Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 91 The Hunt Begins

"Arrogant! Arrogant! Arrogant!"

"Emperor Jun, a three-legged flat-haired beast, must be killed!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Crush the demon court to vent our anger."

The ancestor witches, who were already annoyed by the sound of the bell, went berserk in an instant after hearing the words in the middle, with crazy murderous intent in their eyes.

It would have been fine if they had not paid attention to the demon court, but Emperor Jun actually took the initiative to cause trouble for them.

They said that the witch clan was ravaging the prehistoric land? This world was opened by the father mountain, and originally belonged to their witch clan, and all races should be their food.

They even dared to say that their ancestor witches did not know the destiny of the world, which undoubtedly hit the pain point in the hearts of the ancestor witches and made them even more angry.

Emperor Jiang, who was sitting quietly at the top, had four wings on his back shaking rapidly, which also showed his inner irritability.

Tianyuan was able to steal Pangu's heart, which made Emperor Jiang feel inexplicably worried.

Di Jun's words frightened Di Jiang even more. Those who speak nonsense should be destroyed by the demon court.

With a swish, Xuan Ming appeared in the scene.

"Di Jun is an arrogant boy, he should be killed!" Xuan Ming's cold words rang out, his eyes full of murderous light.

The ancestor witches were already full of anger at Tian Yuan, and Di Jun completely ignited them.

Di Jiang stood up slowly, and a cold voice came: "Gather the power of the whole tribe to attack the demon court!"

Originally, he thought that after dealing with Tian Yuan, he would destroy this arrogant demon court.

Di Jiang did not expect that Di Jun and Tai Yi were more anxious than them, and actually led the demon tribe to attack first.

Ignorant demon king, today they should know the true power of the ancestor witch.

Gong Gong and others did not speak, and flew out one by one, and began to gather the tribesmen of each tribe.

Above the starry sky, Di Jun and Tai Yi rode on the nine-dragon chariot, surrounded by the royal aura, looking down on the world.

Behind him, demon clouds rolled, and all the demon saints and great demons of the Demon Court were in it, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

Fuxi stood beside Di Jun and said calmly: "By taking advantage of the remaining momentum of the Heavenly Marriage, we can determine the situation of the Heavenly Court in one battle. From now on, the whole of the prehistoric world will be in the hands of the Demon King."

This attack on the Witch Clan was naturally Fuxi's suggestion.

The Ancestral Witch ravaged the prehistoric land, and the Witch Clan dominated one side. All the races retreated to avoid their edge. Although many fled to the Demon Court for protection, many still stayed in the prehistoric land.

At present, the Demon King's Heavenly Marriage has merits, and the Demon Court can be said to be in high spirits.

It is just right to attack the Witch Clan with this momentum, reduce the arrogance of the Ancestral Witch, and vent the anger of all races.

It can also show the strength of the Demon Court and attract more demons to gather.

Another point is that Fuxi found that Hou Tu, one of the twelve Ancestral Witches, has disappeared for thousands of years. This is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

If the Ancestral Witch can be destroyed in one fell swoop, there will be no force in the prehistoric world that can stop the Demon Court.

Moreover, the Ancestral Witch brought all the witches in the prehistoric land together, and perhaps he also had plans for the Demon Court, so he naturally had to take the initiative and attack first.

Di Jun nodded slightly, and glanced at the surrounding space with his peripheral vision, where there were waves hidden.

The innate sacreds who participated in the heavenly wedding had not left yet, which was also a good opportunity to show off.

Thinking about it, Di Jun looked at his second brother Taiyi next to him.

It's time to let all the people in the prehistoric world know what the innate treasure is.

The Ancestral Witch's body is strong, and I don't know if it can withstand the power of the innate treasure Chaos Bell.

Taiyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a scorching sun was blazing on his fiery red robe.

Compared with Di Jun's magnificent domineering, Taiyi looked even more arrogant.

The momentum of several demon kings was high, but the demon master Kunpeng who followed behind had a gloomy face and an extremely ugly look.

He knew that the catastrophe was coming, but he didn't expect the first war to happen so soon.

Once the war begins, the calamity will spread all over the prehistoric world, covering all creatures and spirits in the prehistoric world.

When the calamity enters the body, there will be killing. If there is too much killing, there will be boundless power and karma, which will be disliked by the heaven and earth.

No matter how much luck and fortune one has, it will be exhausted under karma.

Just like the three innate tribes in the past, they killed the ferocious beasts that destroyed the prehistoric world and gained endless merits, but in the end they were still forgotten by the crowd.

Kunpeng couldn't figure it out in his heart. The protagonist of heaven and earth was chosen by heaven and earth, so why was it destroyed by the calamity in the end.

The prehistoric world is vast and boundless, with abundant innate spiritual energy, which can completely carry more creatures.

What is the essence of the calamity?

Glancing at the prehistoric land, the blood mist under the Buzhou Mountain was surging, and the thick evil spirit was almost materialized.

The witch tribe was already irritable, and under the influence of the calamity, they must be even more crazy.

Once this war begins, it will definitely be a fight to the death!

Kunpeng, who had many thoughts in his mind, had already thought of the next plan.

He did not take advantage of the troubled waters during the catastrophe, and never killed people indiscriminately, otherwise the merits obtained by creating the demon text would not be enough.

Tianyuan stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the distant sky.

As the scorching sun in the sky fell, a large area of ​​bloody evil spirit rose at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, in which there were densely packed witches.

However, in the demon cloud falling from the starry sky, the number of demons was even greater, far exceeding that of witches.

