Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 20 Kuafu is very angry

"It's Lord Kuafu!" Gungun beside him exclaimed with surprise in his eyes.

As the pet of the ancestor witch Houtu, it has naturally seen Kuafu more than once.

Kuafu's strength is very powerful in the entire witch clan, not to mention the Houtu tribe.

Gungun, with many thoughts in his mind, raised his head slightly and looked at Tianyuan.

He still has a very good impression of this stone man who has only known him for more than ten years.

Now that Kuafu has come, he must have known that the demon clan is catching witches everywhere.

Tianyuan's strength, it can feel that he should not have entered the Daluo Jinxian. If he encounters Kuafu, he will definitely not be his opponent.

Gungun was a little uneasy, but he saw a flash of light in front of him, and was carried into the soil.

"It's really the great witch Kuafu!" Tianyuan didn't hesitate at all and fled in the opposite direction.

He had guessed that huge and burly figure just now.

The great witch of the Daluo Jinxian, the witch clan really has a good plan.

The Zixiao Palace preached, and all the Daluo Jinxians would surely rush to the chaos. Who else in the prehistoric land could resist the sharp edge of the great witch?

The witch clan was able to dominate the prehistoric land at a very fast speed, and Hongjun's three preachings also contributed greatly.

The three thousand guests in the Zixiao Palace were all Daluo Jinxians, not including the creatures who died in the chaos. There would be more Daluo Jinxians in the prehistoric land.

Except for those innate sacred beings, the rest naturally came from the prehistoric tribes.

The timing chosen by the witch clan was really good. It is said that the witch clan has no brains, but it seems that it cannot be fully believed.

Feeling the breath approaching rapidly from a distance, Tianyuan hurriedly accelerated.

Although he was very envious of such a great witch, he dared not mess around now.

The witch clan was originally horrible in the flesh, and this Kuafu was a unique type of the witch clan, and seemed to have inherited the law of power of Pangu.

With his current strength, it would be better to slip away early, and the other party was likely to come for him.

Since the Great Witch has already appeared, he should hurry up to capture the Witch Clan. Maybe many Great Witches will come to capture him in a while, and maybe even the Ancestral Witch will come.

The void shook, and Kuafu stopped in the air, frowning and looking around.

Just now, he saw a stone man waiting here from a distance, but what caught his attention was another breath, which seemed familiar.

Who knew that he had lost the trace of the stone man when he ran over quickly.

Kuafu, who was about to check carefully, turned and looked to the west. There was a faint roar coming from behind the mountains.

Kuafu remembered that there was a tribe of a group there.

"Not good!"

Kuafu's face sank, and his powerful body crossed the mountains in an instant.

Some familiar tribes were just in a panic, with figures running around. Many witches around the tribe seemed to be searching for something.

Just a glance, Kuafu's body was full of murderous aura, and his eyes were full of anger.

All the tribesmen above the Golden Immortal disappeared!

It was just a guess, but he didn't expect that it was really the purpose of his trip. It's just that this place is a long way from Buzhou Mountain, and the big monster is too rampant.

Before his figure landed, his voice was already shaking the fields. "What happened just now?"

Seeing Kuafu falling from the sky, the witches all around were ecstatic and ran forward one by one.

"Hello, Lord Kuafu!"

Kuafu didn't say anything, but looked at the witch in front.

The man was shocked, hurriedly stepped forward, and quickly responded: "My Lord, just now the sky was yellow and dusty, and the leader and many tribesmen disappeared."

After saying that, the witch was also confused.

They have been fighting with the monsters for a long time, and it is not uncommon for big monsters to attack small tribes, but they can't explain what is happening now.

That stone man!!! ! !

The stone man that he saw from afar just now flashed through Kuafu's mind.

The angry roar shook the tribesmen around and made them collapse to the ground. Kuafu had disappeared from the scene.

Returning to the area, Kuafu carefully checked and felt a weak fluctuation of mana, which was actually directed at the tribe just now.

Looking at the distant Buzhou Mountain in the sky, Kuafu jumped up with anger.

The incident started at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and the stone man escaped back?

After a while, Kuafu saw another witch tribe, just like before.

After a while, Kuafu's face was gloomy, and the evil spirit emanating from his body shook the surrounding void full of cracks.

Dozens of tribes were killed.

In addition, there were many witches at the foot of Buzhou Mountain whose lives and deaths were unknown. Kuafu was very angry!

He wanted to tear the stone man to pieces!

Tianyuan was slightly surprised when he heard the angry roar behind him and the raging evil spirit.

The violent witch was indeed very terrifying.

Unfortunately, after jumping back for a distance, he turned around again. He didn't plan to return to Buzhou Mountain now.

"What level did Kuafu reach in his cultivation?" Tianyuan thought to himself and asked the iron-eating beast next to him.

Gungun hesitated for a moment and replied with some worry: "He entered the Daluo Jinxian realm ten thousand years ago, and his strength is only lower than that of several ancestor witches."

It shouldn't take long for Kuafu to return.

Although Tianyuan only took away those witches, Gungun didn't know the details.

In the end, if something unexpected really happened, even if the master loved it, it would not have a good life.

No matter how strong Tianyuan is, he will definitely not be able to resist the entire witch clan!

Gungun is so worried!

"Breakthrough ten thousand years ago, that's probably the early stage!" Tianyuan thought to himself as he listened.

According to this calculation, the strength of the twelve ancestor witches should be around the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Catch more witches and make a little effort. Maybe we can get the twelve witch ancestors to clear and purify the earth veins, so that these guys won't make the prehistoric world so chaotic.

Thinking about it, Tianyuan became more and more excited and full of hope for the future.

The iron-eating beast accidentally caught a glimpse of Tianyuan's expression and his eyes were dull. "Why is he still excited?"

There is not only one great witch in the witch tribe, but also the twelve witch ancestors with terrifying strength.

Just now, he saw Kuafu running away quickly. He didn't think that this was the end, did he?

Having lived in the witch tribe for a while, Gungun still had some understanding of the witch tribe's methods. They could communicate with all things and spirits, and few monsters escaped their pursuit.

In its view, it was only a matter of time before Tianyuan was caught up by Kuafu.

Gungun was annoyed, but his figure flashed, and Tianyuan wrapped him and flew out of the ground.

There, it saw a witch tribe.

Looking at Tianyuan who spit out the magic weapon again, Gungun opened his mouth so wide that he could fit his little head.

Is this stone man a one-track-minded person? He dares to capture the Wu tribe in such a situation.

Tian Yuan didn't know what Gun Gun was thinking. He put away the Nine Heavens Xirang and looked at the mountains in the distance.

The surging blood and qi, there is another Wu tribe there, which seems to be quite large.

"I will definitely return with a full load this time!"

Tian Yuan patted his chest, full of energy.

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