Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 27 Great Wizard Hou Yi

Looking at another tribe swept by Tianyuan in the distance, Kuafu's eyes were full of anger.

With a roar of unwillingness, the yellow snake hanging on his earlobe jumped out and disappeared in the air.

Although his dignity was important, Kuafu had no choice when it came to the lives of his tribe members.

He had all the strength, but he couldn't catch up, and he was just full of anger.

Given his own situation, if he dragged it on, it would only harm more tribe members.

Tianyuan glanced at Kuafu behind him and looked around in confusion. "The Houtu tribe obviously has many great witches, why haven't I met them yet?"

These hundred years have been fruitful, sweeping hundreds of tribes, but they are all small in number.

He hasn't met the main force of the Houtu tribe yet, at least the rumored Houyi has not been seen.

Tianyuan remembered that Kuafu and Houyi were both great witches of the Houtu tribe.

While thinking, he could only sigh at the vastness of the prehistoric land.

This is just on one vein. There are 108 branches in the east. The land of the east is so vast, not to mention the entire prehistoric world.

Shaking his head to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, Tianyuan no longer cared about the small tribes on both sides, but flew straight to the east.

Tianyuan estimated in his heart that the witches of the Houtu tribe should all gather in front.

Kuafu, who was chasing behind, didn't care at first, but after a while, his face changed suddenly.

Along the way, he remembered that there were many tribes on both sides. With Tianyuan's perception, he would definitely not miss them, but the other party turned a blind eye.

"Damn it! Damn it! What on earth does this stone man want to do?" Kuafu couldn't suppress his anger in his heart.

The witch tribe devours the demon tribe, and the demon tribe attacks the witch tribe. This is the rule of survival. There is nothing to say, but he has no idea of ​​Tianyuan's purpose.

Now the direction the other party is heading straight must be the front of the witch tribe.

The tribes that came along the way were just cleaning up the battlefield and declaring sovereignty. The main force is still in front.

Opening his mouth and sucking, Tianyuan took back the Nine Heavens Xirang, and passed the small tribe below. Tianyuan looked at the end of his sight.

Decades have passed, and there are still endless mountains, which makes Tianyuan very depressed.

No wonder the prehistoric world does not remember years, and it takes thousands of years to travel.

Glancing at his completely healed right arm, Tianyuan wondered whether he should continue to fly forward.

Maybe it will take hundreds or thousands of years, which means it will take the same time to come back, unless he breaks through.

"Forget it, I'll make plans after the realm breaks through!" After a little contemplation, Tianyuan made a decision.

The target with unknown specific distance may have a large number of witches, but the round trip will also take time.

The key time is that he is not sure how long it will take.

Although the scattered tribes around are small, it is not bad to accumulate a little.

Sweep a circle, wait until you enter the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, capture Kuafu, and then the speed will be faster, and you can go to farther places.

Just when he was about to let Kuafu temper his left hand, Tianyuan's mind suddenly trembled slightly, and he was enveloped by an inexplicable aura.

Without thinking, he plunged directly into the ground. But just as he fell, the space in front of him exploded.

Through the pierced void, Tianyuan vaguely saw a slender figure coming from the sky.

The body was no different from that of a human, but he had four eyes and six arms. At this moment, he held a bow in one hand and raised the other hand, looking at each other indifferently.

The great witch Houyi!

The name flashed through Tianyuan's mind for the first time, and his figure flew out in a slightly embarrassed manner. Fortunately, he was not the ancestor witch.

He had tasted Kuafu's fist, so Houyi's arrows naturally did not hurt him.


Seeing this, Kuafu, who was chasing behind him, howled excitedly, and then shouted loudly: "Brother, this beast's body is comparable to that of a great witch, don't let him go!"

It had been a while since the yellow snake left, and Houyi finally came.

With the help of my brothers, I must capture this stone man and smash him to pieces.

Houyi, who was crossing the void from a distance, narrowed his eyes and saw the stone man running away.

Then he pinched the string with his right hand, and the void was played five times in a row. The space in front of him was broken, and five invisible arrows shot out.

Tianyuan, who had escaped into the distance, was about to take a good look at Houyi, and his face changed slightly: "Damn! The law of space!"

The great wizard Houyi actually practiced the law of space!

Boom boom boom boom!

Tianyuan felt that he was hit from front to back, up and down, and there was a terrifying force surging from all directions.

His physical body was fine, but with such a delay, a huge wooden stick fell from his head.

He had been hanging Kuafu for so long, and this was the first time he was so embarrassed.

Tianyuan also roared and swung his right arm with a faint white light.


The space under him exploded, and many trees, sand and stones turned into nothingness. Kuafu's angry stick was pressed against his head.

"The law of force? Impossible!" Kuafu stared at Tianyuan's right arm with his eyes full of disbelief.

The law of force represents the Father God. Who else can master it except their Wu clan?

Moreover, when he fought with Tianyuan earlier, he did not find that Tianyuan had such means.

"It's just a small law of force, why are you so surprised!" Tianyuan raised his head, slammed his left fist on the wooden stick, and the whole person jumped out.

He did not learn the law of force, it was just the residual breath on his arm.

Kuafu took a closer look and found that he was wrong, but his face was also not good. He felt that Tianyuan's arm seemed a little different.

Houyi, who came through the air, had already seen Tianyuan's extraordinaryness and reached for the quiver on his back.

His arrows and his elder brother's power could not hurt the stone man.

The arrow was as black as ink, with a cold and dim light, and the bowstring was still pulled with one arm.

His hand loosened, and the arrow disappeared. Tian Yuan in the distance shrank in his heart and punched the space in front of him.

The void was broken, and with a ding sound, an arrow with a silver light was bounced away.

"Hiss! It hurts!" Tian Yuan grinned and retreated quickly.

Looking down, there was an obvious pit on his right fist, which was three inches deep.

Breaking the surface with a point, this Hou Yi's attack was also not inferior to Kua Fu.

Tian Yuan was surprised, and Hou Yi in the distance was even more shocked.

His arrow was made by the ancestor witch who killed the Daluo prehistoric alien species, taking its tendons and bones and combining them with many natural materials and treasures to refine, and it was also refined in the Pangu Temple for countless years.

This was the second time he used it. The first one directly killed a Daluo Jinxian demon.

Look at the stone man grinning in pain, but it is obviously just a superficial injury.

"Brother! Don't hold back!" Kuafu roared, and rushed forward with a wooden stick.

He had accumulated anger for hundreds of years, and he wanted to explode today.

He grasped the void, and the arrow returned to his palm. Houyi stretched out his other arm to the quiver and took out two arrows.

Including the arrow in his palm, he held the bow with both arms and pulled the string with both arms.

There were bright silver lights flashing on the three dark arrows, and the black lightning snakes moved back and forth.

Tianyuan, who was standing in the distance, clearly felt that he was locked by a powerful aura.

Is this the power of the great witch?

He was able to play with Kuafu all the way just because the other party couldn't catch up with him.

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