Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 72: Absorbing and Exhaling Acquired Spiritual Energy

"Father Mountain!"

The gourd baby felt the breath of Tianyuan and immediately ran up excitedly.

After touching the other party's little head, Tianyuan looked at the towering bitter bamboo.

A long time ago, he thought about transplanting the spiritual root to the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, but it was filled with endless mixed wills, so he didn't act rashly.

The spiritual root has not yet opened its spiritual wisdom, and he doesn't know whether it will be invaded by the free will.

Originally, Tianyuan planned to ask the gourd baby after a while, but he didn't expect that the other party had already taken action.

Looking at the scene in front of him, these innate spiritual roots are not only not afraid of those wills, but also seem to be able to purify and absorb them.

Tianyuan, who touched his chin, had a gleam in his eyes.

Although the will of Buzhou Mountain has been strengthened, the free will has been difficult to erode the earth veins, but it needs to be cleared after all.

Only by thoroughly purifying all the chaotic wills in this space can the power of Buzhou Mountain be truly restored.

This was originally a plan after purifying the earth veins, but I didn't expect to start the journey ahead of time.

There was a free will in the air, and just as it entered the light curtain in front of him, it exploded on the spot with a "pop" sound, and turned into a faint light that was swallowed by the bitter bamboo.

The scene in front of him made Tianyuan think of the demons in the prehistoric land.

The witches can purify the earth veins, and even the spiritual roots can absorb the free will between heaven and earth. What about the demons?

In the prehistoric world, the witches and demons are the protagonists of heaven and earth, and they must have a significant role in this world.

As for being able to dredge the earth veins?

The efficiency of those guys is really too low, especially when the earth veins are seriously blocked, they can't compare with the witches at all.

In Tianyuan's opinion, the mission of the demons is definitely not to purify the earth veins.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the dark sky above his head.

Di Jun and Tai Yi unified the prehistoric starry sky. If the demons are really useful, they should be above the sky.

Unfortunately, the last time he went to explore, there was something strange in this starry sky.

Tianyuan stepped into the light curtain, and his eyes lit up again.

Spiritual energy! Although it is extremely rare, Tianyuan's feeling is not wrong.

Under the light curtain, there is a faint spiritual energy generated. It is the bitter bamboo breathing spiritual energy.

Although there are mountains and water in this space, there is no life at all. They are all illusory.

Except for the spiritual veins with golden light, the rest are desolate and bleak. The many wills wandering in the air also give people a dark and dead feeling.

The transplanted bitter bamboo is not only not affected at all, but can also breathe in and out spiritual energy.

This sudden discovery once again exceeded Tianyuan's expectations.

Tianyuan, who was surprised and suspicious, slowly squatted down, carefully sensed it, and was a little stunned.

Acquired spiritual energy!

The bitter bamboo is not breathing out innate spiritual energy, but acquired spiritual energy.

Buzhou Mountain is still standing, and the innate spiritual energy flowing in the ground veins is also flowing. How can bitter bamboo be acquired spiritual energy?

Tian Yuan frowned and turned around slightly: "Huluwa, how can there be acquired spiritual energy?"

Huluwa shook his head and looked confused.

"I just moved Xiaozhuer here, I didn't know it would be like this."

He just instinctively felt that the spiritual roots played a major role in the recovery of the father mountain, and he didn't know anything else.

Tian Yuan was stunned. Calabashwa was an innate spiritual root, but he didn't even know it.

I am still Buzhou Mountain, but I don't know the changes in front of me.

Tian Yuan didn't bother to think about things that he couldn't figure out. At least it was a good thing at the moment.

Not only can it protect many spiritual roots, but it can also purify the consciousness space, killing two birds with one stone.

"Wa'er, go and transplant all the innate spiritual roots such as Huangzhongli and banana trees." Since it is feasible, it will naturally be solved together, so as not to worry about being stolen.

Moving into this consciousness space, those stone men will guard it specifically, and there will be no problems.

"Okay!" Calabash Brother nodded heavily, jumped happily towards the sacred mountain, and disappeared in a flash.

Calabash Brother was very happy to be able to help Father Mountain.

Tianyuan waited quietly in place and watched, and there were constant wills rushing over, all of which were crushed and absorbed.

A bright light flashed in the distance, and a silver-white glowing stone man jumped over.

Although the stone man manifested by the law has a good effect in purifying the earth veins, one more or one less will not have much impact on the current earth vein project.

The stone man of the space law is now the same as Tianyuan, in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

He will protect the spiritual roots, even if the witches run out of the earth veins, they will not be hurt.

A faint light flashed on the sacred mountain in the distance, and Calabash Brother ran over excitedly, holding a banana tree in his hand.

Tianyuan casually smashed a group of wills that jumped in the air, and strode forward.

There was a free will rushing towards Calabash Brother, which was also smashed by him, but it was not absorbed like the bitter bamboo.

It seems that only the spirit root body can devour the free will in the air, and the Calabash Brothers no longer have this ability after they transform.

In order to facilitate the stone man to guard, Tianyuan did not choose a place too far away.

Just like the bitter bamboo, a faint halo rose up as soon as it was planted, covering the banana tree.

Such a conspicuous light, many wills in the air suddenly surged, and rushed towards the banana tree one after another.

The banana leaves wrapped in the strong wind swayed lightly, and many wills instantly shattered on the spot.

It turned into a faint light that was absorbed by the banana tree, and then the halo covering it expanded.

"This effect is really great!" Tianyuan was very satisfied.

Although it is only a small area now, as the light curtain continues to expand, more and more wills will be attracted.

Over time, the number of free wills absorbed is definitely not a small number.

The only thing that worries Tian Yuan is that he doesn't know whether these free wills will continue to be born.

The consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain is not small, and the sky is gray, so he can't find out the details.

Under the sacred mountain, four top-grade innate spiritual roots, bitter bamboo, banana tree, yellow plum, and fairy apricot, are lined up in a row, and four light curtains of different sizes are shining.

Looking at the many wills constantly cast around, Tian Yuan's eyes are full of expectations.

As long as enough time is given, the light curtain will only get bigger and bigger, and perhaps ordinary creatures can live on this land in the future.

At this moment, the exclamation of the gourd baby came from behind.

"Father Mountain!"

Tian Yuan was startled and turned around to see that the gourd baby had escaped back to the sacred mountain.

At this moment, the gourd baby was holding the star fruit tree in his hand, and his little face was full of heartache.

When he ran closer, Tian Yuan saw clearly that there was a branch on the star fruit tree that was dark, and then turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

"It's those damn wills in the air!" Looking at the withered branch, Calabash Boy shouted angrily.

Fortunately, he jumped back quickly, and the will was extinguished by the sacred mountain.

"Send it back to Buzhou Mountain first!" Tianyuan took a look and knew what was going on.

Although the Star Fruit Tree is an innate spiritual root, it is still a little far from the best innate spiritual root.

At present, only the best innate spiritual root can be moved into this space.

Tianyuan felt a little regretful, but it was expected. After all, this was his earlier concern.

A small branch is not a big harm to the spiritual root.

After several attempts, it was indeed as he thought in his heart. Only the best innate spiritual root can support the light curtain.

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