Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 24 Are there any brothers and sisters in Buzhou Mountain?

While in a good mood, Tian Yuan could not help but feel doubtful.

The earth veins were blocked and polluted, the three thousand laws were sealed, and Mount Buzhou seemed to be separated from the prehistoric world.

Was it man-made, or was it restricted by the heaven and earth? Tian Yuan was not sure.

In any case, dredging and purifying the earth veins was the practice of Mount Buzhou, and also his own practice.

When all the earth veins in the prehistoric land were dredged and repaired, perhaps he would know what it was specifically.

The momentum of the stone man in front of him was still rising, and after breaking into the Golden Immortal realm, he still had no intention of stopping.

"Senior?" A respectful and slightly tentative voice sounded.

Tian Yuan turned his head and saw the visitor, and nodded slightly.

He recognized the other party, the first demon he had captured.

The blood dragon's breathing stagnated, his expression was excited, and he hurriedly saluted respectfully: "Senior."

Stone men jumping around were seen from time to time, but they never spoke, they only worked hard to dredge the earth veins.

Just now, he heard a stone man laughing up to the sky, and he felt something was wrong. It was indeed Senior Tianyuan.

It has been almost two thousand years since he came to this space. Although he only saw Tianyuan at the beginning, Xue Jiao only had respect for this stone man who came and went without a trace.

The mystery of Tianyuan was far beyond his imagination.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er, who were following him, saw this and immediately stepped forward cautiously: "Xiong Da (Xiong Er) greets the senior."

Although they were knocked unconscious and brought back by Tianyuan, the two monsters only had endless respect for Tianyuan at this moment.

After dredging two earth veins, they are now only one step away from Taiyi Jinxian.

Giving people a gift is no less than the grace of preaching, and we will never forget it.

Glancing at the two honest guys, Tianyuan had some impression of the two honest bears brought by Xue Jiao.

Many monsters around were already suspicious. Now that they heard that the stone man was Senior Tianyuan, they immediately rushed forward one by one and greeted him respectfully.

It has not been long since they came here, but almost everyone has broken through at least one realm, and the slightly weaker ones have even broken through two realms. How can they not be grateful to Tianyuan?

Facing the fiery gazes around him, Tianyuan waved his hand and said, "The earth veins are limited. You should hurry up and don't miss the opportunity."

The witch clan's terrifying dredging speed, if these monsters don't work harder, it is highly likely that they will not be able to purify several branches.

Hearing Tianyuan's words, Xue Jiao and others were shocked, knowing that there might be creatures in other earth veins.

Looking at the stone man who was still breaking through in surprise, the monsters retreated respectfully.

Amid the sound of ding-dong, everyone's eyes were still focused on Tianyuan's two stone men.

The law of earth manifested the realm of the stone man, and after breaking into the Daluo Jinxian, it finally stopped.

From nothing to something, directly entering the Daluo Jinxian, it was the same as his realm.

Tianyuan was not too surprised. This stone man can be said to be a display of the Taoism of Buzhou Mountain.

Although the veins of Buzhou Mountain were polluted and there were inexplicable shackles on it, the Daluo was still not enough to show its strength.

Tianyuan guessed that the other party was only in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, probably because of him.

His cultivation limited this stone man!

Feeling the pure earth law in the other party's body, Tianyuan was about to step forward to study it carefully, but his body suddenly shook.

"Brother Buzhou, help."

A faint humming surrounded his ears, so faint that it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Tianyuan, who was frozen, immediately turned his head and looked at Buzhou Mountain behind him.

The sacred mountain shook slightly, and the Xuanhuang Qi covering Buzhou Mountain roared and burst into brilliant rays of light.

"What's going on?" Tianyuan was shocked. He didn't hear it wrong. Someone was calling Buzhou Mountain, and it was a woman.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tianyuan immediately sank his mind, and the vast will enveloped him. He was Buzhou Mountain.

After dredging twenty branches, Buzhou Mountain's will became much stronger.

Tianyuan clearly felt his own abnormal movement, but he had no idea about the voice just now.

The mixed consciousness between heaven and earth blocked everything, making it impossible for him to find out.

After waiting for a long time, Buzhou Mountain returned to peace, and the voice never sounded again.

In the earth veins, Tianyuan opened his eyes, with uncontrollable surprise in his eyes.

Earlier, I thought there were no living beings in this world, but now it seems that this is not the case, or it is not an ordinary living being.

The meaning of the words, what brothers and sisters does Buzhou Mountain have? But why don’t I know!

Kunlun Mountain? Shouyang Mountain? Or Xumi Mountain? Besides, there are male and female mountains?

The weak words have not been finished, but it is obviously a call for help.

Buzhou Mountain itself is miserable. If he hadn’t appeared, it would have been knocked away by a fool soon.

Tianyuan felt a little overwhelmed. It seems that this is not just as simple as Buzhou Mountain’s consciousness space.

Was the call for help from that voice because of the stone man in front of him?

The manifestation of the law of earth allowed the other party's voice to be transmitted here. Using the law as a medium?

Tian Yuan thought in his heart and carefully examined the stone man in front of him. In addition to feeling that the law was very pure, there was no other abnormality.

According to the current situation, if you want to know whether it is true or not, you can only capture a Daluo Jinxian and try it.

Zixiao Palace said that the Daluo Jinxian in the prehistoric land is probably only those few great witches.

It takes too much time to capture a great witch at the same level. If the Jiutian Xirang is completely restored, you may try it.

In any case, try to clear more veins as much as possible, and then all the mysteries will be solved.

Glancing at the monsters who were in doubt around him, Tian Yuan appeared in a brand new vein.

With a big wave of his hand, a figure slowly emerged. It was Wu Man.

As soon as he appeared, Wu Man immediately shot up and punched Tian Yuan.

Buzhou Mountain suddenly burst into endless rays of light, and many Wu clans ran out of the earth veins, including him.

Buzhou Mountain moved strangely, and as the authentic Pangu, they should look up and kneel down.

Who knew that as soon as he stood up, he was enveloped by the mysterious and yellow air. How could Wu Man not know what was going on in the familiar scene.

But he didn't expect that this time, he actually saw Tian Yuan, the stone man.

However, the figure that flew up was caught steadily in the air by Tian Yuan with one hand.

"The power is good, but there is still some gap compared to the great witch!" Tian Yuan smiled at Wu Man who was glaring at him.

After unblocking many earth veins, Wu Man's realm has improved again, but unfortunately he has entered the Golden Immortal of Daluo.

"Great witch? You can't even be a great witch!!!" Wu Man exclaimed in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

In the past thousand years, Tianyuan has never stopped capturing tribesmen. Did he even capture the Great Witch?

Tianyuan did not explain, and said softly: "I have to trouble you again!"

After that, his figure disappeared, and figures began to fall from the sky.

Seeing that Tianyuan disappeared in an instant, Wu Man was annoyed, and he didn't know how many tribesmen the stone man had captured.

Countless angry roars exploded, and the suppressed anger made Wu Man couldn't help but look sideways.

Just like when he first came, Tianyuan summoned a witch in the remaining ten veins one by one, and divided the millions of witches into different places.

Although putting all the witches into a branch vein is fast, the efficiency is somewhat low in the later stage.

To completely dredge a vein, you need to purify all the foreign matter in it.

He couldn't always pay attention to the specific situation of the dredging of the veins, and dispersing them would maximize the efficiency, after all, these guys were very fast.

Besides, he would go down the mountain later, and there would be more witches involved.

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