Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 7: Catch the Stone Man

Hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the earth vein is bustling with people.

There are constant clanging sounds, and figures are knocking everywhere.

In front of a red stone the size of a human head, the three blood dragons gathered in a circle, waving their pickaxes and hoes vigorously, while carefully observing the surroundings.

The stone is jagged, covered with pus-like protrusions, and there are dozens of suction cups attached to the air.

The spiritual energy flowing around is dim, but it is blood red.

In the past, the miscellaneous stones and foreign objects were small, and the director had few tentacles. But after going deeper and deeper, these blocked stones became more and more solid and more difficult to remove.

The predecessors captured more and more creatures, and after discovering the benefits of combing the earth veins, they rushed to do it.

Almost everyone rushed to do it, fearing that this great opportunity would not be won by others.

The earth veins are huge, and it is good to find one, and there is no choice if it is difficult.

Xiong Da waved his pickaxe and muttered in a low voice: "Brother! I feel that it won't take long before I can break into the late stage of the Golden Immortal, but it's a bit troublesome to find these strange stones."

He has been stuck in this realm for a long time, and there has been no sign of progress.

Hundreds of years, for him in the past, might just be a nap.

It's just that it takes too much time to find a target in the earth veins now, and more importantly, Senior Tianyuan is still bringing creatures here continuously.

The blood dragon nodded, but responded calmly: "Don't worry, the spiritual energy in this earth vein has obviously become richer, and there is a faint auspicious aura rising. It won't take long for us to go to a new earth vein."

The blood dragon still remembers the scene when he was lifted down the sacred mountain by Tianyuan.

It happened suddenly, but he clearly remembered that there was more than one earth vein on this land, and three of them were particularly large.

He didn't know if the other earth veins were the same, but the probability was very high.

In his heart, the blood dragon had great respect for Tianyuan.

He went to the ground veins to observe more than once. The sacred mountain shrouded in the mysterious and yellow aura seemed to be the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain.

But this space was obviously not the prehistoric land.

There were Tianzhu and ground veins. There must be a huge secret hidden here, and Tianyuan, who led them here, was not just a great master.

"Brother! Are there really other ground veins?" Xiong Er looked up and looked at the gray sky.

It has been quite a while since he came here, but it's a pity that he has been in the ground veins all the time.

I heard from Xue Jiao a long time ago that he was knocked unconscious when he fell down and didn't see the outside.

As for leaving the ground veins, whenever he had this idea in his mind, his soul would beat wildly and a strong palpitation would come over him.

As the eldest brother said, it is very dangerous outside the ground veins.

"It won't take long for us to know." Xue Jiao nodded, with a faint expectation in his eyes.

After hundreds of years, Xue Jiao also benefited a lot. Moreover, he had a hunch that when the earth veins were completely unblocked, they would gain more benefits, perhaps the legendary merits.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from afar, accompanied by many exclamations.

The three people wielding pickaxes turned their heads and saw a purple light flying away in the distance, followed by many figures.

Under the dazzling golden light, the purple light was clearly visible, exuding an inexplicable Taoism.

"Immortal Spiritual Light!" Xue Jiao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er, who were standing next to them, also had hot eyes.

Although it was only a broken ray of immortal spiritual light, it was still a supreme treasure, because it contained complete fragments of the law.

If it could be refined and absorbed, it would be no problem to improve a major realm.

There were figures flying around, but the three of them just looked at it with passion and had no intention of going forward.

This was not the first time they had seen it, and they had chased it several times before, but it was a pity that such a rare treasure was not something they could obtain.

Chasing now is just a waste of time. The target that we have finally found may be occupied by others.

"I don't know when I can see Senior Tianyuan." Looking at the many figures going away, Xiong Da couldn't help but sigh.

Although Tianyuan threw many creatures into the earth veins, Xiong Da didn't see him in person.

As for the other stone men in the earth veins, they never talked, but just buried their heads in combing the earth veins.

"Hehe! I am still lucky. I looked up at the senior's majestic figure." Xiong Er tilted his head, his face full of honor.

The blood dragon shook his head and laughed in his heart. Xiong Er didn't think so at the beginning.

"Hurry up, after eliminating this, we will look for it somewhere else."

The three stopped talking and began to knock the miscellaneous stones in front of them.

The prehistoric land, northeast of Buzhou Mountain.

With a rumbling sound, several figures ran wildly among the lush towering trees, leaving a mess.

They were burly and had strange looks. They were all naked, with only a beast skirt wrapped around their waists. They all exuded a strong murderous aura.

They looked forward angrily, ignoring the giant trees and earth mounds, and rushed forward like a rotten wood, roaring again and again.

"Catch that damn stone man!"

"If he dares to steal our food, he must be torn to pieces."

At the end of the sight, a tall stone man was flying with a divine bird.

Tianyuan was very depressed, and he was even more angry when he saw the screaming figures behind him.

These guys were the famous witch tribe in the prehistoric times.

The foot of Buzhou Mountain was the territory of the witch tribe, and he had deliberately avoided them over the years.

For hundreds of years, they have always captured monsters. Even if they encounter witches, they stay away from them because they don't want to provoke this group of reckless people.

The witches have strong bodies and are good candidates for hard labor. Tianyuan is of course very jealous.

However, the witches are powerful now, and several witch ancestors may stay in the prehistoric land. He dare not do anything for the time being.

But in the past few hundred years, witch tribes have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The spiritual energy around this unblocked vein has become rich, the number of monsters gathered has increased, and the witch tribes are even more densely packed.

The witches feed on monsters. Wherever there are powerful monsters, there are their figures.

Tianyuan guessed that several witch ancestors probably wanted to take advantage of the time when Zixiao Palace preached to establish the status of the witches as the prehistoric overlords.

Tianyuan did not take action against the witches for the time being because he was afraid that if he beat the younger ones, the older ones would come.

The witches are brainless, stubborn, and battle maniacs. If they chase them to death, how can they catch creatures everywhere in the future?

In recent years, whenever he found a suitable demon tribe, he would knock them out and take them away directly, without any delay.

However, the foot of Buzhou Mountain was the base camp of the Wu tribe, so fighting was inevitable. He had already snatched them from the Wu tribe several times.

This was a naked humiliation for the proud Wu tribe.

If he wanted to avoid the Wu tribe, he could only go to a farther place, but that would undoubtedly take more time.

With a whoosh, an arrow flew past his ear, and Tianyuan plunged into Buzhou Mountain.

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