Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 64: The Power of the Golden Flame of the Sun

Above the East China Sea, auspicious clouds are rolling, and great monsters are gathering, with a nine-dragon sandalwood chariot leading the way.

Emperor Jun sat quietly in it, surrounded by the imperial aura, looking indifferently at the endless sea below him.

The Demon Court was newly established, and the demon saint Fuxi suggested that Taiyi take Kunpeng, and he would be the emperor of the East China Sea to intimidate the dragon clan.

After the Dragon Han Calamity, the Zulong was suppressed in the Longquan Cave under the Kunlun Mountains. Zhulong led a group of dragons to guard the extreme north, and at this moment, there are still many powerful dragons in the four seas.

The four seas respect the East China Sea as the most, and there are also many dragons of the Daluo Jinxian.

He looked down on the little combat power of the dragon clan, and all he needed was the prestige of the Demon Court.

Glancing at the Sun Dragon in front of the chariot, Emperor Jun had already thought about how to settle the dragon clan.

How could the nine-dragon sandalwood chariot have only one dragon?

Di Jun did not restrain his own momentum, and the breath of the golden flame of the sun in his body burst out, like a scorching sun across the East China Sea.

The scales of the Great Sun Dragon dragging the chariot were all red, and there was a deep red blood oozing out.

Feeling the increasingly hot flames, the Great Sun Dragon rushed forward with all his strength.


Accompanied by a thunderous dragon roar, golden flames fell, and the sea surface boiled violently.

Almost in an instant, the sea below was turbulent, and a huge black shadow flashed in the water.

However, no matter how fierce the waves were, it was still difficult to extinguish the burning golden flame in the sea.

In the surging waves, a huge dragon head emerged from the water, with towering dragon horns and white dragon whiskers like feathers.

"Demon King! What do you mean?" The old dragon spoke in human language, looking at the surrounding fireworks with fear.

When his sight passed the figure in front of the chariot, a flash of anger flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The Sun Dragon, the son of the Ancestral Dragon, the prince of the Dragon Clan, has now fallen to the point of pulling a chariot for others.

Emperor Jun sat quietly in the Nine Dragon Agarwood Chariot, and a domineering voice came out. "My chariot is short of some mounts."

The voice shook the four fields, echoed on the sea, and the meaning of the words could not be more obvious.

Many low roars echoed on the sea, and huge figures swam under the sea, with a strong momentum escaping.

The old dragon who poked out of the water suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice: "The Dragon Clan has withdrawn from the prehistoric land, why is the Demon King so pressing."

The Dragon Clan is no longer the same as before, and no one from the prehistoric land has been concerned about the affairs of the prehistoric land. Even if the Purple Sky Palace preached, no dragon clan strongmen would go there.

The domineering breath of Emperor Jun and the flames burning in the sea made him very uncomfortable.

There was no response above his head, only a ray of golden light sprinkled from the Nine Dragon Agarwood Chariot, which instantly turned into a sky-high flame and fell.

In an instant, the entire sea surface was filled with the golden flames of the sun, and the sky was reflected red.

The sea surface exploded, and several dragons with bodies of thousands of feet rushed out, rushing angrily towards the chariot in the air.

Although the dragon clan was lonely, it was not something that ordinary creatures could bully, otherwise how could they occupy the four seas.

The old dragon still floating on the sea surface opened his mouth and spit out black Yuanshui, trying to extinguish the flames in the air.

Unfortunately, the Yuanshui was annihilated in the air as soon as it touched, and a series of shrill screams sounded in an instant.

Blood fell along with several huge figures, and the golden flames pierced the bodies of all the dragons.

The flesh that the dragon clan was proud of had no resistance in front of the flames.

The flames attached to the wounds and were still burning rapidly, and they were also burning the Yuanshen.

The Daluo Jinxian dragon clan that fell into the water struggled violently, the sea surface became like a sky-shaking, and the surging waves were layered.

The old dragon was furious, roaring to the sky, and his body tens of thousands of feet long broke through the waves and crashed into the nine-dragon agarwood chariot in the air.

