Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 84 Dijiang's suspicion

Seeing Gonggong coming and going quickly, Tianyuan came out with a happy look on his face.

After a slight hesitation, he immediately flew in the opposite direction of Gonggong.

The ancient witches were looking for Pangu's heart all over the prehistoric land, and it was a good opportunity for him to fish in troubled waters.

If Pangu's heart was needed, the witches living in the prehistoric land could not be left behind.

The tasks of unblocking and purifying the earth veins were still waiting for them.

After a slight hesitation, Tianyuan did not destroy the green python and left that trace.

As soon as this happened in Pangu Temple, he immediately eliminated the breath. If Gonggong sensed it, it would be easy to guess that he had been pretending before.

The ancient witches have learned to ambush, and Tianyuan sometimes doubts whether these guys are really brainless.

Maybe the witches feel that their brains are useless, so they feel like they are brainless.

Now even if the ancient witches know that he is arresting witches everywhere, I am afraid they don't have time to entangle with him.

With the cultivation of the peak of Daluo Jinxian, Tianyuan swept past, and all the witches in the tribe disappeared.

In order to increase the speed, Tianyuan still left no one alive.

The witches below Jinxian will be spit out at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

"The trip to Pangu Temple is perfect!" Tianyuan glanced at the sky, very satisfied.

The bloody and evil spirits of the ancient witches can be clearly sensed even at a distance of billions of miles.

The bright moving signal lights make it easy to avoid them.

In another direction of the eastern land, Calabash Brothers paused and looked up at the sky.

"Constrain your breath." He shouted softly, holding his breath and concentrating, and no more fluctuations overflowed.

Gungun was about to ask, but immediately closed his mouth and looked into the distance with a little fear.

The sky was flashing with thunder, and the thick bloody and evil spirits were like blood waves, crushing a large area of ​​space.

A terrifying figure escaped from the middle, rushing towards them with great momentum. It was the ancestor witch Xizi.

Gun Gun swallowed lightly, and looked at Calabash Brothers frequently.

The other party stood on the side, also looking at the distance, with a solemn face, but did not move.

The surrounding space began to become oppressive and dull, and Gun Gun felt that breathing was a little difficult.

Fortunately, the figure in the air flashed by and did not stop.

Gun Gun just exhaled a breath, and then saw another violent figure passing by in the other direction and disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the scene of the ancestor witches, it seemed that they were looking for something in the prehistoric land.

Looking at the ancestor witches going away, Gun Gun whispered: "Little master, let's go back to Buzhou Mountain."

In a thousand years, it is estimated that tens of millions of witches have been taken away. If the witches knew about this, he would not dare to imagine the consequences.

He didn't know whether the ancestor witch was looking for the two, but the momentum that was vented was really too terrifying.

These ancestor witches are not as gentle as Hou Tu's master.

"The ancestor witches are not looking for us. I am here, don't be afraid." Calabash Brother jumped on Gun Gun's back and patted his little head gently.

They didn't even sweep away a tribe under the jurisdiction of the ancestor witches, how could they go back?

This time when he went down the mountain, he must capture more witches than Fu Shan.

Calabash Brothers was still full of confidence, but Gun Gun could only have a sad face, which was full of reluctance.

Many ancestor witches were rampant in the prehistoric world, and their crazy and bloodthirsty aura was not concealed.

The monsters who still lived in the prehistoric land were all trembling, and many hid in the deep mountains and old forests, not daring to make any unusual movements.

The remaining more monsters fled to the prehistoric starry sky as if they were running for their lives.

They didn't know what the ancestor witches were doing, but at this moment only the demon court could give them a sense of security.

The witches in many tribes were also stunned by many ancestor witches.

They looked at the figures raging in the air and had no idea what was happening.

The great witch of the tribe wanted to find his ancestor witch. In the past, he could communicate with her, but now there was no response at all.

The figure of the ancestor witch who occasionally passed by also hurriedly crossed the sky, as if looking for something.

Thousands of years passed in a flash, and Dijiang was crisscrossing the prehistoric sky, with a gloomy and terrifying look.

He tried to contact the remaining ancestor witches, and after a short rest, the murderous intent surrounding him became more and more intense.

They also did not find anything. Although they did not search the entire prehistoric land, they had traveled to many places in the east.

But for such a long time, the ancestor witches did not feel a single breath.

The heart of the Father God seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace.

"How could this happen? Who is it?" Dijiang roared, and the two pairs of wings on his back shook rapidly.

The bloody aura that was so thick that it was materialized was beating the surrounding void like waves.

The Pangu Temple was difficult to enter without a great witch, not to mention the blood pool.

The Father God's heart would be lost, which was something he had never dared to imagine before.

Honghuang is the world opened up by the Father God. What creature has the ability to steal the Father God's heart?

Dijiang looked at the Honghuang starry sky. The second lecture of Zixiao Palace had already begun. Almost all the innate saints went to Zixiao Palace.

Moreover, the innate saints could not escape into the depths of the blood pool, let alone take away the Father God's heart.

Those who have this ability, the one in the Chaos Zixiao Palace, or perhaps them.

With this thought in mind, Dijiang pondered for a while and turned to escape towards Kunlun Mountain.

The ancestor witch was transformed from the essence and blood of the Father God, and the Father God's soul was transformed into the Three Pure Ones. These three are also very likely.

His figure quickly escaped and Dijiang arrived above Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

The violent aura was not concealed at all. Just as he was about to fall, dense array patterns flashed, and a simple array rose up, covering Kunlun Mountain.

