Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 92 The calamity made me crazy

The yellow cloud enveloped and quickly enveloped the demon saint and the great witch who were fighting fiercely.

After all, he was a middle-stage Daluo Jinxian, and the two of them discovered the abnormality of the yellow cloud at the first time.

Holding a mace, Chitie roared loudly, his eyes full of excitement. The great witch on the opposite side just glanced at it twice and didn't care too much.

The clouds and mist surged, which was obviously a method of the demon clan, but so what?

He was still not afraid of a few more.

He roared to the sky, and thick blood and qi surged around his body, and the great witch's body was pushed to the extreme.

But in the next second, the great witch frowned, with confusion in his eyes.

The yellow cloud did not roll towards him, but instead enveloped the opponent's demon saint first.

Chitie glanced around and asked in a deep voice: "I am the demon saint Chitie under the demon king's seat. Which demon saint are you?"

In recent years, there have been many great demons who have surrendered to the demon court. Chitie knows each of them, but since they have known each other for a short time, they are not very clear about the methods they master.

So for this sudden appearance of yellow cloud, Chitie didn't know who it was.

There was no response, but the yellow cloud in front of him was faster.

Chitie, who resisted the attack of the Great Witch, was shocked and immediately looked into the distance, but he didn't know when the sky became yellow.

Even with his cultivation of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal of Daluo, he couldn't see through this cloud.

The Great Witch, who was also puzzled, was stunned at this moment, and a figure flashed through his mind in an instant.

But thinking about it, it seemed impossible. It was said that the guy was specifically against the witch clan, how could he help him.

However, as soon as this thought came to his mind, the Great Witch found the dust behind him.


It was indeed the stone man of Buzhou Mountain. What on earth did he want to do?

He didn't care about the mere demon saint. Even if there were a few more, he would dare to fight.

But for Tianyuan, the Great Witch had no confidence, after all, the ancestor witch couldn't do anything.

The Great Witch, without thinking, withdrew and immediately fled into the distance.

"You're here, but you still want to leave?"

A calm voice sounded in his ears, and the Great Witch trembled all over. He stood in the air and couldn't move. It was indeed the stone man.

He stared at Tianyuan with wide eyes: "Grandmaster Witch"

Before he finished his trembling words, his figure disappeared in the field.

After obtaining the body of the ancestor witch, although Tianyuan was not a witch, he had absolute suppression over the witches below the ancestor witch.

Relatively speaking, it was a little more difficult to catch Chitie than the Great Witch, which was the direct reason why he attacked Chitie first.

"Who are you?" Chitie looked at the scene in the distance, and swept the weapon in his hand towards the surrounding yellow clouds.

Since he was capturing the Great Witch, why did he attack him? Chitie was puzzled!


In response to him, a series of innate Wu Earth Divine Thunders, Chitie's huge body froze in the air, and he couldn't even hold the mace in his hand steadily.

The yellow cloud faded, and there was no trace of the iron figure. Only a few nearby Golden Immortals noticed it.

However, the battle was too intense, and no one paid much attention to it. They just killed their opponents madly.

Tianyuan flew away one after another, taking away the two tribes of witches and liches.

Under the power of the body of the ancestor witch, the witch tribe had no time to react.

Tianyuan was slightly shocked when he glanced behind him. If he didn't pay attention, a large open space would be exposed behind him.

"The catastrophe made me crazy, I still have to restrain myself!"

Tianyuan muttered, and his figure disappeared quickly, fleeing in another direction.

He caught a lot of people in this area, which has attracted the attention of many witches and liches. He changed his position first.

He didn't dare to catch too many Golden Immortals at once.

Although the battle circle of Golden Immortals was far away, it was reasonable to disappear one or two occasionally. After all, if you can't beat the escape and pursuit, you can't feel it if it's too far away.

But if a large area disappears, the demon king and the witch ancestor will definitely stop fighting instantly.

Circling the periphery of the battle circle, Tianyuan continued to harvest. Fortunately, he had the Nine Heavens Xiran, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with these guys.

"Tsk tsk tsk! This is much more fun than arresting the witch clan everywhere." With absolute strength, no one can stop Tianyuan's footsteps.

The battles in the air are almost all battles between the same realm, at most a number of demons besieging the witch clan.

There is no situation where Daluo slaughters the Golden Immortal and Taiyi Golden Immortal, which undoubtedly makes it easier for Tianyuan to act.

The thick smell of blood began to spread, and Tianyuan clearly felt the changes in the two tribes of witches and demons around him.

The violent, bloodthirsty, and crazy aura not only enveloped the witch clan, but also the demons.

Even Tianyuan, who was walking in the air, had the urge to roar at the sky and kill people in anger.

A faint will enveloped, and the discomfort disappeared instantly, and Tianyuan also saw the calamity that permeated the world.

They appeared out of thin air and quickly drilled towards every figure in the field.

"Calamity! Calamity! Could it be the will floating in the consciousness space?" Seeing the calamity surrounding many figures, Tianyuan had a thought in his mind.

Calamity was born in the will space of Buzhou Mountain. There was nothing special in that void except the endless floating will. He should have thought of this possibility long ago.

How could Hongjun, who was just in harmony with the Tao, control these wills?

Tianyuan did not think that calamity was born from heaven and earth. It was obviously controlled by humans.

In the entire prehistoric world, the only one who had such means was the one in Zixiao Palace.

