Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 23 The Manifestation of the Three Thousand Laws

The shock in his heart turned into endless anger!

Stoneman, that damn stoneman was hit by his punch, but he still wanted to catch the witch tribe.

The skilled movements and the direction of advance all made Kuafu crazy.

The flame of anger burned in his chest, he felt his blood rushing, roaring, and his heart seemed to burst out of the cavity.

The anger was suppressed to the extreme, but there was no way to vent it, and finally turned into a thunderous roar.

The void was instantly filled with dense cracks, and the evil spirit behind him covered the entire sky, but could not close the distance between the two.

After entering the Daluo Jinxian, the guy's speed became faster.

Did his punch just now really not hurt the other party at all?

Glancing at Kuafu chasing in the distance, Tianyuan turned and fled towards Buzhou Mountain.

After breaking into the Daluo Jinxian, the perception expanded by more than a hundred times, and the witch tribe under the divine consciousness visited all the tribes.

There were enough witches captured, and he needed to eliminate the weak white light left on his arm. He was also looking forward to the changes in the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain.

He could achieve today's achievements thanks to the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain, which was his greatest reliance.

Looking at the figure getting farther and farther behind him, Tianyuan muttered: "With this speed, it's no wonder that he was burned to death by ten little suns."

Because he had just swept away many witches, he did not escape underground.

Now with the iron-eating beast, Kuafu not only did not catch up with him, but was getting farther and farther away.

There are gains and losses. Under powerful forces, there must be shortcomings.

Shaking his head, Tianyuan didn't want to entangle with Kuafu, and led Gungun into the ground.

Millions of witches were thrown into the earth veins at one time, and it would not take long for them to break through again.

As for Kuafu, the great witch, it would be better to make plans after the breakthrough.

The battle of Daluo Jinxian could not be ended in a short time unless there was an absolute advantage, not to mention that the witches were still a group of tough guys.

The flesh of pure power is probably the best at sustained combat and time-consuming.

Seeing that Tianyuan had lost his trace, a yellow snake wrapped around Kuafu's shoulder jumped out and also disappeared into the soil.

Looking at the nearby Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan sighed in his heart: "The prehistoric world is really huge!"

This time, it took about three hundred years to go down the mountain, but it only took him a year to rush back. He seemed to still only stroll around the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

He also had a more intuitive understanding of the number of prehistoric creatures in his heart.

Millions of witches may be just a drop in the bucket for the entire witch clan.

In this way, how many creatures will be involved in the upcoming witch and demon catastrophe.

Hundreds of billions or even trillions? It is likely to be more.

Tianyuan stood in the air in contemplation, while Gungun next to him had bright eyes.

Buzhou Mountain, the place he longed for most in his life.

It is said that there are natural treasures everywhere, but Buzhou Mountain exudes a vast power. He has been there several times, but he always returned in embarrassment.

In the entire prehistoric land, only the Wu clan is not affected, which is why he followed the Tu.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tianyuan seems to come from Buzhou Mountain.

Before he could think about it, he was carried by a force and fell towards Buzhou Mountain.

Gungun was shocked. His strength was not enough to fly on Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan, who was in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, might be able to do it, but he definitely had no spare power to take care of him.

Sure enough, before he landed, a vast power fell and hit his soul directly. Gungun was shocked and shouted in panic: "Wait"

As soon as he spoke, he was stunned in the field, staring blankly at the surroundings.

That power disappeared in an instant, as if it did not exist.

As soon as the two landed, they saw a faint glow of rosy clouds. He saw the vast and boundless eastern land, which had reached the waist of Buzhou Mountain.

He actually came here and was not affected at all. This was something he dared not even think about.

Turning around, looking at the sky pillar that still had no top, Gun Gun was not mistaken, he was indeed on Mount Buzhou.

Glancing at the stunned Gun Gun, Tian Yuan naturally understood what he was thinking.

Mount Buzhou was his body. Although he could not jump up and hit people directly, it was still easy to control a little power.

"Stay well, don't run around!"

After saying that, his figure had disappeared from the scene.

He didn't mind having a pet, but Tian Yuan didn't think of taking the iron-eating beast to that space.

That was his biggest secret, and he could only go in and not out at the moment.

The indifferent voice woke Gun Gun up, and he quickly responded respectfully: "I know, master!"

Controlling the power of Mount Buzhou was a little beyond his cognition. And the instantaneous escape technique was obviously not an ordinary method.

This stone man who half-forced him away was far more mysterious than he imagined.

Tian Yuan did not hurt those witches, and he felt better. After all, his original intention was to find a place to lie down.

Tian Yuan just smiled when he heard the respectful address.

In a familiar place, the twenty earth veins in the east were golden, making the area sacred and gorgeous.

The Xuanhuang Qi covering Buzhou Mountain became more and more dense, as if a huge ring was covering the outside.

Tian Yuan, who was happy in his heart, was about to release the witches, but suddenly his body shook slightly and disappeared immediately.

He came to a vein that the demons were dredging, and Tian Yuan looked at the stone man in front of him in shock.

There are three thousand manifestations of Buzhou Mountain's will. Because of the ability to come and go freely, he has been dredging the earth veins with many demons.

And now, the stone man in front of him is covered with Xuanhuang Qi, and in the earth vein under his feet, rolling laws are pouring in.

He was very familiar with that law, which was the law of earth that he was best at.

It was clearly the will, without a fixed form, just a tool man, but now it has changed.


Tian Yuan took a deep breath and immediately calmed down.

After a few breaths, he opened his eyes, his face was full of joy.

Tian Yuan knew the reason, and he also knew more clearly why there were only three thousand stone men transformed by will.

They corresponded to three thousand laws. Because of his breakthrough, they resonated with Buzhou Mountain, and the law of earth was revived.

The stone man in front of him had no life, but was just the manifestation of the purest law, but he had Taoism.

"Haha." Tian Yuan laughed up to the sky, with great joy in his heart.

This is the biggest change in the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain after entering the Daluo Jinxian, no, it should be said that it is a change in unblocking twenty branches.

The thorough manifestation of the law, Buzhou Mountain really began to gradually revive.

As long as the other laws are practiced to a certain degree, the corresponding laws can be activated one after another.

Of course, he can practice by himself or capture other Daluo Jinxian.

As long as the corresponding law can resonate, the law will be manifested.

Tianyuan thought of Kuafu at the first time!

The law of force, if he is captured, this volume of law will be manifested on a stone man.

At that time, he can use Buzhou Mountain to practice the law of force!

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