Dijiang roared, and the violent figure rushed up, and a brilliant light rose immediately.

The large array covering Buzhou Mountain was directly torn apart by him, and the strong bloody aura swept the entire Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

The fairy beasts in the mountain trembled, and several Taoist children also lay on the ground miserably, with horror on their faces.

"No! No! How could there be no!!!" Dijiang roared and roared, looking towards the direction of chaos with bloodthirsty eyes.

Apart from this saint in the prehistoric world, Dijiang could not think of anyone else who had such ability.

The consciousness space connected to the heart of the Father God disappeared earlier, and now even the heart was stolen.

Consciousness space, will. Buzhou Mountain will!

A figure flashed in Dijiang's mind again, the stone man of Buzhou Mountain, and his heart was immediately shocked.

The other party can even control the will of the Father God, who knows what other means he has.

Although the stone man is not very skilled, thinking about it this way, Dijiang feels that it is really possible.

After all, they have not figured out what is going on with this stone man for such a long time?

It is obviously a big monster, how can he control the will of Buzhou Mountain.

It’s just that several of their ancestors were squatting on the other side, and the stone man has never left Buzhou Mountain.

He had previously guessed that it might be related to Tianyuan, but he was a little reluctant to believe this result, because only the ancestors knew that the heart of the Father God was deep in the blood pool.

This means that Houtu is definitely not the result he wants to see.

Dijiang took a deep breath and immediately communicated with Gonggong. Now he has no choice.

Gonggong, who was rampaging and raging in the prehistoric land, paused, and a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

"What did Tianyuan do?" Gonggong frowned, with some disbelief in his eyes.

Although it felt a little weird, Gonggong didn't think much and immediately calmed down.

However, he didn't know whether it was because the distance was too far or because Tianyuan had already noticed it, he couldn't feel the traces left by the green python.

Gonggong glanced at the Buzhou Mountain in the sky and flew away.

The land of the East is so huge, and the beloved green python is not there. If Tianyuan is hiding, he can't find it.

No matter where Tianyuan is at the moment, it will never be wrong to go back to Buzhou Mountain to guard it.

Gonggong, who was about to cross the void, stopped immediately and looked down.

It seemed to be the tribe of the ancestor witch Tianwu, with towering stone pillars standing one after another, but there was no figure in the tribe.

Gonggong jumped down and his face was furious in an instant. "It's that damn stone man!"

The scene in front of him was too familiar. The empty ancestor witch tribe was definitely done by Tianyuan.

This hateful stone man actually took advantage of the fire to rob.

Gonggong, who was furious in his heart, quickly restrained his breath.

It is very likely that this stone man stole the Father God's heart and took the opportunity to capture the witch tribe.

For so many years, there is only this person in the prehistoric world who can openly oppose their witch tribe.

So it seems that all of their ancestors were fooled by Tianyuan on Mount Buzhou.

After waiting foolishly for so long at the foot of Mount Buzhou, Gonggong felt his chest burst when he thought of this.

He took a deep breath and began to communicate with the spiritual plants around him, and instantly knew the direction where the instigator left.

Passing by along the way, there were deserted witch tribes, and Gonggong's anger became even worse.

After flying quickly, he finally saw the figures who were capturing the witch tribe everywhere.

"Why isn't it Tianyuan?" Seeing the child in the distance, Gonggong looked surprised.

The gourd baby who had just taken away a tribe of witches in the distance was startled and looked back quickly.

"The ancestor witch has discovered it, let's go!" He put away the treasure gourd and patted the iron-eating beast under him.

On the tender little white hand, the five laws of gold, wood, water, fire and earth were poured into Gun Gun's body.

If he had nothing in his hands, he wouldn't mind a fight with the ancestor witch.

But now he had tens of millions of witches on him. If he was surrounded and suppressed by the ancestor witch and failed, it would be a big deal for the father mountain. Calabash Brothers knew the importance of the matter.

Hearing that the ancestor witch had appeared, Gun Gun became even more panicked.

Without the instructions of Calabash Brothers, he had already rushed towards the Buzhou Mountain.

One man and one beast went underground, escaping into stone when encountering stone, escaping into wood when encountering wood, and escaping into water when encountering water, at an extremely fast speed.

"Where are you going!"

Gong Gong roared, and the black dragon under his feet roared to the sky, riding the wind and waves to chase him.

At the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, Gong Gong approached the two of them in an instant, and the surging bloody aura first covered the two of them.

Gungun felt like a thorn in his back, crying and shouting: "Young master, we are being caught."

The gourd boy was not in a hurry. He glanced back and muttered: "A python head and a human body, covered with black scales, stepping on a black dragon, and holding a... Well, this is the ancestor witch Gonggong, who is most afraid of the innate Wu Earth Divine Thunder."

As he spoke, the gourd boy slapped the treasure gourd on his waist, and several earth-yellow thunder dragons escaped immediately, swallowing the approaching blood evil spirit in one gulp.

After a few dragon roars, the thunder dragon exploded in the air, turning into thunder all over the sky, blocking Gonggong's way.

The gourd boy did not hide his voice, and Gonggong also heard it clearly, and his face trembled.

"Tianyuan! Damn Tianyuan! Damn stone man!"

Needless to say, this kid must be related to Tianyuan, and they all know that the innate Wu Earth Divine Thunder restrains him.

At this moment, Gonggong also saw the monster under the other party clearly.

Iron-eating beast, the pet of my younger sister Hou Tu.

The stone man stole the heart, could it be related to my little sister?

Gonggong seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became even uglier!

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