Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 93: Sneak attack, capture Gonggong

"Evil beast! How long are you going to run away?"

Looking at the guy who could never catch up no matter how hard he tried, Gonggong was so angry that he cursed.

Originally, he thought he had picked a guy with good strength, but he didn't expect him to be such a coward.

A great demon master of the demon court, but he was such a coward.

Before, he would fight with him for a few moves, but now he kept running in front of him and he couldn't catch up.

The key is that Gonggong had an inexplicable illusion that whenever he was about to get close, the other party would speed up a little, always giving him a feeling that he was about to catch up.

Facing Gonggong's angry curses behind him, Kunpeng didn't change his face and didn't care at all.

Although he didn't like Di Jun and Taiyi, Kunpeng still agreed with the words of these two demon kings.

The ancestor witch didn't know the destiny and the will of heaven, and he would eventually die in the world, but he didn't want to be involved in the killing.

The Buzhou Mountain behind him was already covered by clouds and mist. Gonggong looked at Kunpeng in front of him, and after cursing repeatedly, he chose to turn back.

The opponent was too fast, and there would be no change if he chased him further.

The number of the witch tribe was far less than that of the demon tribe, so he had to go back to help his tribe.

Just as he stepped out, a thunderbolt fell on his head.

There was a loud bang, and the thunderbolt surged, drowning him. Gonggong was furious and rolled away violently.

The void exploded, and a ray of silver light escaped in the damaged space, and Kunpeng appeared again in the distance.

Gonggong's face was a little distorted, and he jumped up, but Kunpeng flew away again.

Tianyuan, who was hiding in the dark, saw the scene in the distance and immediately looked strange.

"Kunpeng is really not simple!" After thinking about it for a while, Tianyuan understood the reason.

Kunpeng was taken into the demon court by Taiyi. I think he was quite resentful in his heart, and he didn't want to work at all, just wanted to fish in troubled waters.

But it was not so easy to stay awake in the catastrophe.

He thought of the merits that fell earlier, and Kunpeng created the demon text too timely.

Tian Yuan didn't know whether it was because he had experienced a catastrophe or some other reason, but now his target was Gong Gong.

He still didn't move, just followed closely behind, waiting for the best opportunity.

The more irritable Gong Gong was, the better it was for him.

After several times, Gong Gong's curses resounded through the world, and he was completely manic, but Kun Peng in front of him was still calm.

With a rumbling sound, Gong Gong, who couldn't catch up, could only vent his endless anger around.

Mountains and rivers exploded, lakes shattered, and everything along the way was in a mess, and countless weak creatures died on the spot.

Looking at the raging Gong Gong in front, Tian Yuan's face sank slightly.

The ancestor witch was violent and really didn't know the destiny, so he should have stayed in the consciousness space to sort out the earth veins.

The violent Gong Gong just vented his anger unscrupulously, and didn't notice Tian Yuan approaching gradually.

Finally, when a peak was shattered and Gong Gong roared angrily.

Tianyuan turned into a yellow light and escaped. The dazzling white light went straight to Gonggong's ribs, which was Gonggong's only weakness.

Houtu once said that Gonggong had provoked Xuanming earlier and was seriously injured by the violent Xuanming. This was a relatively weak spot.

Gonggong, who was venting his anger everywhere, suddenly felt the space around him shattered, and immediately a sharp aura emerged.

The familiar body of the ancestor witch fluctuated, and Gonggong found the newcomer at the first time.

"Tianyuan!" Gonggong was shocked and angry. He realized Tianyuan's target.

In addition to panic, there was more endless anger rising in his chest.

The ancestor witch had a bad temper and liked to solve everything with force. Fighting was commonplace.

When he first transformed, he was not surprised by the ranking of his brothers and sisters, so he provoked Xuanming and was seriously injured.

Only a few of his brothers and sisters knew about this matter, but Tianyuan knew it. It was obviously told by Houtu.

He didn't care about ordinary creatures at all. After all, he had the body of the ancestor witch, but Tianyuan was different.

Gonggong, who had just thought about it, felt a domineering force coming, his body shook, and he was thrown out from the black dragon.

The violent law of force poured into his body, and Gonggong felt pain for the second time in his life.

He was thrown away, and there was no time for him to do anything else. A fist with white light expanded in his eyes and hit his python head hard.

Gonggong roared angrily, but what greeted him was Tianyuan's dense fists.

Kunpeng, who was waiting in the distance and did not leave, was also frightened by the burst of Tianyuan.

When Tianyuan came out, he fled to the distance at the first time.

He kept hanging Gonggong, and Kunpeng's perception was always paying attention to the surroundings, but he did not find Tianyuan.

He was shocked and stunned by the scene in the distance before he had time to think about why Tianyuan appeared.

Gonggong, one of the twelve ancestors of witches, was beaten back and forth by Tianyuan, and he had no power to resist.

With his natural speed, he easily controlled Gonggong, but Kunpeng was not sure about defeating him.

The ancestor witch's body was too abnormal, and it was difficult for him to break the opponent's defense with his current means.

In the current situation, Tianyuan seemed to have hurt the opponent, and Gonggong even lost the opportunity to resist.

The whole sky was only that ray of white light and Gonggong's figure tossed around.


