Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 83 The Ancestral Witches are completely blown away

Tian Yuan didn't care after glancing at the great witches gathered at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

This was Pangu's heart in the air, and the blood and essence in it gave birth to the twelve witch ancestors. It was normal for them to have a sense of it.

Besides, Mount Buzhou was integrated with Pangu's heart, and it was impossible to hide it from the great witches.

With the influx of energy from Mount Buzhou, the dry heart began to take on a little blood color.

"I hope this day will come soon!" After taking a closer look, Tian Yuan disappeared on the sacred mountain.

Pangu's heart was severely damaged, and Mount Buzhou's will was greatly weakened. It would definitely take a lot of time for the two to completely merge.

Just after leaving the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, Tian Yuan drilled into the fake body.

Wrapped in dazzling silver light, his body began to shrink rapidly and turned into a height of six feet.

Tian Yuan opened his eyes and glanced at Gong Gong's position in the distance.

With the new body of the ancestor witch, Tian Yuan was wondering whether he should go to find a few ancestor witches to try now.

After a little contemplation, he gave up this idea.

Now he is no weaker than any of the ancestor witches. Even if he faces the siege of eleven ancestor witches, he can escape unscathed, but there is no need for this.

Tianyuan, who has the body of the ancestor witch, knows very well the horror of this flesh body. The ancestor witch is almost impossible to be killed.

At least at the same level, or one or two levels higher, it is difficult to kill an ancestor witch.

The Three Pure Ones enjoy the merits of opening the sky and are loved by heaven and earth. The ancestor witches are the same. With the great power of heaven and earth, they are almost immortal.

This is probably why the ancestor witch self-destructed and broke the defense of the innate treasure Chaos Bell.

He rushed out rashly and had a good time. Once the ancestor witch found that Pangu's heart was missing, he would definitely think of him.

Pangu's heart can be said to be the lifeblood of the witch clan. Tianyuan did not plan to face the eleven crazy ancestor witches now.

The last time he came into contact, he had already vaguely felt that the ancestor witches were affected by the calamity.

These guys are violent and bloodthirsty. When the calamity comes, they will only become more crazy.

Maybe these irritable guys will hit Mount Buzhou before the Lich Tribulation has completely started.

"Forget it, I'd better practice the law in silence. Anyway, there are Calabash Brothers outside." Tianyuan, who had many thoughts in his mind, began to practice with his eyes closed again.

In meditation, except for the five hidden supreme laws, the other three thousand laws are clearly felt.

Although he knew this situation, Tianyuan's breathing was still a little rapid.

The rich white light surged and enveloped his body. Tianyuan began to practice the law of power.

Before he could absorb it, the law of power floating between heaven and earth had already gathered towards him happily.

This is the real cheat!

"Brother! How long do we have to wait?" Seeing Tianyuan practicing in silence, Xuanming couldn't help it.

There is no time for practice. It is not uncommon for them to be in seclusion for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years.

If Tianyuan has been practicing for so long, have they been waiting here all the time?

After waiting for nearly a thousand years, Xuanming's patience has long been gone, and she feels like she is about to explode.

The rest of Gonggong and others did not speak, and all looked at Dijiang.

They just wanted to vent now, and they wanted to rush over and beat the stone man, smash him into powder, and scatter it all over the Buzhou Mountain, so that they could vent their anger.

Dijiang was anxious, but he was his elder brother, so he naturally could not lose his composure.

Looking around at everyone, Dijiang looked at Gonggong: "Gonggong, stay with me, Xuanming, you take them back to the temple to practice."

Tianyuan's strength has increased greatly, and the second lecture of Zixiao Palace has also begun. Their ancestors cannot fall behind.

Whether it is to capture Tianyuan or face the upcoming catastrophe, strength is everything.

Xuanming and others heard this, and they all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

They were really worried that if they waited any longer, they would not be able to help but rush to Buzhou Mountain.

Only Gonggong had a bitter face and looked extremely depressed. Only he could feel the mark left by the green python.

The nine ancestors did not say much, and turned around and fled towards the Pangu Temple.

Dijiang glanced at Gonggong and said in a deep voice: "Watch carefully, I will close my eyes and practice in peace."

Although the void is a little worse than the blood pool, it is also possible to practice.

Gonggong was extremely depressed, but he could only nod gently. He would not disobey his elder brother's words.

Unexpectedly, before Dijiang had practiced for a while, he heard a roar in the sky, shaking the world.

Dijiang and Gonggong turned their heads and looked in an instant. Their faces changed drastically. It was the direction of Pangu Temple.

With a whoosh, Dijiang disappeared immediately. Gonggong hesitated for a moment, but still stayed where he was.

The breath left by the green python was weak. If it was too far away, it might not be able to sense the location of Tianyuan.

Dijiang returned to the valley. At this moment, Pangu Temple was shrouded in terrifying and violent fluctuations, and there was a murderous intent.

He immediately fled into the temple and asked coldly: "What happened?"

As soon as the words came out, Dijiang's face changed drastically and looked at the blood pool in front of him.

Then, without any hesitation, he plunged into it.

Nine crazy and violent auras searched around in the blood pool. They were the Xuanming ancestors who had returned earlier.

Dijiang ignored them and went directly into the deepest part of the blood pool.

