Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 154 Billions of stars fall towards Buzhou Mountain

Tian Yuan stood up slowly, looking at the starry sky above his head.

As the rolling momentum fell, it was as if billions of stars in the starry sky fell, which made people tremble.

"Brother Dao!"

At the first moment, Hong Yun fled from a distance and looked at the top of his head in horror.

In the shining stars, huge stars can be vaguely seen. The demon court is attacking with billions of stars in the prehistoric world.

Feeling the powerful might coming in the face, Tian Yuan responded calmly: "It is the demon court's Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array!"

The demon court's Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array, Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, the Wu clan's Twelve Dutian Shensha Great Array, and the Zhuxian Sword Array are the four top innate formations in the prehistoric world.

Except for the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, which is mainly for defense, the rest are killing formations, mainly for killing.

I heard that this formation can hurt saints, and now I see that it is really true.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array is taken from the infinite starry sky in the prehistoric world, and it is also the top trend between heaven and earth.

Tianyuan didn't expect that the Demon Court would refine this formation so quickly and use it to deal with him directly.

Originally, in the witch and demon calamity, the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation was used to fight against the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation. Now it is probably heading for Buzhou Mountain.

"Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation?" Hongyun exclaimed.

Although he had never heard of this formation, he could also understand a little from the literal meaning. It should be to use the power of the stars in the sky to kill the enemy.

Hongyun, with a trembling face, used his magical powers to look and saw that there were indeed great demons standing among the many dazzling stars.

They waved flags in their hands, and were covered with rich starlight. The realm was at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, and many of them had broken into the ranks of quasi-saints. Dijun and Taiyi were using all the power of the Demon Court to attack Buzhou Mountain.

Thinking of this, Hongyun couldn't help but shrink a little in his heart.

He knew that Tianyuan was powerful and knew the power of Buzhou Mountain, but the Demon Court had invested a lot this time.

Hong Yun, who was worried, turned to look at Tian Yuan, but saw that he looked calm and not panicked at all.

"Brother Tian Yuan is really amazing. He doesn't change his expression in such a situation." Hong Yun thought to himself.

He stood beside him and looked up at the sky quietly.

In the Pangu Temple at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the ancestors of witches who were in meditation woke up one by one. Some were confused, some were puzzled, and some were excited, but without exception, they all looked up.

The vast power covering the sky made several people look shocked.

In the battle between witches and demons, except for Taiyi's Chaos Bell, they, the ancestors of witches, have never been afraid of anything, but they didn't expect that the demon court had such a top-level formation.

Di Jiang looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain and said excitedly: "Gathering the power of the stars in the sky, the witch clan has turned a corner."

The joy in his voice could not be concealed.

Last time, Di Jun and Taiyi suffered a great loss on Buzhou Mountain. Now they are openly attacking, so they must have been fully prepared.

"Brother! What do you mean by that?" Xuanming frowned slightly, looking puzzled.

The Wu Clan was forced by Tianyuan to retreat into the Pangu Temple, and the eastern land they had originally occupied fell into the hands of the Demon Court, which made them angry for a long time.

Now that he saw that the Heavenly Court had such powerful means, why was the elder brother still so happy?

After all, whether it was Tianyuan or the Demon Court, they were the great enemies of their Wu Clan.

Zhurong and the others beside him all looked at them with attention.

Dijiang suppressed his excitement and said loudly: "At this moment, it is a great opportunity for our Wu Clan to attack the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain."

"Brother, do you mean that we should join forces with the Demon Court?" Zhurong's face sank slightly, and there was resistance in his eyes.

She didn't like Tianyuan, and she didn't like the Demon Court either. In the war between the witches and demons, many of the clansmen died in their hands.

Although the remaining Xuanming and the others didn't speak, they all meant this.

Looking at several people, Di Jiang said angrily: "Buzhou Mountain is so powerful that we can't get close to it. How can we rescue Zhu Jiuyin and others?"

Hearing what their brother said, they all kept silent.

They have experienced the power of Buzhou Mountain themselves and they can't resist it at all, let alone step on Buzhou Mountain.

It has been tens of thousands of years since Zhu Jiuyin and others were captured. If it drags on, they might turn against each other again.

It is indeed a great opportunity for the demon court to attack Buzhou Mountain.

If they are lucky enough to enter that space, they may not only be able to rescue Zhu Jiuyin and others, but also explore the secrets of Buzhou Mountain's consciousness space.

Although they were forced back to Pangu Temple by Tianyuan, they still did not give up their desire for Buzhou Mountain.

Xuan Ming sighed in his heart and had no choice but to respond: "Then listen to your brother's arrangement."

Zhu Rong and others did not speak, but there was no surprise in their eyes.


Emperor Jiang sighed softly and spoke again: "The most urgent task is to rescue the brothers and take back the opportunities of our Wu clan. When we take control of Buzhou Mountain, Hou Tu and others will definitely come back to the right path. What will the mere Demon Court mean to us then?"

Now that there are only a few brothers left, Emperor Jiang still has to take care of their emotions.

The formation of the Demon Court is not simple, but the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evils Formation of their Wu clan can summon the Father God.

Gathering the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan, Emperor Jiang is still very confident in the Wu clan.

Feeling the helplessness in Emperor Jiang's words, Xuan Ming and others just nodded gently.