Tianyuan, who was thinking in his heart, moved quickly with his hands and took away the figures one by one.

Suddenly, a roar exploded in the distance, and several waves quickly fled into the distance one after another.

A great witch was chasing after the Golden Immortal and the great demon, and there were several other Golden Immortals following behind him.

Glancing at the figures, Tianyuan followed without hesitation.

There were not many Golden Immortals, so this opportunity must not be missed.

Tianyuan moved, and a small figure in the distance also quietly escaped. It was Calabash Brothers.

After capturing the witches several times, this little guy really learned his true skills.

After sending a message to the other party, Tianyuan disappeared into the ground.

There were several Golden Immortals, so naturally he would be more cautious.

After hearing Fushan's order, Calabash Brothers had no objection and turned around and disappeared in the dense crowd.

Calabash Brothers mastered the five laws of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and his concealment methods were not inferior to Tianyuan's, but his efficiency in catching people was a little lower.

Above the starry sky, Donghuang Taiyi hung the Chaos Bell on his head, fighting against the five ancestor witches alone, and he was not at all inferior.

In the distance, Emperor Jun held the River Map and Luoshu in his hands, and was surrounded by the golden flames of the sun. He was also fighting against the three ancestor witches.

Fuxi, who was also the demon king, was a little inferior, and was only on par with the ancestor witch Zhurong.

Only the two fairies Xihe and Changxi on the Taiyin star had a hard time fighting Qiangliang alone.

The two girls looked at the demon master Kunpeng in the distance, but the other party ignored them and ignored them at all.

Gonggong looked at the guy in front of him, gnashing his teeth and roaring.

Because they were not fast enough, Emperor Jun and Taiyi were robbed by their brothers. He chose Kunpeng without hesitation for the remaining Fuxi, Kunpeng and others.

Not only because the opponent was powerful, but also because Kunpeng created the demon text.

Killing such a person showed his power as an ancestor witch.

Who knew that after the fight, this guy never fought hard, but just kept wandering around, and didn't even attack much.

That agile speed was much more agile than the stone men of Mount Buzhou.

This made Gonggong, who was already furious, even more irritable.

Fighting is to vent the resentment in one's heart, and he didn't want to get angrier the more he fought.

He didn't know what Kunpeng was thinking, but Gonggong just wanted to tear the hateful guy in front of him to pieces.

The demon master Kunpeng on the opposite side was also in a headache.

The ancestor witches were indeed a group of brainless guys who only knew how to kill, kill, kill.

He had no intention of entering the demon court, and he had no grudge against the ancestor witches. If it weren't for the situation, he would not have been willing to come.

Glancing at Changxi and Xihe who looked a little embarrassed in the distance, Kunpeng turned his body and fled directly into the distance.

He didn't care who won or lost between the witch and demon clans, but if it was too obvious that he was fishing in troubled waters, it would inevitably affect his reputation in the demon clan.

He created the demon text and passed down the method of cultivation. The name of the demon master cannot be ruined like this.

Now that an ancestor witch has been led away, even if the demon king is angry, he will not be able to say anything afterwards.

He glanced behind him and saw that, as Kunpeng thought, Gonggong chased him impatiently without thinking.

The ancestor witch's body was terrifying, but his speed made him very disdainful.

He could lead Gonggong around the prehistoric world, which was the safest way Kunpeng thought. He would enter the calamity with his body, but he would not be entangled in killing.

Of course, all the prerequisites are that he has merits, otherwise, the calamity will surge in, and he will not be able to control himself.

Kunpeng, who had a thought in his mind, controlled his speed a little, so as not to let this companion run away.

"Evil beast! Stay for a fight!" Gonggong roared loudly, his whole body full of murderous aura.

He has never been so angry since he transformed.

It was obviously the demon court that came with all the races, but this demon master Kunpeng was so absent-minded, as if he was playing with him.

With a whoosh, the two disappeared in the sky in an instant, making Chang Xi and Xi He in the distance curse in anger.

Although the two were not weak in Taoism, they did not like fighting, had few powerful attack methods, and had no powerful spiritual treasures to protect themselves, so it was difficult to hurt the ancestor witch.

Previously, they had sent messages to Kunpeng for help, but this guy not only did not respond, but now he ran away directly.

However, facing this scene, the two women were helpless and had to resist the attack of Qiang Liang with difficulty.

Tianyuan, who had captured the demon saints and great witches and rushed back, stopped and looked up at the sky.

"It's Gonggong and Kunpeng!" Tianyuan whispered softly, with doubt in his eyes.

Tianyuan was still somewhat clear about the strength of the demon master Kunpeng. He was the guy who was fine after taking a punch from him on Mount Buzhou earlier.

There was no big problem in fighting a ancestor witch alone.

Relying on that exaggerated speed, he could even gain the upper hand, so why was he chased by Gonggong and fled?

After a brief moment of contemplation, Tian Yuan ran towards the direction the two had left.

In the war between witches and liches, Tian Yuan wanted to capture the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch the most. As long as he captured these leaders, the catastrophe would naturally end, and the two tribes of witches and liches in the world would be at his disposal.

Now that the two had left the battle circle, it was definitely a good opportunity.

Kunpeng was very fast, which was a bit troublesome, but Gong Gong had great potential.

After holding the body of the Ancestral Witch, Tian Yuan was still very confident in fighting against an Ancestral Witch alone.

After leaving a message for Calabash Brothers, Tian Yuan followed Gong Gong closely.

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