In Kunpeng's shocked eyes, a deafening sound ended the battle.

The earth trembled slightly, and Gonggong's huge body smashed into the ruins he had ravaged, raising rolling dust.

There was no sound, and through the scattered yellow soil, Kunpeng saw a figure lying quietly.

Gonggong's strong blood could still be felt from a distance. Was the ancestor witch knocked unconscious?

Kunpeng opened his mouth and stood there.

The witches all rely on their bodies to make a living, not to mention the ancestor witch.

In the previous battle, he clearly saw Dijiang take a hit from the Chaos Bell, but he just flipped out, but now Gonggong was hit by the stone man.

He took a punch from Tianyuan on Mount Buzhou, and the opponent was not so powerful at that time. It has only been a few years, and the cultivation is too fast.

Kunpeng took a deep breath and met Tianyuan's gaze in the distance.

Without thinking, he immediately flew away.

Kunpeng didn't know why Tianyuan followed them and knocked Gonggong out violently, but it was definitely not something he could deal with at the moment.

It was good that Gonggong was knocked out. That guy cursed badly, so he didn't have to act.

The demon master Kunpeng, who didn't think about it, fled directly to the North Sea.

He was injured and needed to go to the North Sea to heal.

"You're running pretty fast!" Tian Yuan curled his lips when he saw the silver light flashing in the distant sky.

With such a strong spatial law, it's no wonder that Kunpeng is the fastest in the prehistoric world.

Although the demons don't have bodies comparable to the witches, many of them have innate magical powers and good means of survival.

Tian Yuan retracted his gaze and took a step forward. There was a loud bang in the rolling dust, and two wails were heard.

The two black dragons that were about to flee after rolling up Gong Gong's body were stepped on the ground one by one by Tian Yuan.

"Stepping on the black dragon, this posture is quite cool!"

Although the strength was restrained, the two black dragons in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian were still lying on the ground and unable to move, and they uttered unconscious painful groans.

Not far from the black dragon, Gong Gong, who was still emitting a rolling bloody aura, lay quietly on the ground, motionless.

Only a big bulge appeared on the dark python's head.

It was still emitting white light, like a huge light bulb.

"The only one who can defeat the ancestor witch is the ancestor witch." Tian Yuan came to this conclusion after collecting the two black dragons.

If he failed to obtain the body of the ancestor witch, it would take an absolutely overwhelming force to knock out an ancestor witch.

And being able to take down Gonggong so quickly was thanks to Hou Tu's intelligence.

If he hadn't taken the initiative, it would not have been so easy.

Tian Yuan, who looked happy, had yellow clouds surging, and Gonggong's body was collected by him.

Capturing the first ancestor witch meant that there would be the next one soon.

Looking around, Tian Yuan quickly fled towards Buzhou Mountain. As for the escaped Kunpeng, he was not worried.

Judging from the traces just now, this guy might have fled back to the North Sea. As for the aftermath, it was impossible to hide it.

Tian Yuan only thought that before the end of the first war, it would be enough to capture more witches and monsters.

Under the full-strength flight, the familiar Buzhou Mountain appeared in front of him.

Glancing at the densely packed figures in the sky, Tian Yuan plunged into Buzhou Mountain and came to the consciousness space.

After finally capturing an ancestor witch, Tianyuan didn't want any accidents to happen.

After throwing the captured witches and liches into the earth veins, Tianyuan threw the still unconscious Gonggong under the shining sacred mountain.

With Gonggong's irritable temper, it was definitely impossible for him to dredge the earth veins obediently, but Tianyuan had a way.

After taking away the law of power that was raging in the other party's body, Gonggong's body moved slightly, and his right hand naturally touched the back of his head.

The huge bulge made Gonggong's right hand stiff, and then it suddenly shot up, carrying a rolling evil spirit.


Tianyuan's body did not move in the thunderous roar of anger.

But he saw white light flashing in the air, and a stone man covered with white light appeared and stood in front of Tianyuan.


Gonggong's body retreated again and again, and the stone man who suddenly appeared also retreated a hundred feet away.

Gonggong was shocked, how could another powerful stone man come out, but he looked around at the first time.

The strange environment and the familiar fluctuations in the air made Gonggong stop in the air.

He instinctively looked up at the top of the mountain, and his eyes suddenly burst into a strong light.

"Breath! It's the breath of the Father God's heart!" On the towering sacred mountain in front of him, Gonggong felt the fluctuations of the Father God's heart.

Gonggong knew that he was brought to the space that the ancestor witches were eager to find by Tianyuan.

In addition to anger, Gonggong felt excited.

He is the ancestor witch, the authentic Pangu, and he will definitely be able to control the will of the Father God if he comes to this space.

Everything that the ancestor witch lost will return to the hands of the witch clan, and he will take it back.

Being knocked unconscious by Tianyuan was completely a sneak attack by the other party. Gonggong didn't think Tianyuan was stronger than him.

Gonggong took a deep breath and looked at Tianyuan not far away with a gloomy face.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Tianyuan casually throw out two figures, his beloved black dragons.

The miserable appearance of the black dragon, with its head drooping and foaming at the mouth, made Gonggong furious.

Although his pet often drank his blood and had an extraordinary body, it could not compare with the ancestor witch.

He just looked up and saw Tianyuan's figure.

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