Over the years, the brother has paid a lot for them. If Emperor Jiang hadn't found many opportunities, they would have been captured by Tian Yuan, and there would be no more Wu clan in the prehistoric land.

"Don't worry, we will wait and see. If the Demon Court can't break the Buzhou Mountain, we won't move." After saying this, Emperor Jiang stared at the Buzhou Mountain in the distance.

The other ancestors of the Wu clan stopped talking and looked into the distance.

Although they have fought with Tianyuan many times, they still know little about this stone man.

No matter how things go on, they can find out more about Tianyuan's methods.

Dijun and Taiyi, wearing dark yellow robes, are surrounded by imperial aura and bursting with golden flames of the sun.

As the flags waved, the power of stars continued to gather in the starry sky, and the momentum of the two people was rising rapidly.

The last time they knew that Hongyun had obtained the innate treasure, they went down to the prehistoric land together, but they didn't know that the other party escaped to Mount Buzhou, which made Dijun and Taiyi anxious.

It was unclear whether Tianyuan had an innate treasure, but since the accident of Hongyun had happened, they naturally had to seize the time.

After urging and tempering day and night, the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array was finally completely perfected.

At the first time, they led the demons of the Demon Court to conquer Tianyuan.

The star power that continued to gather began to bloom with dazzling starlight until it covered the golden flames surrounding the two.

The overflowing star power began to penetrate into the void around and merged with the space around Mount Buzhou.

The majestic and magnificent momentum shocked Kunpeng who was waiting on the side.

Before the formation was completely opened, he felt uncomfortable all over, and it was difficult to mobilize the mana and laws in his body.

In addition to being shocked, Kunpeng couldn't help but feel a strong expectation in his heart.

He had seen Hongyun, the guy he thought about day and night.

Hongyun had an innate treasure on him, and the two demon kings would never let him go. He didn't have a chance to get the magic weapon, but he still had a chance to get the Hongmeng purple air.

The starlight shone, as if the vast starry sky pressed down and fell on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

The Buzhou Mountain, which was originally standing proudly, also shook slightly at this moment, and immediately a strong Xuanhuang gas gushed out.

A thick Xuanhuang gas column rose from the top of Buzhou Mountain and poured into the sky.

The gas column was as powerful as a bamboo, piercing through countless voids and slamming into the shining stars in the sky.


The sky and the earth changed color, and the Xuanhuang gas mixed with rolling stars bloomed.

Unfortunately, under the blessing of the Zhoutian Star Array, the space was extremely solid and there was no sign of breaking.

Only in the dazzling light, billions of stars kept approaching.

From a distance, it seemed as if countless stars were falling, bringing with them a terrifying force.

"This Zhoutian Star Array is really terrifying." Hong Yun was trembling with disbelief in his eyes.

He was currently in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and he couldn't help but tremble after just a few glances.

The Zhoutian Star Array was beyond human power.

But the next second, he widened his eyes and shouted: "Stars, those stars"

Originally thought that the sky was just an illusion, but he didn't expect that there were really big and small stars falling, dragging long starlight and smashing towards Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan on the side couldn't help but take a breath, that was a projection of the sky full of stars. But it was formed by the power of the stars, all carrying the great power of heaven and earth, and it was not an exaggeration to say that the stars were falling.

At this moment, looking from afar, the sky above the entire Buzhou Mountain was filled with rumbling stars, almost covering the sky.

Tianyuan did not move, and the Zhoutian Star Array gathered the power of the entire starry sky.

This kind of power has exceeded that of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and he cannot resist it. The only thing he can rely on is Buzhou Mountain.

The towering Tianzhu made a humming sound, and a rich golden light bloomed on its surface.

With the sound of bang bang bang, all the stars were blocked. They exploded and turned into rich starlight accumulating on the surface of Buzhou Mountain.

Billions of demons gathered, and stars continued to condense, bombarding Buzhou Mountain endlessly.

"I still suffered the loss of not being able to move!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Tianyuan was depressed.

Fortunately, Buzhou Mountain is no longer the same as before, otherwise this continuous offensive may not be able to be resisted.

Billions of stars fell, and Buzhou Mountain stood proudly in the world, motionless.

Just as Tian Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, a loud bell sounded in the sky, and he immediately looked up.

It was the space within the golden light on the surface of Buzhou Mountain that shook slightly, and wrinkles rose.

Has the power of the Chaos Bell become stronger?

He had fought with Taiyi ten thousand years ago, and the power of that innate treasure was obviously not so strong.

Ding ding ding!

Before Tian Yuan could check carefully, three consecutive bell sounds were heard above the sky.

The space on the top of the mountain was completely shattered, and a void was revealed, which made Tian Yuan look stunned.

Buzhou Mountain's consciousness space, the innate treasure Chaos Bell actually forcibly broke through Buzhou Mountain's consciousness space, and the attack of the demon court was indeed not that simple.

Tian Yuan did not hesitate at all, and fled to the top of Buzhou Mountain.

He saw two bright star rays above his head intersecting and pouring into the broken void.

Di Jun and Tai Yi stood proudly on the long starlight, looking excitedly at the Buzhou Mountain consciousness space.

After just one glance, the two of them were overjoyed, and they felt the breath of the little golden crows.

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