Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 73 Big Changes in the Witch Clan

On Mount Buzhou, Tian Yuan looked up at the sky, where rays of light were escaping into the chaos.

Three thousand years were approaching, and many innate saints in the prehistoric world had begun to rush to Zixiao Palace.

Time passed quickly. He had been practicing the law of power for these years, and his realm had not broken through.

"It's time to capture the witch clan." Tian Yuan, looking at the prehistoric land, muttered softly.

Back to the second story of Zixiao Palace, almost all of those innate saints would enter the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and it was even possible to kill a corpse and break into the ranks of quasi-saints.

In addition to the condensation of mana, the breakthrough of Daluo Jinxian also involves the practice of laws.

But at the level of quasi-saints, as long as they have an epiphany, they can immediately kill a corpse, or even two corpses.

He is different. After Daluo, he is Hunyuan Jinxian, and he still practices the law. He has to hurry up to clear the earth veins.

"Father Mountain! Can I help you capture the witch clan too?" The gourd baby next to him said crisply.

Tian Yuan was somewhat tempted, but thinking of the top-grade innate spiritual roots in the consciousness space, he said softly: "You wait on Buzhou Mountain for the time being, and take care of those spiritual roots by the way."

Although the top-grade innate spiritual roots supported the light curtain, no one knew whether there would be any accidents.

Those spiritual roots were very precious to Tian Yuan.

Hu Lu Wa wanted to go down the mountain, but he was still very obedient to Tian Yuan's instructions.

"Don't worry, father mountain, I will take good care of those spiritual roots."

Tian Yuan was his father mountain, and those spiritual roots were his brothers and sisters, and Hu Lu Wa also cared about them.

Tian Yuan touched Hu Lu Wa's head and said lovingly: "Don't fall behind in cultivation!"

Having someone guarding the house would also make it easier for him to act. Even if he ran into the ancestor witch, someone would go to pick him up.

"Yeah!" Hu Lu Wa nodded heavily.

Tian Yuan didn't say much, his figure disappeared in the air, and when he appeared again, he had arrived at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

The ancestor witches knew of his existence, so Tianyuan didn't need to be polite and ran directly to the tribe where the ancestor witch Gonggong was.

Among the twelve ancestor witches, Tianyuan was most annoyed with this guy, so he naturally had to start with him.

The realm of the late Daluo Jinxian was flying at full speed, and a tribe appeared in his perception in a while.

When his divine thoughts swept over, Tianyuan was immediately shocked. A tribe of a thousand people had eight or nine hundred tribesmen above the Jinxian realm.

Except for young children, almost all adult witches broke into the Jinxian realm.

This undoubtedly made Tianyuan very happy, and he flew past quickly, leaving behind a few panicked witches.

At the next tribe, Tianyuan was surprised again. There were very few witches below the Jinxian realm.

Passing by one by one along the way, Tianyuan was happy but also a little confused.

The tribe of the ancestor witch Gonggong was obviously much stronger than the one under the jurisdiction of Houtu before.

It took only about three thousand years. For the creatures of the prehistoric world, it was not too much of a snap of the fingers. It was impossible to break through so quickly.

Feeling the fluctuations of the tribes below, which were almost all above the Golden Immortal, Tianyuan looked up and seemed to understand a little.

The gathering of luck in the Demon Court meant that the Wu Clan, which dominated the prehistoric land, was also shrouded in luck.

Because of the luck of humanity, the Wu Clan's cultivation speed was also much faster, so in just three thousand years, the strength of each tribe increased greatly.

"Good, good! I didn't expect it to have such an effect!" Tianyuan laughed loudly, his eyes full of joy.

The stronger the Wu Clan, the faster it can dredge and purify the earth veins, how can he not be happy.

Tianyuan's figure rolled over quickly, and almost all the tribes he passed by were emptied by him.

Of course, just like before, he did not let go of the sporadic monsters above the Golden Immortal that he met on the road.

It didn't take long for Tianyuan to see a tribe that stretched for millions of miles, with huge stone pillars standing in the middle.

The tribe of the ancestor Wu Gonggong!

Tianyuan stopped in the air immediately after just a look from a distance.

In the distant tribe, powerful blood and qi rose up, without any concealment.

There were many Daluo Jinxian auras, and more importantly, there was a particularly strong fluctuation, which was Gonggong.

"Strange! Isn't the ancestor witch in Pangu Temple practicing, how come he appeared here?" Tianyuan restrained his breath, with doubts in his eyes.

Not only did Gonggong appear in this largest tribe, but even those great witches seemed to be there.

He was thinking of taking advantage of the ancestor witch's practice to make a big move and slip away, but he didn't expect that the other party was hiding in the tribe.

If he attracted Gonggong's attention as soon as he made a move, it would be difficult to work later.

After a little hesitation, Tianyuan turned back and found that there were witches in each tribe heading towards the ancestor witch tribe.

In order not to alert the enemy, Tianyuan swept away all the witches in the tribes along the way, even the children were not spared.

After using his magic power on a weak witch, Tianyuan knew the cause of the incident.

The ancestor witch Gonggong summoned the leaders of various tribes some time ago, wanting to promote witch writing among the tribes.

"It's really not the right time to come!" Tianyuan was a little depressed.

The Gonggong tribe was like this, and I think the other ancestor witch tribes were the same.

Thinking of the experiences along the way, Tianyuan turned and fled to the Houtu tribe.

The tribe that was a little familiar, just as Tianyuan thought, had many golden immortal witches.

With a slight turn of his eyes, Tianyuan swept down along the Houtu tribe, sweeping away all the witches.

He wanted to capture as many witches as possible before the ancestor witches reacted.

The eleven ancestor witches were indeed in their respective tribes, and the Houtu ancestor witch tribe was easily swept by Tianyuan.

Tianyuan kept fleeing to the east. After hundreds of years, he finally arrived at the coast of the East China Sea after running at full speed.

After throwing all the witches below the golden immortal on the beach, Tianyuan turned back to the tribe governed by the ancestor witch Gonggong.

The ancestors of witches are all in the prehistoric land, and with previous experiences, it is impossible to completely avoid the ancestors of witches. Tianyuan just wants to sweep more witch tribes before the ancestors of witches know.

In order to improve efficiency, Tianyuan still swept away all the witches in the tribe as before.

The strength of the witches in the tribes that have not been harvested is very good.

Most of them are above the Golden Immortal, and there are a few witches in the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm.

Feeling the breath in the Nine Heavens Xirang, Tianyuan couldn't help but sigh at the horror of the witch demon calamity.

When the real calamity begins, the Golden Immortal will probably only be a small soldier.

The rolling yellow clouds rolled by, and suddenly there was a roar from below, and a powerful momentum rose.

Tianyuan's eyes lit up, and the Daluo Golden Immortal realm fluctuated, and it was a great witch.

Unfortunately, the great witch only had time to roar, and his figure was taken away by the Nine Heavens Xirang, and he couldn't even drag Tianyuan for half a breath.

With all his strength, the Nine Heavens Xirang was activated, and the rolling yellow earth surged like a mad sandstorm, and tribes disappeared one by one, and no one could resist it.

"Haha! The seventh Daluo Jinxian, thank you for the calamity!" Tianyuan looked excited.

Without the birth of the calamity, there would not be such a huge fortune, and the witch clan would not practice so fast.

This reminded Tianyuan of several great witches in the earth veins, and he didn't know how they were doing now.


At this moment, an angry roar exploded in the distant sky.

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