The demons escaped from the prehistoric tribes, and many of them were innate tribes in the past.

They were born in the prehistoric world during the catastrophe of the beasts, and these countless Yuanhui would reproduce and inherit, so the number was naturally not comparable to that of the witches.

Looking at the dark figure that covered the sky and the sun, Tianyuan also understood why the ancestors of witches would frantically create the witches.

Fighting against the prehistoric tribes with the power of one tribe, the energy contained in Pangu's heart was completely exhausted.

The witch and lich tribes withdrew from the prehistoric stage, and the heart left by Pangu also dried up. It was really a good trick.

"Father Shan, are we going to catch the witch tribe now?" Calabash Brothers couldn't wait any longer.

Tian Yuan glanced at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. The people left there were all witches weaker than the Golden Immortal. All he needed were on the battlefield.

"Let's talk about it after they start fighting."

Tian Yuan didn't know how many lives would die. The catastrophe was not something he could control at the moment.

The only thing he could do now was to make himself stronger as much as possible during the catastrophe.

Only by becoming stronger could he stop the final catastrophe and reduce casualties in the prehistoric world.

Now that the witch clan was missing Hou Tu and Pangu's heart, and the key was that he had captured many great witches and witches, Tian Yuan was a little worried about the witch clan.

These were all the little mining experts he valued, and it was a bit painful to see them sacrificed in vain.


With a bell that resounded through the world, the first battle between witches and demons broke out completely.

The golden flames of the sun painted a large area of ​​the sky, and the violent bodies of the ancestor witches broke in directly, not afraid of the power of the chaotic spirit.

With the collision between the demon king and the ancestor witches, many demon saints and a group of great witches in the demon court also killed each other.

After a few breaths, the entire sky was filled with huge figures, and there was no end in sight.

There were great demons that covered the sky and the sun, and there were strange witches. They tore the void and shattered the mountains.

Countless creatures in the prehistoric land trembled, and many fled to the sea in panic.

After glancing at the strongest fluctuations in the sky, Tianyuan said to the gourd baby beside him: "It's time to act. The focus is still on the witches. Of course, the demons of the Golden Immortal cannot be spared."

Although the gourd baby has not yet broken through, his cultivation in the late Golden Immortal is only lower than that of the demon king and the ancestor witch.

It is still easy to capture some demon saints and great witches.

"Also pay attention to hiding your figure, don't expose it too early!" Tianyuan finally explained.

If you are discovered by the witch and lich tribes before you do a few things, you may be besieged.

Taking advantage of the catastrophe, capturing more creatures is their main task.

"Okay!" The gourd baby nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of excitement.

Being able to help Fushan was the happiest thing for him.

Tianyuan took a step forward and turned into an ordinary demon, entering the boundless battle circle in the air.

The great catastrophe that enveloped the heaven and earth, the battlefield was too big.

As long as he didn't run into the Ancestral Witch or the Demon King head-on, no one could see through him.

The only thing to be careful about was not to make a large number of figures of the two tribes of witches and liches disappear at once.

Tianyuan didn't know how many creatures participated in the battle, but without exception, each one was above the Golden Immortal.

At some point, among the roaring and roaring figures, a faint cloud rose. It was light yellow and began to spread rapidly around, covering each figure.

The demon clan's magical powers and spells were colorful, and no one paid attention to them at all.

It was just that many demons and witches in the battle found that the opponents who were about to be killed suddenly disappeared.

However, there were dense figures all around, and they had no time to study them carefully, so they joined the new battle.

After a while, those puzzled guys also disappeared in the field.

There were so many figures fighting that even if there was a small gap, it would be filled with figures rushing in.

Tianyuan, who restrained his breath, strolled leisurely in the battle circle and took away one guy after another.

"Tsk tsk, the Wu clan is worthy of dominating the prehistoric land." Looking at the battle circles around him, Tianyuan was also surprised.

Earlier, when he ravaged the Wu clan tribe, the Great Wu and the Ancestral Wu could not stand up to him, and Tianyuan did not feel anything.

Now compared with the demon clan, the gap is immediately revealed. The Wu clan of the same realm can fight three or four demon clans without losing.

Although the magical powers and magic of the demon clan are powerful, if they cannot break the physical body of the Wu clan, everything is empty talk.

Tianyuan, who took away one figure after another, slowly swept towards the battle circle of the Daluo Jinxian.

Compared with the densely packed Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian, there are not many Daluo Jinxians in the Wu and Lich clans, and most of them are in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Tian Yuan guessed that these Daluo Jinxian should all come from the Ten Thousand Races, and the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace rarely enter.

The most prosperous period of the Demon Court should be after the end of the three lectures in Zixiao Palace and the expedition to Dong Wanggong.

A figure in the distance attracted Tian Yuan's attention. A bull demon in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian was fighting on par with a great witch of the same realm.

Tian Yuan recognized the other party as the prehistoric beast Chitie, who seemed to be one of the ten great demon saints of the Demon Court.

"With such talent, he should comb the earth veins." After taking away the unlucky guys who passed by, Tian Yuan slowly approached.

The Daluo Jinxian is powerful, and the escaping fluctuations can shatter the void, almost independent of the outside.

Although there is a risk of being discovered by the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch, Tian Yuan doesn't care at this moment. The temptation is too great.

Even if he is unfortunately discovered, the battle circle is so large that he can't be caught anyway.

Many lice don't bite, and many debts don't worry. The Ancestral Witches hate him to the bone, and it doesn't seem to matter if there is a demon clan.

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