Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 152 It hurts me too

In the eastern land, in an ordinary small valley.

There is a cave with red clouds in the middle, and a figure sitting quietly on the auspicious cloud in the deepest part.

The other party is wearing a fiery red robe, with a rough face, and his hand is hitting the white cloud in front of him.

The cloud is white as clouds, with wisps of five-colored light emanating, rendering it mysterious and extraordinary.

Hongyun stopped his hand and frowned and looked into the distance.

"Weird! Why are these ancestor witches here too?" Hongyun looked outside the Huoyun Cave with doubts between his eyebrows.

It would have been fine if Di Jun and Kunpeng came earlier, but now the ancestor witch Dijiang is also looking for him.

More importantly, there is a familiar figure behind Dijiang, who is the demon master Kunpeng.

The witch and the demon are fighting, one is the leader of the twelve ancestor witches, and the other is the demon master of the demon court. It's really weird that they are together.

But after just a glance, Hongyun didn't bother to pay attention.

Although Zhutian Qingyun is not an innate treasure, it also has forty-nine innate restrictions.

I don’t know whether it is because of the similar origin or the relationship with the Lord of Humanity, the refining of this treasure is unexpectedly smooth.

It has been less than ten thousand years, and he has refined more than forty restrictions.

So smooth, naturally, he will refine this treasure thoroughly in one go.

There is no need for Hongyun to order, the red clouds of Huoyun Cave surged, carrying him into the void again.

Whether it is the Demon King or the Ancestral Witch, they may have the means to find Huoyun Cave, but they can’t trap him at all.

The place where the destiny of humanity is, the place where the will of humanity gathers, it can be reached in an instant.

As long as he hides in this Huoyun Cave, no one can hurt him.

"Escaped again!" In that valley, Kunpeng looked angry.

After bidding farewell to the Demon King, he immediately went to the prehistoric land to find Dijiang.

He wasted his three-inch invincible tongue and easily persuaded Dijiang to go with him to find Hongyun.

Sure enough, the ancestor witch was really amazing. After a while, they found the location of the Fire Cloud Cave.

But just like before, the Fire Cloud Cave disappeared in an instant.

Dijiang stood there, his eyes sparkling, but he was a little shocked.

In order to destroy the stone man of Buzhou Mountain, he did not hesitate to lower himself and took the initiative to unite with the Demon Court.

As for agreeing to Kunpeng's request, Dijiang also had his own plans.

Hongyun had been to that space and must have known the changes there, but the aura of the Fire Cloud Cave just now surprised Dijiang.

The faintly dissipated fluctuations were very similar to the will of Buzhou Mountain.

At this moment, Dijiang knew in his heart that the Demon Court was definitely not looking for Hongyun just for the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

The other party might have something related to the will of Buzhou Mountain.

"Don't worry! As long as he is in the prehistoric land, he can't escape my detection." Glancing at Kunpeng beside him, Dijiang responded calmly. He now has more plans.

By capturing Hongyun, perhaps he could use him to understand the secrets of Tianyuan, which is what the ancestor witches desire most.

Because until now, Dijiang still doesn't understand why Tianyuan, a stone man, is favored by the Father God.

In the prehistoric world, they are the real Pangu authentics, and Buzhou Mountain should be controlled by their ancestor witches.

After saying this, Dijiang, without saying much, leaped into the void in front of him.

Looking at the departing figure, a strange color flashed across Kunpeng's eyes, and he also followed closely.

Dijiang has a little idea, and Kunpeng certainly knows it, after all, he also has a little calculation.

Dijiang is the ancestor witch of speed space, and Kunpeng is the fastest divine bird. The two disappeared in an instant.

In a lake, Dijiang found Huoyun Cave again. But as before, they didn't see anything, and Huoyun Cave took Hongyun away.

Time passed slowly, and Dijiang led Kunpeng through the mountains, rivers and lakes in the east, leaving many traces.

They found the Fire Cloud Cave again and again, but Hong Yun still did not appear.

"Damn it! How long will Hong Yun hide?" Looking at the Fire Cloud Cave that disappeared again, Kunpeng was angry.

Hong Yun was also a congenital sacred, and one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. Who didn't have pride?

Logically speaking, they looked for each other, and Hong Yun must have been angry, but he didn't show up at all.

Every time he found it, there was only a faint red glow, and nothing was left. This was not the Hong Yun in his memory at all.

The Hong Yun in his impression must have told him a lot of truths with great effort, and it was impossible for him to hide and not meet.

Kunpeng glanced at Di Jiang beside him, and his heart was slightly surprised.

The ancestor witch Di Jiang looked calm, not as irritable as expected.

These ancestor witches not only use their brains, but also change their violent temperaments in the past. It seems that the matter of the stone man has really hit them hard.

"Don't worry! He can't hide forever." Di Jiang turned his head slightly, and a gentle voice came.

He saw the strange color in Kunpeng's eyes, but Dijiang didn't care at all.

The ancestor witches are not brainless, they just don't like to use their brains. Because any difficulties they encounter can be solved directly with fists.

Since fists can solve all problems, why bother so much effort.

But they met Tianyuan, the stone man, who defeated them fiercely at their strongest side.

If it weren't for the future of the witch clan, how could he find the Sun Palace, let alone lead Kunpeng around.

In the war between witches and liches, many witches died.

