Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 8 The Enraged Witch Clan

Boom boom boom!

A group of figures jumped down and landed on Mount Buzhou with a bang.

The Wu Clan was formed by Pangu's blood essence, and the power of the Heavenly Pillar could not affect them.

When they arrived at the place where Tianyuan disappeared, everyone dispersed and carefully explored, but there was no breath fluctuation.

That hateful stone man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Strange, strange, this stone man is gone again." A strong man with a quiver on his back walked out of the crowd, his face full of confusion.

The last time he chased him, the stone man also jumped on Mount Buzhou and disappeared.

Although their Wu Clan did not have a soul, they were born with their own laws.

The mere escape technique could not escape their perception. Obviously, the stone man had other means.

A giant man with three legs and two heads came back and shouted in a muffled voice: "This stone man has repeatedly provoked our Wu Clan. We must not let him go this time."

The stone axe in his hand danced in the air, showing his anger.

The tribesmen who returned without success were also angry.

All the tribes in the prehistoric times were the food of the witch tribe, but now they were teased by a stone man at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

If this kind of thing spread to other tribes, how could they still have any face.

Moreover, this was not only about their own tribe, but also about the face of their own ancestor witch.

The witch tribe was warlike, and fighting was commonplace. The tribes under the twelve ancestor witches also had many rivalries.

After a discussion, several people sent one back to deliver a message to the tribe, and the rest hid around. This time they said they would catch this stone man no matter what.

In that consciousness space, Tianyuan appeared on the sacred mountain.

"This branch should be coming soon!" Looking at the vein that became particularly bright, Tianyuan's eyes were full of expectation.

In the past few hundred years, he has not practiced. Except for eating some colorful magic stones, star crystals and meteorite iron when he was on the road, he almost caught monsters at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

For eight hundred years, he had thrown hundreds of thousands of monsters into that branch.

However, the earth veins are huge, and this number still seems a bit scarce.

The key is that these monsters cannot come and go as freely as the three thousand stone men. They now need to spend a lot of time searching in the earth veins. Otherwise, with such a large number, this branch vein would have been completely unblocked long ago.

Throwing out the divine bird in his hand, the mysterious and yellow air on the sacred mountain rushed, wrapped it up, and disappeared in the air.

The guidance of the will of Buzhou Mountain can make the other party appear anywhere in the earth veins.

If he hadn't dispersed the monsters in the earth veins on a large scale, how could it be so fast.

However, he couldn't accurately detect where the earth veins were blocked, otherwise he could target them.

However, looking at the current situation, Tianyuan estimated that it would take at most a hundred years to completely purify and unblock this branch vein.

In less than a thousand years, the speed has increased tenfold, and Tianyuan is still very satisfied.

This is also due to the growth of the witch clan and the hunting of monsters everywhere, otherwise this branch vein may have been completely unblocked.

After glancing at the earth vein that was already filled with auspicious energy, Tianyuan slowly disappeared from the scene.

Tianyuan appeared at the foot of a mountain valley, looking at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

Buzhou Mountain is his body, and it is impossible to ambush him on Buzhou Mountain.

The aura of those witches is as dazzling and blinding as the scorching sun, and the location where they are hiding is really hard to describe.

After a moment of contemplation, Tianyuan still flew in another direction.

Wait a little longer, at least until that branch vein is completely unblocked.

He has consumed a lot of natural materials and treasures in the past few hundred years. When he can unblock another earth vein, he will be able to enter the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and then he may be able to set his sights on the witches.

The witches are the essence of Pangu, with evil spirits all over their bodies, and more importantly, they have no souls. They are definitely the best candidates to comb the earth veins.

But these guys are brave and fierce, and they use all races as food, and they have played themselves to death.

Tian Yuan quietly bypassed the group of figures and ran towards the unblocked ground vein.

Although there are many witch tribes in this area, the monsters in the Golden Immortal Realm are also the most common.

The ground veins are unblocked and purified, and the many spiritual veins attached to them will naturally benefit. The spiritual energy is abundant, and the monsters under their jurisdiction are more likely to break through, and other big monsters will also be attracted.

Besides, no matter which direction you go, you may encounter the witch tribe, so it is better to choose the direction that is most beneficial to him.

After all, there is an endless supply of mana on the ground veins, and he can escape quickly.

Anyway, he has no intention of confronting the witch tribe for the time being, and it is highly likely that he will not attract too powerful witch tribes.

During this period, he has almost met people in the Golden Immortal Realm, and he has not seen anyone with Taiyi cultivation.

It seems that the powerful witch tribes are in meditation, and they will only show up when powerful monster tribes appear, or those witch tribes go to conquer the prehistoric land.

This is the base camp of the witch tribe, and it is highly likely that no monster tribe dares to deliberately cause trouble.

After a while, Tian Yuan felt a faint wave in the distance.

A few flying creatures were already close.

A Wu clan member with a human body and a leopard head, four legs and six hands, was suppressing a tiger demon in the late Golden Immortal stage, and there were a few strange guys standing around.

The Wu clan member was also in the late Golden Immortal stage, but the tiger demon was simply unable to resist.

The Wu clan's physical body was too terrifying, and the demon clan in the same realm was not an opponent at all.

The tiger demon was covered in blood, roaring continuously, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

There were many Wu clan members watching him around, and he had nowhere to escape.

When he was in grief and anger, a black shadow suddenly fell rapidly above his head, with a loud bang, his eyes went black, and he fainted directly.

"Stone man!!! It's the stone man!"

"Ho! Catch him!"

The sudden appearance of Tian Yuan instantly caused an explosion in the venue.

The witch in the battle didn't hesitate at all and punched him, and the witches on the periphery also rushed forward.

However, he was still a guy in the Golden Immortal Realm. Tian Yuan picked up the huge body of the tiger demon, jumped up, and flew away.

Among the rumbling sounds, there was only an angry roar that shook the mountains and fields, scaring the demon clan around them to tremble.

Tianyuan easily slipped back to Buzhou Mountain and came back all at once, while the witch clansmen were still waiting stupidly.

Leaving behind the captured tiger demon, Tian Yuan changed direction and ran away. Now that he was facing the Wu clan, he should seize the time.

Wu Man was very angry. He was a small tribe under the jurisdiction of Hou Tuzu Wu.

Because it was a newly split tribe with only a few thousand members, the demon tribes in the area they controlled were not yet allowed to be captured and killed by them.

But recently, a stone man ran out of nowhere in the mountains. He repeatedly robbed their food and captured the demon clan everywhere.

The wild land is rich in resources, there are countless monsters and beasts, and there is no shortage of food, but this is undoubtedly the biggest provocation to the Witch Clan.

This kind of thing has been faintly spread to other tribes. How can he, the Wuman, be embarrassed like this?

It's just that the stone men come and go like the wind, and they don't fight with them. The key is that every time they jump up Buzhou Mountain, they disappear without a trace.

After decades of encirclement and suppression, they still haven't touched a single hair of the opponent.

For the proud Wu Clan, this is absolutely intolerable.

On this day, he devoted all his tribal efforts to block the area at the foot of the mountain where the stone men often appeared.

At the foot of a mountain thousands of miles away from the Wuman tribe, hundreds of Wuman tribesmen also gathered.

They were armed with simple weapons and were on guard, waiting for a nasty guy.

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