Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 94 Oh no, this is the Stoneman's lair

Gonggong looked at the stone man in the distance.

He was also at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, and the laws emanating from his body made Gonggong's eyes shrink suddenly.

The law of force! Pure law of force!

He was angry and ashamed just now, and the strong aura of the Father God around him made him not notice the specialness of this stone man.

Gonggong took a deep breath and asked coldly: "Who are you? What is your relationship with Tianyuan?"

The appearance of a Tianyuan on Mount Buzhou shocked the ancestor witch, and now there is a stone man in this space.

He actually cultivated the law of force unique to the Father God to this level.

The stone man did not reply, and the white light on his fists became more and more dazzling, showing the law of force flowing.

Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, Gonggong's long-suppressed anger also exploded at this moment.

He was repeatedly frustrated by Tianyuan, was hung up by Kunpeng all the way, and was finally knocked unconscious by the hateful stone man.

He was a great witch, with a body comparable to a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, but he was knocked unconscious and taken away.

If this spread out, how could he walk in the prehistoric land with dignity? He would be laughed at by Zhu Rong forever.

Gonggong snorted coldly, glanced at the top of Buzhou Mountain, and was about to stride forward, but he didn't know that there was a rumbling sound in front of him on the right.

Gonggong frowned, glanced at it, and was stunned.

He turned his head and looked at it immediately, his face a little stunned.

In that direction, a stone man was jumping towards him.

Hmm. Daluo Jinxian peak, also Daluo Jinxian peak.

Before Gonggong could come to his senses, there were rumbling sounds from all directions. He looked around and stood there in a daze.

Stone men, stone men of various colors jumped out and ran towards him happily.

They were similar in shape and appearance, but they all had a single skin color.

But what shocked Gonggong was that these stone men all had the peak cultivation of Daluo Jinxian.

After he transformed, he practiced countless Yuanhui to reach his current cultivation. How did these stone men practice?

Looking at the dozens of stone men who surrounded him in an instant, Gonggong couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Before he could speak, all the stone men rushed towards him with a roar, each of them blooming with pure law power.

What the hell is this place?

The elder brother said that this is the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, and this is completely the nest of stone men.

Gonggong had no time to think about anything else, and angrily dealt with the huge fists that fell from the sky.

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!

In the flowing golden innate spiritual energy, Xingtian was leisurely dredging the earth veins.

The green python wrapped around him suddenly straightened his body and turned his head to look at the Buzhou Divine Mountain behind him.

Before Xingtian asked, the green python jumped out with a whizzing expression, looking quite happy.

Xing Tian, ​​who had stopped moving, was stunned for a moment, and then his face was overjoyed. He immediately turned around and followed excitedly.

Seeing this, Kuafu, who was not far away, shouted in surprise: "Xing Tian! What's wrong?"

"Ancestor witch! My ancestor witch Gonggong is here, he must be here to save us!" Xing Tian rushed towards the sacred mountain with a roar.

Purifying the earth veins can improve strength, but this place is too boring. There are only witches and witches here, and he has been suffocated for a long time.

Kuafu, who had not cared about it, heard the words, and his eyes lit up.

He looked at Houyi and others in the distance and ran away immediately.

If the ancestor witch was thrown into the earth veins, they would still wonder if he would be captured by Tianyuan again.

Now that Qingmang can feel Gonggong's breath in the distance, perhaps many ancestor witches have come in.

Thinking of this, Kuafu and others became more energetic, and they rushed forward one by one.

The ancestor witches are here, and they can finally deal with that hateful stone man.

Many excited witches quickly ran out of the main vein. Sure enough, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, and there was a rolling bloody aura rising, and there was a vaguely familiar roar.

Swish, swish, swish!

Houyi and his companions flew there first, but when they approached, they all stared blankly into the distance with confusion in their eyes.

They saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives.

Gonggong, one of the twelve ancestor witches, was being beaten on the ground by dozens of stone men.

That's right, they were being beaten on the ground. Just now, there was no roar of the ancestor witch, but Gonggong's pain.

Some of them couldn't believe the scene in front of them and looked carefully at the figure lying on the ground.

The human body with a python head and black scales, and two black dragons lying not far away, was indeed Gonggong, the ancestor witch.

In their hearts, the ancestor witch was an absolutely powerful existence, but now

Houyi didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment. Among the dozens of stone men, he saw several familiar figures.

The escaping fluctuations made even him feel a strong pressure.

How long have we not seen each other? How did he break through so quickly?

And how did so many powerful stone men appear? Houyi was full of doubts.

Shocked, Houyi immediately looked around. There was no other ancestor witch except Gonggong, and there was no Tianyuan figure.


The stunned Xingtian finally came to his senses from the shock and ran forward with Ganqi on his shoulder.

Although he didn't know what happened, he had to help his ancestor witch who was attacked.

Houyi and Kuafu next to him also flew up without hesitation.

The stone men who beat Gonggong saw several people fleeing, and scattered with a bang, jumping and running away in an instant.

In the dust, only Gonggong was left with a bruised face and bruises all over his body.