But in order to deal with Tianyuan, to destroy that hateful stone man, and to regain the glory of the witch clan, he had to do this.

"What do these guys want to do?" Hong Yun stopped what he was doing and looked into the distance angrily.

Di Jun was just that before. Although he could be found, it would take a lot of time.

But Di Jiang didn't know what kind of means he had, and he found him easily and repeatedly.

Of course, Hongyun knew about the conflict with Kunpeng. Wasn't it because Zixiao Palace said, "Fellow Taoist, please give in," and she has been chasing him for so many years.

But he doesn't have any grudge against the Wu Clan. Even if he is angry with him because of Taoist Brother Tianyuan, he can't be so insistent.

Putting away the red clouds in front of the sky, he slowly stood up.

Taking one step forward, he was already outside the Fire Cloud Cave.

Di Jiang was trying to break through the will shrouded outside Huoyun Cave, but he didn't know that a figure flashed in front of him, and a figure appeared, it was that Hongyun.

"Fellow Taoist! I had no enmity with you and other ancestral witches in the past. Why do you keep searching for my cave?" Without Di Jiang's methods, Kunpeng would never have been able to find him.

Seeing Hongyun finally appear, Di Jiang was overjoyed.

After scanning the opponent's realm, his eyes lit up, and the wings on his back suddenly flapped slightly.

In the dark void, wisps of silver brilliance flickered, slowly spreading towards the surroundings.

Fire Cloud Cave is shrouded in will, and Di Jiang doesn't know what other methods Hong Yun has. Now that the other party has appeared, he cannot be allowed to escape back to the dojo.

Kunpeng next to him was also ecstatic, but he did not dare to move rashly and did not say a word.

He only killed two corpses and was confident in his speed, but the Fire Cloud Cave was right next to him, so it was better not to alarm Hong Yun just in case.

Di Jiang stepped forward slowly and said gently: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist Hongyun. Di Jiang came here this time for those brothers. Tianyuan captured many of my clan members. Fellow Taoist, you have been to that space, do you know how they are?"

Hongyun was only in the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, so Dijiang didn't take him seriously, but Buzhoushan's will cast a huge shadow on him, so he needed to be very careful.

Only by delaying time and isolating this space can Hong Yun be captured 100%.

Hong Yun was stunned. She didn't expect that Di Jiang was doing this because of these things, and most of the anger in her heart disappeared instantly.

Thinking of the many earth veins in Buzhou Mountain's consciousness space, Hongyun couldn't help but said sincerely: "Those Wu clans are all very good, and they are all benefiting the ancient world.

We admire Taoist brother Tianyuan for his great righteousness. Taoist friends should let go of their prejudices and lead a group of clan members to the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain to sort out and purify many earth veins. Only then can we follow the right path. "

There are still many shamans in Pangu Temple. If they can be persuaded to go, Tianyuan will definitely be very happy.

Hongyun, who was thinking in his mind, worked harder to introduce the situation of the earth's veins in the eastern land.

Di Jiang naturally knew this. Hou Tu had told him a long time ago, but he didn't pay attention at all.

Kunpeng next to him listened carefully, with surprise flashing in his eyes.

Although Yaoting had inquired about Tianyuan for a long time, it did not know any information about that space.

Sorting out and purifying the earth's veins is Tianyuan's real purpose of capturing the two Lich clans everywhere.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Dijiang beside him. Kunpeng thought that he was right.

Just when Hongyun was talking enthusiastically, he suddenly saw silver light flashing around him, covering all three of them.

"Fellow Taoist Emperor Dijiang, what is this?" Hongyun looked at Dijiang opposite with a sullen face.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he saw five colors of light blooming around him, and the heavenly clouds were already hanging above his head.

Through the blooming light, Hongyun saw the Dijiang River very close at hand.

The other party had a violent aura all over his body, and his violent body collided with the rays of light hanging down from the qingyun in the sky.

Di Jiang's sudden attack shocked Hongyun, and he immediately said angrily: "Fellow Taoist! You, you, you."

He kindly showed the way to the Wu clan, but Di Jiang was plotting against him. How could this not make Hongyun angry?

Di Jiang, who was resisted, also looked shocked and shouted: "First the innate treasure! How come you also have the innate treasure?"

He is the pinnacle of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and the only thing that can withstand him is the innate treasure. Besides, he had fought against Taiyi before, so he would definitely not feel wrong.

The thing hanging above Hong Yun's head now is an innate treasure.

Di Jiang, who looked shocked, was hit hard again.

Countless golden lanterns, golden lotuses, necklaces, and hanging beads fell all over the sky from the Qingyun, like a steady stream of water dripping from the eaves, blocking his figure.

Kunpeng, who was waiting next to him, was also stunned, and then let out an angry roar.

He unleashed a magical power and escaped with a powerful figure, but he was also easily blocked.

It is an innate treasure that can ward off all evils and avoid all dharmas!

Hongmeng Purple Qi, it must be because of Hongmeng Purple Qi that Hongyun received such great fortune on Mount Buzhou.

This opportunity should have been his, but now it was all taken by Hongyun.

"Roar! It hurts me!" Kunpeng let out an angry roar, his voice full of unwillingness.

Hongyun has an innate treasure to protect her, so what hope does Hongmeng Ziqi have?

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