their biggest enemy.

In the first war, many witches and liches died. Whenever witches and liches meet, there will be a war.

Now Dijiang went to the demon court alone, which was really strange.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of several people, Dijiang did not care, and said in a deep voice: "This time, I came to attack Tianyuan with the demon king."

The three people of Dijun, who were already puzzled, were all stunned, with strange eyes.

The Wu clan is notoriously brainless, and the ancestors of the Wu clan are all reckless men. Now Emperor Jiang actually wants them to discuss things.

These Wu clans who can only wave their fists and howl, are starting to use their brains?

"Humph! A mere Tianyuan, what do we in the Demon Court fear?" Emperor Jun looked indifferent, with cold eyes.

It is obvious that Emperor Jiang saw that they suffered a loss at the hands of Tianyuan, so he came to the Demon Court to discuss with them.

Thinking of the humiliation on Mount Buzhou, Emperor Jun was furious.

If Mount Buzhou was not strange, why would they be so embarrassed.

Although they suffered a great loss at the hands of Tianyuan, Emperor Jun had no intention of joining forces with the Wu clan.

Although the ancestors of the Wu clan led the Wu clan to retreat to Pangu Temple, the Wu clan was still shrouded in a lot of luck.

A group of brainless guys, after getting rid of Tianyuan, the Wu clan will also disappear under the front of the Demon Court.

Facing Di Jun's refusal, Di Jiang was not angry, but said slowly: "I know that the Demon Court is looking for Hongyun, maybe it can help you find the Fire Cloud Cave!"

Although Di Jiang also hated the demon clan, he was more angry with Tian Yuan, the stone man.

If it weren't for Tian Yuan, why would the twelve witch ancestors kill each other, and the tribesmen shrink in the blood pool.

The prehistoric world was opened by the Father God, and the witch clan, as the authentic Pangu, could only shrink in one place, which was absolutely a great shame.

The root of all this is Tian Yuan.

As long as Tian Yuan is removed, Hou Tu and others will return, and their ancestor witches can also obtain the fortune on Buzhou Mountain.

The twelve witch ancestors reunited and took charge of Buzhou Mountain. Why fear this mere demon court?

Di Jiang's words shocked the three people in the field, especially the demon master Kun Peng.

The two demon kings gave up the search, and he could only search slowly by himself. Unexpectedly, a turnaround came so soon.

The ancestor witches' spirits are weak, but they are born with laws and can communicate with the spirits of heaven and earth. In some aspects, they are indeed stronger than the demons.

Although he was extremely excited, Kunpeng's expression was not abnormal.

This matter concerns the entire demon court, and the two demon kings have to make the decision.

In the dark red blood wave, a materialized sight swept across, and Dijiang continued: "The two demon kings can consider it. I will send the information about the Fire Cloud Cave later."

After speaking, Dijiang, regardless of the reactions of several people, slowly fell into the void.

As Dijiang left, the surging blood waves around him quickly shrank and disappeared in an instant.

There were many figures flying in the air in the distance. It was Bai Ze who had just left, leading a group of demon saints to escape.

How could the demon master Kunpeng bear it, and hurriedly said: "Demon King! This matter can be planned!"

Taiyi glanced at the direction where Dijiang left, gestured slightly to Dijun, and disappeared in the air.

He didn't want to care about Hongyun's affairs. Now rescuing his ten nephews was the top priority.

Meeting Kunpeng's eyes, Di Jun replied calmly: "This matter is entirely in the hands of the demon master."

After saying that, he followed Taiyi's figure and disappeared outside the Sun Palace.

Looking at the two demon kings leaving, Kunpeng understood and his eyes sparkled.

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