Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 6 Xiong Er feels ridiculous

The sound of "dong-dong-dong" kept coming. The more the banging, the more surprised Xiong Da became.

From the aura displayed by the blood dragon just now, he estimated that the other party had not yet entered the Taiyi realm, and was also in the Golden Immortal realm.

The one who stayed to cooperate with the blood dragon was not only what the other party said, but also the mysterious Tian Yuan.

To capture him casually and still be able to sit in such a blessed place, he must be a person with great supernatural powers.

I just didn't expect that it would be so laborious for the two of them to work together to knock such a palm-sized stone.

In the ancient land, although the Golden Immortal was nothing, he no longer had to live in one place and could travel everywhere.

Flying to the sky, escaping from the earth, and crossing rivers and seas were no problem. It was so difficult to get a stone. Now he wanted to see what the origin of this miscellaneous stone was.

Finally, after a while, all the five tentacles attached to it were smashed. With a squeaking sound, the rocks disappeared in the red mist.

Xiong Da looked confused and stepped forward. He thought about knocking it down and studying it, but he disappeared in an instant.

He looked at the blood dragon in confusion, but before he could speak, his body trembled slightly.

A pair of big round eyes quickly closed, carefully sensing the changes in the body.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and saw a smiling blood dragon.

"It's really a great blessing!" Xiong Da swallowed, a little unbelievable.

After entering the Golden Immortal state, no matter how subtle the change in the body is, it cannot escape the influence of the soul.

It was as if a weak flow of air had just poured into the body, making the soul clear.

During the journey of cultivation, before becoming a Golden Immortal, you only need to absorb spiritual energy and practice. Even if you do nothing, as long as you live long enough, you can be infinitely close to the Golden Immortal.

But if you want to break into the Golden Immortal realm, you need to communicate with the laws of heaven and earth and find your own way.

The weak air flow just now enhanced his understanding of the law.

The deeper the understanding of the law, the easier it will naturally be to break through the current state.

The blood dragon nodded and said sincerely: "This is all the kindness of Senior Tianyuan, we should keep it in our hearts!"

Earlier, it was more and more difficult for him to practice because of the karma carried by the Dragon Clan, but he had only been here for a long time, and the feeling of being confused about the road ahead had already disappeared.

Maybe it won't take long for him to become a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Xiong Da faced the sacred mountain, straightened his body, and bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Senior Tianyuan!"

Although he was full of doubts at the moment, this kind of kindness was no weaker than the kindness of preaching. Xiong Da was sincerely grateful.

Unexpectedly, just as he stood up, a dark shadow fell in front of him.

There was a 'dong' sound, and a bear demon with flowing silver hair lay on the ground. Then a pickaxe fell and hit the opponent on the head.

Seeing the guy brought by Tianyuan again, the blood dragon looked strange.

But Xiong Da ran forward excitedly, slapped the person who came, shook his head and shouted: "Second brother! Second brother!"

Just now, I was thinking that this opportunity would fall on my brother, but I didn't expect that I would see him above him in a blink of an eye.


With an angry roar, Xiong Er looked at the strong man in front of him and exclaimed loudly: "Brother, why are you here? Such rich spiritual energy, this, this, this..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiong Er stared in front of him with wide eyes.

He was basking in the sun at the entrance of his cave, when a stone man fell from the sky and knocked him out with one punch.

When I woke up again, I actually saw my elder brother and came to such a blessed place.

He stood up, opened his huge mouth, and sucked in hard, but he was stunned instantly, and the spiritual energy around him was not affected.

After just a slight pause, he swallowed again, while the mana was running through his body.

Seeing his second brother's actions, Xiong Damian felt embarrassed, and slapped him: "Second brother, don't bother, we can't absorb this spiritual energy."

Faced with his brother's slap, Xiong Er didn't care and looked around with a blank expression.

The flowing golden aura was like a vast ocean with no end in sight, and his bear eyes were already blazing with fire.

As for the blood dragon standing beside him, he had long ignored it.

Seeing his brother who was still working hard to absorb spiritual energy, Xiong Da could only talk about sorting out the earth's veins.

"Brother, this earth-shattering blessing will definitely give birth to many babies. How can we have time to sort out the earth's veins." Xiong Er shook his head repeatedly and looked at the stone man in the distance.

The top priority is to study this place carefully, and then find a secret place to retreat and meditate.

Those stone men were knocking and knocking, as if they were digging for treasure.

"You idiot! Sorting out the earth's veins is a feat that will benefit the whole world. It may also bring merits and be of great benefit to practice." Xiong was so angry that he gave his brother a brain with his backhand.

Blood dragon.

Xiong Er came back to his senses and rubbed his head with a look of aggrievement.

Although they sit on two hills, they are brothers of the same mind. What the eldest brother said may be true.

When Xiong Da explained it in detail, Xiong Er felt a little unbelievable.

He is just a little bear in the Golden Immortal Realm. Does he need to accomplish such a big thing as benefiting the ancient world?

Xiong Er feels ridiculous!

Regardless of Xiong Er, who was still in shock, Xiong Da quickly pulled him forward. "Second brother, this is Fellow Blood Dragon Daoist!"

"Brother Dao! This is my second brother Xiong Er!"

Xiong Da was very happy when the brothers got together and received such a shocking blessing.

He handed over the blood dragon. It was Senior Tianyuan who brought it to him. From now on, he will sort out the earth's veins together. You should be polite.

Xiong Er transformed into a strong man in silver and bowed his hands in greeting: "I've seen Brother Tao!"

His eyes were still full of doubts.

Except for the three of them, this earth line seems to be full of stone people.

"Brother Dao, we hit it off right away. How about we become brothers of different surnames?" Xiong Da suddenly spoke, looking at Xue Jiao with enthusiasm.

Xue Jiao was stunned, a little surprised.

After the catastrophe, although the dragon clan still had some strength, it was not easy to live in the prehistoric world, otherwise it would not have to retreat to the sea.

After thinking for a while, Xue Jiao understood Xiong Da's idea, probably because of Senior Tianyuan.

He came here first, maybe he thought he had a close relationship with the senior.

Thinking of his situation at that time, Xue Jiao felt helpless, nodded and said: "Brother Dao is so enthusiastic, it's just what I want!"

The two monsters are also prehistoric species, and they will be extraordinary in the future if they get the current fortune.

Xue Jiao agreed readily, Xiong Da was very happy, and immediately shouted respectfully: "Brother!"

Seeing that Xiong Er did not move, he quickly gave him a slap on the back of his head. "Hurry up and meet the elder brother!"

Xiong Er stood there in a daze, his face full of confusion, but he still clasped his hands and shouted loudly: "Xiong Er meets the elder brother!"

Although his brain had not yet reacted, the elder brother said it was true.

Meeting the enthusiastic eyes of the two monsters, Xue Jiao's heart was also touched.

"Second brother, third brother!"

He has been practicing alone in the prehistoric land for many years and has few friends. It is fate that they can meet in such a blessed place.

"Okay, okay! We will speed up the dredging of the earth veins to complete the instructions of the predecessors." Xiong Da laughed and was very happy.

Xue Jiao nodded and walked towards the nearest rock.

Xiong Er picked up the pickaxe on the ground, scratched the back of his head, and followed behind his two brothers.

Should I call Xiong Er or Xiong San?

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