Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 21 Breaking into the Golden Immortal Realm

Kuafu was very angry, very angry!

Along the way, many tribes were robbed.

The same method was used to capture tribesmen above the Golden Immortal level.

In his rage, he was a little confused. What on earth did this guy want to do?

He saw the tribe of Zuwu from afar. Kuafu, with a gloomy face, accelerated his flying speed.

Before he approached the tribe, he found many tribesmen searching outside, and his heart sank immediately.

He jumped down, and as he thought, even the Zuwu tribe was robbed, leaving only tribesmen below the Golden Immortal level.

From the tribesmen, Kuafu also confirmed that the instigator of the incident was really the hateful stone man, and the other party also took away the pet of Zuwu.

Stone man?

This thing is weak and relatively rare, and more importantly, it is not delicious.

The witch tribe killed many monsters, but they had no interest in them. Why did this guy capture witches everywhere? Kuafu felt that things were getting weirder and weirder.

Is there someone behind the other party?

Kuafu didn't know, but the most urgent thing was to catch this guy.

No matter who was behind him, he couldn't let him go. As for those tribesmen, they could only pray in their hearts.

"Tsk tsk tsk! The harvest of these decades has exceeded the efforts of thousands of years in the past." Tianyuan was so excited when he glanced at the densely packed witches in the Nine Heavens Xiran.

Gungun, who was following beside him, was no longer happy.

After meeting Kuafu last time, this stone man not only did not restrain himself, but became more and more crazy. Now even it was afraid.

In just a dozen years, millions of witches were captured.

It didn't know how many tribesmen there were in the Houtu tribe, but millions of golden immortal witches would definitely make the ancestor witch furious.

Looking at Tianyuan's expression, it was obvious that he had no intention of stopping.

"Huh! They caught up so quickly!" The excited Tianyuan glanced behind him and was slightly surprised.

He felt a surge of blood from a distance, and the other party had no intention of hiding it at all. He was very familiar with that breath, it was the great witch Kuafu.

This was the fourth time he had noticed the other party since the first encounter, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Tian Yuan was not surprised that Kuafu was catching up so quickly.

He didn't think that the Wu Clan was that simple to dominate the prehistoric land, and the other party was a Daluo Jinxian.

There were wisps of Xuanhuang Qi around him, wrapping him and Gungun, and with a whoosh, the two disappeared in the field.

When the figure left, he saw that the mountains and rivers in that area were surging, the rivers were shifting, and the remaining breath was completely wiped out.

Sure enough, after a while, Kuafu's breath disappeared in the sky.

Under him was a completely unblocked and purified vein, and he could not be caught by the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Although he was only a perfect Taiyi Jinxian, Buzhou Mountain could not be simply evaluated by Taoism.

This is also the reason why he likes to travel underground, fast speed and conceal his whereabouts.

"Here! Little guy, reward for you!" Tian Yuan, happy, threw a Xingxingyun stone over.

After the little guy turned into a human form, he looked like a six-year-old child.

He was pink and tender, with fair skin and big eyes, and was still as cute as his original body.

Nebula stone, condensed by the power of stars and moonlight absorbed by the clouds, although it was not as good as the five-colored divine stone, it was also an extremely rare thing.

Looking at his favorite stone in his hand, Gungun suddenly felt very hot.

He sighed in his heart and was about to take a bite, but he saw Tianyuan suddenly stopped.

Gungun, who was puzzled, had no time to look up, and saw the other party laughing up to the sky, with an excited expression.

? ? ?

Before he could see what was going on, he was blown away by a strong momentum and rolled out of the ground in a mess.

Tianyuan also followed closely, breaking out of the ground, exuding a majestic aura.

The fluctuation made Gungun's face change drastically.

"Daluo. Daluo Jinxian, he has broken through!" The nebula stone fell to the ground, and Gungun's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

As if thinking of something, his little face turned pale in an instant, and his big eyes were full of panic.

He had followed Tianyuan for decades, but he had never seen Tianyuan practice.

Those wizards must have been able to break through because the stone man refined those wizards who were taken away.

He asked Tianyuan more than once on the way, but the other party always avoided answering.

Tianyuan broke into the realm of Daluo Jinxian after swallowing the essence and blood of millions of wizards! ! !

The more he thought about it, the more certain Gungun was of this idea.

It's over! It's over!

Killing so many wizards is definitely a fight to the death. If the master punishes him, what should he do?

Looking at the nebula stone rolling at his feet, Gungun felt his mind go blank.

He obviously just wanted to act cute and eat and drink for free, how did he get involved in such a thing?

Standing proudly in the air, Tian Yuan looked at his rapidly shaking body, ecstatic.

There were continuous sounds of puffing, and the naked eye could see that many tiny impurities were crushed, and the laws poured into his body were strengthening his body.

At the chest, the Nine Heavens Xirang burst out with a rich nine-color light, covering him.

The twentieth branch, dredging and purifying the twentieth branch, he successfully entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Extending his right hand, the visible law of earth emerged and wrapped around his arm.

Before Jinxian, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can break through, Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian need to comprehend the laws and practice, and Daluo is the application of the laws.

Although it is only a gap in one realm, it is a tremendous change.

Looking at this world again, it is no longer the same as before.

The mountain is not a mountain, the water is not a water, there are Dao patterns engraved, and there is Dao rhyme shrouding it.

"No wonder many creatures cannot take this step in their entire lives." Tianyuan gently clenched his fist, and the wisp of law disappeared in his palm.

Tianyuan fell to the ground and slowly calmed down. He had already opened up a branch, and it was time to make room for those witches.

"Disappeared again, damn stone man!" Kuafu roared angrily, with blood in his eyes.

He was furious and smashed the mountains in front of him.

Under the roar, many mountaintops exploded, and the sky was shaken.

After knowing that the incident was caused by Tianyuan, he easily tracked down the other party's whereabouts.

But this hateful stone man did not hide, and was still capturing the witches everywhere. How could he not be angry.

The other party was not very good at Taoism, and he didn't know that the earth escape technique was amazing. Even he lost his trace repeatedly, and he played hide-and-seek with him.

This made the already angry Kuafu, who was already furious, unable to contain his anger.

Kuafu, who was about to communicate with the spirits of heaven and earth, suddenly frowned and looked towards the northeast.

Fluctuation, a powerful fluctuation.

Daluo Jinxian, it was that hateful stone man, he actually broke through.

Just a moment of surprise, Kuafu's terrifying body was covered with wandering thunder. He directly tore the space in front of him and fled towards the void.

He just entered Daluo for the first time, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

Now he just wanted to smash that hateful stone man into powder to eliminate his anger.

With a rumbling sound, Kuafu saw the hateful figure.

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