He collapsed on the ground, his body shaking slightly, and the scene was a bit unbearable to watch.

"Master Zuwu! Master Zuwu, you are in trouble!"

Xing Tian ran forward and was about to check the other party's injuries. He was greeted by a huge fist that hit his chin.

With a dull sound, Xing Tian flipped and flew out. He didn't know where the dry halberd in his hand fell.

Amid the whistling wind, Xing Tian's panicked words came. "Master Zuwu, it's me, Xing Tian!"

Hou Yi and his men saw the change in front of them, so they dared not stay and turned around and ran away immediately.

Hou Yi ran away in an instant, roaring and roaring behind him, accompanied by Kuafu's cry of pain.

"Master Gonggong, I am Kuafu!"

With a rumbling sound, the earth shook, mixed with the screams of Kuafu, Xing Tian and other great witches.

Hou Yi was not surprised at all. Master Zuwu was in a bad mood, and it was common for him to beat the great witches.

Among the twelve great witches, only the ancestor witch Hou Tu was the most gentle, and the great witches of their tribe were rarely beaten.

It was just the scene in front of him that gave Houyi a bad feeling.

It was obvious that Gonggong was not like Houtu, and perhaps he was really captured by Tianyuan.

No one knew the difficulty of capturing an ancestor witch better than Houyi.

The ancestor witches were not weak in the first place, and the twelve ancestor witches were inseparable. How did Tianyuan do it?

They were the ones who were dredging and purifying the earth veins, so why did Tianyuan grow faster than them?

Houyi didn't know, but he obviously didn't dare to ask Gonggong, and I'm afraid no one dared to ask.

After waking Gonggong up, Tianyuan left the consciousness space.

The witches and liches were still fighting outside, and he couldn't waste time in there.

Besides, there were so many manifested laws in the consciousness space, enough to deal with Gonggong.

The ancestor witches, these arrogant guys, should be more clear-headed after a good beating.

He has always adhered to the principle of not forcing.

It has been almost ten thousand years, and he has captured so many witches and monsters, but they all obediently dredged and purified the earth veins for him.

No matter how much resistance Gonggong has, he will not be able to hold on for long.

After entering the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, working hard is his final destiny.

As for resistance, Tianyuan doesn't care at all. There are many stone men in various colors, and there must be one he likes.

Tianyuan put away his distracting thoughts and looked at the sky.

After a while, the battle in the sky became more intense.

From time to time, huge corpses fell from the sky, accompanied by blood and internal organs spilling on the prehistoric land.

"These prodigal sons!" Tianyuan cursed angrily and flew forward immediately.

Yellow dust rolled up, and figures disappeared quickly, no longer as cautious as at the beginning.

Under the shroud of the calamity, no one in the crazy fighting witch and lich tribes paid attention to these.

Their eyes were bloodshot, and they blindly looked for opponents one by one, tearing them apart and killing them in the air.

The many innate sacreds watching around also rarely paid attention to these ordinary witches and monsters.

All their eyes were on the two demon kings, Dijun and Taiyi, especially the Chaos Bell in Taiyi's hand.

At this moment, all the innate gods in the world truly realized what the innate treasure was.

The bell sounded loud, the universe was brilliant, the world was eclipsed, and the universe was shaken.

It hung above his head, completely ignoring the attacks of many ancestor witches.

This made them guess that with this treasure protecting his body, Donghuang Taiyi was already invincible.

"Innate treasure! The power of Taiyi's Chaos Bell is not inferior to that of my brother's Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!" Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Donghuang Taiyi, who was fighting against several ancestor witches alone with the Chaos Bell hanging on his head in the distance, with a scorching light in his eyes.

They were transformed from Pangu's primordial spirit, enjoyed the merits of opening the sky, and were loved by the world, but they did not have an innate treasure.

A mere three-legged golden crow actually had such a treasure as a companion, how could Yuanshi Tianzun not be jealous.

Laozi looked indifferent and did not speak, but his unmoved gaze undoubtedly showed that the other party was also surprised.

Tongtian took a few glances but didn't care too much.

He didn't like the Chaos Bell, which was mainly for defense. He liked the powerful attack treasure more.

Looking at the somewhat bored Tongtian, he raised his eyes and swept into the distance.

His eyes, which glided casually, suddenly paused slightly and fell on a battle circle.

"Did I see it wrong?" Tongtian whispered softly. He seemed to see several figures disappearing out of thin air just now.

"Third brother! What's wrong?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked at him in confusion.

Tongtian frowned and shook his head and replied, "Nothing!"

He had no interest in the battle between witches and liches.

Tongtian, who was a little bored, turned his head and looked at Laozi: "Brother, let's go back to Kunlun Mountain for meditation."

What's the point of just watching? He originally wanted to fight with Dijiang, but his two brothers opposed it.

After such a long time, the methods of the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch were also known, so there was no need to stay.

They are the authentic Pangu, and they will not join any forces.

Dijun and Tianhun are all here, showing great respect to the Demon Court.

Laozi nodded and strode towards Kunlun Mountain, followed closely by Tongtian.

Only Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the Chaos Bell with a lingering look and left reluctantly.

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