Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 28 Is the Stone Man Innately Divine?

"I'll see what you think of this arrow?" Houyi's expression was calm, but there was a silver light in his eyes.

The bowstring was slowly pulled to the full, and the three arrows in the shape of an arc burst into silver light, like three bright moons hanging.

There was no sound, and the space around the bowstring was broken like a mirror, and there was no shadow of the arrow on the string.

With his arms hanging down and the bow put away, Houyi stepped towards the stone man in the distance.

He sent his tribesmen to investigate, but did not wait for the report from his subordinates, but waited for the message from his elder brother.

The news from Kuafu shocked Houyi and made him more angry.

There were almost no obstacles along the way, but he didn't expect that there was a stone man behind him to stir up trouble and capture hundreds of thousands of tribesmen.

But now that he came, the stone man had no way to escape.

Feeling the invisible coldness approaching, Tianyuan plunged directly into the ground.

But although he was flying at full speed, he found that the soil around him was slowing down rapidly.

"The great witch is really not a simple character!" Tianyuan was depressed, and with a bang, an arrow exploded in front of him.

He flew out of the mud with his hands and feet dancing wildly, and then he felt his arms shake, and two arrows shot into his arms, ten inches deep, with far more power than before.

On the arrowheads with a faint glow, silver light wrapped in lightning snakes spread all over his body.

As a stone man, he actually had a slight twitch.

Before Tianyuan could make any other moves, his body froze, and he was actually fixed straight in the air.

This great witch Houyi is really powerful. Not only has he practiced the law of space, but the law of thunder is also not weak.

Both are the strongest laws of attack, and Houyi's strength is no worse than Kuafu.

Seeing Kuafu holding up the wooden stick, Houyi hurriedly shouted: "Brother, stop!"

He was naturally not concerned about Tianyuan, but worried about the tribesmen who were captured.

Hit by his divine arrow and imprisoned by the law of space, the stone man has no chance to escape.

He has captured millions of tribesmen, and they are all witches above the Golden Immortal, which is a number that cannot be easily ignored.

The furious Kuafu paused in the air and thought of the tribesmen who were swept away by Tianyuan.

However, before he could stop, he saw a nine-color light flashing on the stone man below who was grinning in pain.

There was a faint click in the air, as if an invisible mirror was broken.

Looking at the arrow that almost pierced his arm, Tianyuan also had a little fear of this great witch who shot the sun.

The stone body shook slightly, and two arrows jumped out. The law remaining in it made Tianyuan slightly happy.

Just now, I was thinking of asking Kuafu to temper my left hand, but now both hands were hit by Houyi.

Tempering the body with the law of space and the law of thunder should not be bad.

Glancing at Hou Yi in the distance, Tian Yuan had already had a faint idea of ​​retreating.

Two great witches, one close combat and one long-range attack, he was at a disadvantage.

Hou Yi was also a Daluo Jinxian, and he also mastered the law of space, so it was highly likely that he could not get close to him, and he was completely a living target.

Glancing at the arrow that fell in front of him, Tian Yuan reached out to grab it, but unexpectedly, a silver light flashed and it disappeared out of thin air.

"It's really an enviable law!" Tian Yuan muttered, patted his butt, turned around and fled towards Mount Buzhou.

He had eaten a lot of natural treasures on Mount Buzhou, but he was still best at the law of earth.

The most important thing in the prehistoric world is the roots. If there is no great opportunity, everything in the future is determined by birth.

Fortunately, he still has Mount Buzhou, and everything is possible.

Hou Yi obviously did not exert his full strength, and there were still many arrows in the opponent's quiver.

He had been out for a long time, and the witches he captured were also okay. It was time to go back.

As for the two great witches, it won’t be too late to come back after they break into the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian.

That day must be not far away.

The wooden stick in Kuafu’s hand was paused, and it smashed down with a stronger white light at a faster speed.

The earth shook violently, and the hilltops not far away seemed to jump slightly, but unfortunately there was no Tianyuan figure in the field.

Houyi grasped the void and caught the three arrows that came back, and his face was no longer as calm as before.

The initial test was just as the elder brother said. The stone man’s body is comparable to that of a great witch, but how can he break free from his spatial laws.

He did not feel any tyrannical laws on this stone man.

The nine-color glow that flashed just now must be a powerful innate spiritual treasure.

“Huh!” Houyi exhaled lightly, his expression a little solemn.

The body is strong, and there is an innate spiritual treasure on him.

Why does this mysterious stone man target the witch clan?

Hou Yi was thinking, and his hands were not slow. He pulled out two arrows again and fired five arrows at the same time.

"It really comes and goes without a trace, and the little sun shoots one at a time!" Feeling the faint fluctuations in the void, Tian Yuan was very depressed.

Sure enough, as soon as he felt it, he saw five arrows rushing out from the space in front of him, aiming directly at his limbs and head.

The arrows were clearly shot from behind, but suddenly appeared in front of him. He flew up as if he was going to deliver himself.

Facing the laws of space, with his current Taoism, there was no way to avoid it, and he had to bear it hard.

Tian Yuan did not hesitate at all, holding his head with both hands, curling his legs slightly, and turned into a huge stone lump to smash the five arrows.

Tian Yuan was still very confident in his own body, leaving at most a few small holes.

Just after contact, the huge stone ball flashed with nine-colored rays of light, paused for a moment, and still quickly fled forward.

Protected by the Nine Heavens Xirang, only a few long scratches were left.

"Top-grade innate spiritual treasure!" Hou Yi exclaimed in a low voice.

Spiritual treasures are spiritual, and it is difficult to find them without great luck, let alone the best innate spiritual treasures.

The best innate spiritual treasures that appear in the prehistoric world are all the companions of the innate sacred.

This stone man is an innate sacred? Then why doesn't he go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the teachings?

Things have completely exceeded Houyi's expectations. No wonder the elder brother was powerless for so long.

Houyi's body was shining with silver light, and he quickly chased Tianyuan. "Brother, leave this beast to me."

He is good at escape, has a strong body, and has a top-grade innate spiritual treasure to protect him. He is a tough guy.

Hearing this, Kuafu was unwilling in his heart. He originally thought that after Houyi appeared, the anger that had been suppressed for hundreds of years would be vented, and Tianyuan would not be able to escape from their hands.

Who knew that this stone man was hiding something, and even Houyi's arrows could not do anything to him.

Looking at Houyi who was chasing quickly, Kuafu did not say a word, but just rumbled and chased forward.

No matter what, this time he must smash this stone man.

Tian Yuan touched his chest and whispered: "If the spiritual treasure is not defective, how can I be hurt."

The Nine Heavens Xiran is the origin of the earth. In addition to capturing people, its most powerful defense is unparalleled.

A handful of loess can rise and fall with external attacks. You are big, I am big, you are small, I am small, follow and move, tough and dense, impeccable.

It has not been completely repaired yet, otherwise, with the innate Wu Earth Divine Thunder in it, why fear a mere Hou Yi.

When you break into the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, you can rely on this treasure to capture the great witch.

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