A ray of golden light flashed above, and the old dragon stopped in the air, staring at his body in a daze.

His dragon body was pierced, his soul was burned by the scorching golden flame, and the terrifying heat wave swept his body.

Like the other dragons, he let out a miserable wail.

Di Jun in the chariot still didn't speak, only the painful roars of many dragons echoed.

When the world was first created, four great chaotic spirits appeared in the world, and the Great Sun Golden Flame was one of them.

After Pangu fell, the Great Sun Golden Flame fell on the Fusang tree in the Sun Star and absorbed the infinite merits of the Great Dao. This greatly increased the power of the Great Sun Golden Flame and gradually devoured the other three spirits.

And he and Taiyi were transformed by the Great Sun Golden Flame, the only existence in the world that could control this flame.

How could a mere dragon resist the chaotic spirit?

Da Ri Tian Long lowered his eyes slightly, a hint of sadness flashed across his eyes.

The dragon race is no longer what it used to be, and the fact that they are still able to survive today is entirely the result of the sacrifices of their father and uncles.

However, those sacrifices are still not enough to reduce the karma carried by the dragon race.

He raised his head and stopped looking at the tragic situation on the sea.

The shrill screams echoed in the East China Sea, and figures flew in the sky from afar, including the great monsters entrenched in the East China Sea and the innate gods of the fairy island in the sea.

At this moment, looking at the flames burning on the sea, everyone was horrified.

Dong Wang Gong fled from a distance, his expression was a little ugly.

He glanced at the nine-dragon agarwood chariot in the sky, and a hint of annoyance flashed across the depths of his eyes.

"This Emperor Jun is too domineering!"

His Taoist temple Penglai Fairy Island is in the East China Sea, so naturally he has a good relationship with the dragon race.

Besides, today Emperor Jun shocked the dragon race, and maybe he will set foot on his Penglai Fairy Island next time.

King Pan, who was standing beside him, looked at the chariot in the air and said in a deep voice: "With the convergence of the destiny of heaven and earth, Emperor Jun is probably at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm!"

With the approval of heaven and earth and the possession of such fireworks, they would not be the opponent even if they joined forces.

Dong Wanggong did not speak again, and naturally understood what King Pan meant. Besides, there was also a demon emperor Taiyi in the demon court.

Chaos Bell!

This innate treasure alone was enough to deter him.

Listening to the shrill screams still echoing on the sea, Di Jun frowned slightly. He was getting impatient.

He slowly stood up and stepped out of the Nine Dragon Agarwood Carriage.

"If the dragon clan does not obey, I will burn the water of the East China Sea with flames!" The indifferent words sounded and echoed throughout the East China Sea.

In an instant, the golden flames of the sun gathered in the palm of his hand, like a scorching sun slowly rising.

The closest Sun Dragon was shaking violently, with blood pouring down his body, but he dared not say a word.

The sea surface was boiling and began to sink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There were more dragons running out below, but even the chariot in the air could not get close. The whole sea was filled with huge howling figures.

The old dragon looked deeply at the north, and then a sad word came: "Dragon clan, willing to obey!"

As the words came out, it seemed that all the strength in the body was exhausted, and the whole person collapsed in the air.


"Elder! The dragons will never surrender!"

Immediately, a series of unwilling roars sounded from below.

Unfortunately, what responded to them was the increasingly hot flames and the louder wailing.

Seeing this, the old dragon turned into a human form and begged for mercy: "Demon King, stop! Demon King, stop!"

Di Jun snorted coldly, reached into the sea with his big hand, grabbed eight Daluo Jinxian dragons, and casually put them in front of the chariot.

Seeing this, the Sun Dragon roared loudly, turned around and ran towards the direction of the Demon Court.

The eight captured dragons roared in anger, and disappeared above the East China Sea with the chariot in their hands.

The old dragon stood in the air, like an old man in his twilight years, staring blankly at the chariot going away.

The dragons who retreated to the four seas were tied to the chariot of the Demon Court, and no one knew the future.

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