Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 65 Gourd Vine Transformation

"Emperor Xi is really talented!"

Emperor Jun sat alone in the Nine Dragon Agarwood Carriage, his eyes sparkling.

He felt the vast land of the wilderness, countless dense luck gathered in the Demon Court, many of which fell on him.

The dragon clan was the overlord in the past, inheriting the power of heaven and earth, and now all fell on the Demon Court.

The luck that is constantly gathering, the sins of those little dragons are nothing at all.

Glancing at the angry dragons in front of him, Emperor Jun snorted coldly.

Promised the position of the chariot, this is a great fortune, but crying and being angry, it is really ignorant.

Being covered by the luck of the Demon Court can reduce his own karma, but it is his Demon Court that loses.

If it were not for the overall situation, he would not be interested in taking these guys with karma.

It was just a few slightly strong long worms, and Emperor Jun was too lazy to explain. A faint momentum was revealed, and the leading Sun Dragon roared.

The remaining eight dragons echoed unwillingly!

With a rumbling sound, they rushed straight to the thirty-third heaven with rolling power.

Above the East China Sea, as Emperor Jun left, the many golden flames faded one by one.

"Ah!" Dong Wanggong sighed softly and slowly turned and left.

The Demon Court was already recognized by heaven and earth. Now Emperor Jun was intimidating the dragons in the East China Sea, and his prestige had been established.

The witches in the prehistoric land were hunting monsters everywhere. It must not be long before all the monsters in the prehistoric land gathered in the thirty-third heaven, and the Demon Court was in a state of great power.

Fortunately, his Penglai Fairy Island was in the East China Sea, far away from that kind of right and wrong place.

Pan Wang followed closely behind, and the two figures quickly disappeared on the sea.

The many big monsters gathered around also scattered, some flew to the prehistoric land, but more still fled to the Demon Court.

The sound of the Chaos Bell shook the prehistoric land, and the luck of heaven and earth gathered, and he saw the majestic posture of the Monster King with his own eyes, so why not seize the time to surrender.

The old dragon silently glanced at the vast sea and plunged into the depths of the East China Sea.

Although the remaining dragons were angry and unwilling, they could only drag their broken bodies and disappear on the sea one by one.

Above the prehistoric sky, Nuwa looked at her brother with a gloomy face and some annoyance.

Seeing the other party's anxious look, Nuwa could no longer help asking: "Brother! Taoist Tianyuan is hiding in Buzhou Mountain, why do you want to involve him?"

The intention of Emperor Jun and Taiyi to dominate the prehistoric world is obvious, and the two tribes of witches and demons are bound to have a war.

It would be fine if she accompanied Fuxi to join the Demon Court, but her brother actually recommended Tianyuan to the Demon King.

Fuxi glanced at the somewhat angry Nuwa and said softly: "Daoist Tianyuan is mysterious and extraordinary, and he also has many top-grade innate spiritual roots. He can also be the Demon King."

As soon as the Demon Court was established, many great monsters have emerged, and even the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace have come. If it is too late, the two Demon Kings will definitely not pay enough attention.

Fuxi had a deep impression of Tianyuan, and such a person should be invited to the Demon Court.

Therefore, after proposing to the two demon kings, Fuxi rushed to Buzhou Mountain to find Tianyuan as soon as possible.

Nuwa looked annoyed and said angrily: "Then I will go back to the Wa Palace, you go by yourself."

After that, without waiting for Fuxi's response, she turned around and fled to the Wa Palace.

Regardless of whether Tianyuan's words were true or not, the second lecture of Zixiao Palace was about to begin, and she had to go back to prepare.

Time was so tight, and her brother was willing to run around for the affairs of the Demon Court.

"Little sister! Little sister!" Seeing that Nuwa disappeared in an instant, Fuxi felt helpless.

Shaking his head, he did not stop and quickly fled to Buzhou Mountain.

Landing on Buzhou Mountain, Fuxi looked depressed and muttered: "Hey! Who is this Taoist friend Tianyuan? He can't even calculate the position."

His divination skills have never failed, even if the other party's Taoism is profound, he can know a little bit.

Only on Tianyuan, his methods seemed to have lost their effect.

Buzhou Mountain is so huge, where can we find Tianyuan?

Fuxi, who looked around, suddenly had his eyes brightened, and counted the few top-grade innate spiritual roots.

Every time they met before, it was because of the spiritual roots. As long as the spiritual roots were found, Tianyuan would appear.

Fuxi immediately made a divination, and his eyes brightened.

Although the specific spiritual roots were unknown, the general location was known.

In a canyon in Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan's huge body was shrouded in white light.

After a period of quiet cultivation, his figure became much more burly.

Just at this moment, the valley shook slightly, and Tianyuan opened his eyes quickly.

He saw the divine light on the innate gourd vine in the distance, and a mysterious aura emanated, stirring the heaven and earth, and the air began to become inexplicably dull.

Tianyuan looked up and saw thunder flashing in the sky, accompanied by layers of thunderclouds.

Tribulation cloud! The innate gourd vine's incarnation of the heavenly tribulation appeared!

"Father Mountain! I'm finally going to transform!" The excited voice of the gourd vine came from afar.

"Come on!"

Tianyuan was happy, and his body quickly retreated, with strong expectations in his eyes.

The best innate gourd vine is definitely his closest person in the prehistoric world.

A top-grade innate spiritual root transforms, and the seven gourds are full of essence, a real Daluo Jinxian.

Looking at the calamity clouds in the sky, Tianyuan thought of himself.

After coming to the prehistoric world, he practiced all the way, and now he is in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

But after so many years, he did not feel his transformation calamity.

He was a stone man at the beginning, and he is still a stone man now.

"Maybe I am a special existence." Tianyuan thought so in his heart.

The transformation of living beings is to fit the heaven and earth and be more suitable for cultivation. Perhaps the stone man is his best state.

Tianyuan is not too obsessed with transformation, as long as he can continue to become stronger.

In just a short while, the calamity clouds piled up and piled up to a height of a hundred feet, with thunders of various colors running through them.

The transformation of the top-grade innate spiritual root is not an ordinary thunder calamity.

"It's really going to transform!" A cry of surprise came from behind.

Tianyuan didn't turn his head, but he was a little confused in his heart, why did this guy always run to Buzhou Mountain.

It's only been less than a thousand years since he left Buzhou Mountain, and he ran back again.

Looking at Fuxi's expression, it seems that he is running towards him this time.

"Brother Tianyuan!" Fuxi cupped his hands, very enthusiastic.

Originally thought it might take some time, but he didn't expect the calamity clouds to appear in the sky, and he easily found Tianyuan.


Tianyuan nodded slightly, his eyes still looking at the gourd vine in the distance.

Fuxi didn't speak, and he was also looking forward to the gourd vine under the thunder calamity.

The top-grade innate spiritual root, after the transformation, is another innate sacred, and the demon court can have two more Daluo Jinxian.

Fuxi was very happy, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

Tian Yuan turned his head slightly and looked at the other person strangely. How could this guy be happier than him?

Shaking his head, he was too lazy to pay attention and focused on the calamity cloud in the distance.

Dense lightning snakes swam in the calamity cloud, devouring each other and gradually growing stronger, and the calamity cloud that covered it also quickly surged and expanded around.

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, and in the blink of an eye, it covered an area of ​​ten thousand miles.

The color of the thunder also changed from the original five colors to seven colors, and there were faintly other colors condensed.

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