The place where the Father God's heart used to float was empty, with only flowing blood.

The heart that had accompanied them since the Father God created the world had disappeared.


Dijiang roared to the sky, and the entire blood pool exploded instantly, with cold murderous intent bursting out and rushing straight into the sky.

"Who did it!!!" Dijiang's cold words came out, and the murderous intent was surrounded by materialized murderous intent.

The heart is the only gift left by God the Father to the Wu Clan, and it is also the sacred object that the entire Wu Clan relies on for survival.

Now that he is missing, Di Jiang is so furious.

With a whooshing sound, Xuan Ming and others appeared one by one.

"Brother! Just when we came back, we noticed that Father God's heart had disappeared."

"The entire blood pool no longer has the breath of Father God's heart."

"Someone broke into the temple and stole the heart of God the Father!"

"Desecrate God the Father, kill, kill, kill!"

Amidst the roars, there was an evil aura swirling into the sky.

In the entire blood pool, endless waves rolled up, and violent blood evil energy roared and spewed out.

With a swishing sound, Dijiang quickly broke out of the blood pool and stood in the Pangu Temple.

Pangu Temple is their birthplace, and it is shrouded in terror all year round, not to mention this blood pool.

When ordinary creatures step into it, their bodies will instantly turn into blood, and the remaining soul will roughly evolve into a witch clan.

This is also the fundamental reason why no one has been protecting it for so many years.

Except for the witch clan, no living being can break into Pangu Temple.

Now, someone actually escaped into the blood pool and stole the heart of God the Father.

"Look! We must find this guy!" Di Jiang shouted with his eyes about to burst.

Faced with the loss of his father's heart, Di Jiang, the leader of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, could no longer remain calm.

The heart is the foundation of the Witch Clan. Without the heart, how can we control the ancient world?

Dijiang broke out of the Pangu Temple and stood proudly in the air. His violent aura was released wildly, shattering a large space.

But in this world, he didn't feel any fluctuations in Father God's heart.

They were transformed by Pangu's essence and blood, and they have an inexplicable resonance with the heart of God the Father. Who has such means to cover up?

Di Jiang didn't know, but no matter what, even if he searched the entire prehistoric world, he would find the heart of God the Father.

Choosing a random direction, Dijiang fled wildly.

There was a roar, and figures emerged one after another, and the remaining ancestral witches also rushed towards the temple in all directions.

On Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan woke up from practice.

Feeling the violent aura in the air in the distance, I was a little glad that I didn't mess around just now.

With such fierce murderous intent reaching the sky, Tianyuan had no doubt that the crazy ancestral witch would really hit his Buzhou Mountain.

If you really get entangled with them, it will be inconvenient to do things in the future. Maybe these guys will not fight the Demon Court, and they will only deal with him.

"The body of the ancestral witch cannot be exposed for the time being!" Tianyuan nodded and made a decision secretly.

They must not be informed until they have the strength to absolutely crush the ancestral witch.

Gonggong, who was already confused, was naturally confused by the reactions of his brothers and sisters.

What happened in Pangu Temple made the eldest brother so furious?

Before Gonggong came forward to ask, a figure escaped in front of him, it was Di Jiang who had just left.

Before Gonggong could speak, a cold voice rang in his ears: "Father God's heart has been stolen, find him!!!"

Although the stone man was annoying and made their ancestral witches very angry, it was nothing compared to the heart of Father God.

Gonggong's face was stunned, and he froze on the spot, and then endless anger spewed out of his chest.

Each of their ancestral shamans knew the importance of Father God's heart.

Now it has been stolen.

Wherever Gonggong could hide his figure, he directly appeared as an ancestral shaman, roaring and roaring.

He looked around and saw Buzhou Mountain in the distance, and became even more furious.

He was fine when he left the temple. It must have been because he was guarding Tianyuan that his home was robbed.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Gonggong became and the more he hated the Buzhou Mountain Stone Man.


With a roar, Gonggong's huge body ran directly towards Tianyuan.

All the spaces along the way were torn to pieces by him, and the bloody energy that spurted out almost dyed the entire sky red.

Tian Yuan, who was just thinking about whether he could fish in troubled waters, saw Gong Gong coming from a distance, his eyes strange.

Only Gonggong came, and the other party probably wanted to vent their anger on him.

Tianyuan did not hesitate and fled directly into the mountain.

The ancestral witches were already furious, and he didn't want to get into trouble at this time.


Gonggong's violent body fell, the rocks exploded, and Mount Buzhou shook slightly.

Tian Yuan's head emerged from a distance, a flash of annoyance flashed in his eyes.

These ancestral witches are indeed getting more and more crazy!

The scene in front of him further strengthened Tian Yuan's plan.

Until the Witch Clan has no new targets for firepower, the body of the Ancestral Witch cannot be easily exposed.


Before Tianyuan could make any other moves, a low roar exploded in the sky.

Di Jiang and others naturally hated Tian Yuan, a stone man. If you don't leave the temple, who can steal the heart of God the Father?

But now that things have happened, finding the heart of God Father is the first priority, rather than wasting it on Tian Yuan.

Gonggong let out an unwilling roar, turned around and fled towards the distant sky.

They want to find the heart of God the Father and tear the blasphemer into pieces!

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