Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 96 What does Brother Tianyuan want to do?

The war intensified, and Tianyuan estimated that hundreds of millions of lives were taken away.

Fortunately, as the battle progressed, the figures of the two tribes of witches and liches continued to disperse, and it was still not noticeable if you didn't look closely.

However, Tianyuan knew very well that it might not take long before the Ancestral Witch and the Demon King would see through it.

If he hadn't simply captured the people of the two tribes, he would have been discovered by everyone long ago.

The battle between the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch also entered a white-hot stage.

Di Jun had the best innate spiritual treasures such as the River Map and Luo Shu to protect him, and Taiyi was in charge of the innate treasure Chaos Bell. In addition, the two of them were surrounded by the imperial aura, and they were on par with the Ancestral Witches under the rolling golden flames of the sun.

However, Changxi and Xihe, the two women, were a little exhausted by Qiangliang's attack, and had to ask Dijun for help again and again.

Seeing the situation of the two Taoist companions, Dijun was worried and very angry.

Nuwa did not go with him, and although Di Jun was unhappy, he did not care for Fuxi's sake, after all, Hou Tu did not show up.

The original plan was for Kunpeng to fight the two ancestor witches alone, but he did not expect this guy to be so lazy and now he is nowhere to be found.

Although his second brother had forcefully dragged him into the demon court, he, as the demon king, had also treated him with great courtesy during this period, and had not lacked face and spiritual objects.

In the entire heaven, the position of demon master was only below that of the demon king.

He did not want the demon master Kunpeng to be so ineffective.

The innate eight trigrams rose from the Hetu Luoshu that protected him, and quickly covered Changxi and Xihe.

The Hetu Luoshu was not an ordinary spiritual treasure, and it was with this thing that he could fight three people alone.

However, the ancestor witches' bodies were too terrifying, and the golden flames of the sun could not burn them all.

Changxi and Xihe were relieved to be protected by the Hetu Luoshu, but Di Jun looked solemn.

The defense of the River Map and Luoshu could not withstand the continuous attacks of the four ancestor witches.

Chang Xi and his two daughters also knew about Di Jun's situation, and immediately poured their magic power into this top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Taiyi, who was fighting with Di Jiang and others, also knew about his elder brother's situation. He snorted angrily, and suddenly heard a loud bell echoing.

The five ancestor witches surrounding him were all shocked, and then the golden flames in the air swept down, and they wanted to escape towards Di Jun.

Amid the roars, Di Jiang, Xuan Ming and others broke out of the burning void and blocked Taiyi.

Their bodies were burned red, but they still rushed with violent momentum.

All the anger they had on Tian Yuan over the years was vented on Taiyi.

However, the Chaos Bell hanging above the opponent's head was too abnormal, and the combined efforts of several ancestor witches could not break it.

Looking at the figures rushing around, Taiyi was secretly angry.

If the treasure had not been completely refined, how could the ancestor witches and other reckless men be so rampant.

The innate treasure was extraordinary. If the Chaos Bell was not his companion, it would be impossible to refine it, let alone sacrifice it.

After so many times after the transformation, he still couldn't easily use the Chaos Bell.

His magic power could not be used several times, and only instinct hung above his head to protect himself.

If he could hit three times in a row, he could kill an ancestor witch, but now he could only be surrounded by Di Jiang and others.

The many innate sacreds watching the battle also noticed the situation in the field.

"If it drags on, Di Jun may not be defeated!" Pan Wang looked at the situation in the distance and said softly.

Although he said so, he still couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

The Dong Wanggong and others next to him didn't speak, but their faces had the same expression.

Whether it was Taiyi or the demon emperor Di Jun in front of them, they were far beyond their imagination.

If it were them, they could only deal with one or two ancestor witches at most.

"I don't know what Kunpeng is thinking, otherwise the Wu Clan will find it difficult to resist the holy power of the Demon Court." Dong Wanggong whispered softly, his eyes unconsciously sweeping to the distance.

The number of Wu Clan is far less than that of the Demon Court. If the witch ancestors drag it out for long enough, most of the tribe members will be injured.


Dong Wanggong's eyes swept across, with doubt in his eyes.

The demons continued to join the prehistoric land. Why did he feel that the battle was not as fierce as it was at the beginning, and the bloody smell between heaven and earth was also a little wrong.

Confused, he looked at the distance carefully, and his eyes shrank slightly.

A figure flashed in the sky, where several Daluo Jinxians were fighting.

But when the bloody aura faded, there was no Wu Clan figure, no demons, and no corpses.

Whether it was the Daluo Jinxian of the Wu Clan or the Daluo Jinxian of the Demon Court, they were all gone.

"Weird! Weird!" Dong Wanggong muttered, and hurriedly flew in that direction.

"Brother Daoist?"

Pan Wang, who was waiting at the side, was puzzled when he saw this.

Looking at the hurriedly leaving Dong Wanggong, Pan Wang hesitated for a moment, but still followed him.

Di Jun and the others who were fighting had not noticed it yet, but many innate sacred people who were watching around noticed the strangeness of the battle circle.

At first, their eyes were all on the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch, but now they can find something strange after a closer look.

In another direction, Hong Yun looked at the distance and whispered, "Zhen Yuanzi, was that Brother Daoist Tian Yuan just now?"

Di Jun's heavenly marriage, they were both three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace, so they received an invitation. Originally thought that he could meet Tian Yuan in the Demon Court, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't come.

Who knew that when the witches and demons were fighting, Tian Yuan appeared on the battlefield. The scene just now seemed to be capturing the two tribes of witches and demons.

Hong Yun could understand the witch tribe. Earlier, they were hunted down by Gong Gong and Zhu Rong in Buzhou Mountain, and knew that Tian Yuan had a grudge against the witch tribe.

Hong Yun already had a feud with the Witch Clan, and now he was being punished by the Demon Court. It was difficult for him to understand what Tian Yuan was doing.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded. He had spotted Tian Yuan before Hong Yun.

Of course, he did not see Tian Yuan, but the breath of the Earth Origin made him discover the other party.

Zhen Yuanzi also could not understand Tian Yuan's behavior.

The two people looked at each other without saying anything. They had a good relationship with Tian Yuan, and they did not want to rashly intervene in the battle between the two tribes of witches and liches. They just sat on the wall and watched.

Fuxi, who was in the battle circle at this moment, also felt that things were very strange.

In addition to his younger sister Nuwa, it seemed that there were other people making trouble. After thinking for a long time, Fuxi still sent a message to the two demon kings.

His method of cultivation was very strange, but he could only stop Zhu Rong.

Although it was related to his younger sister, it was related to the major events of the demon court, and Fuxi did not dare to underestimate it.

"Huh?" Di Jun was stunned, and immediately looked at the densely packed figures in the distance.

After a careful look, Di Jun immediately found something strange. He could not feel the breath of the demon saint.

In the demon court, the demon saints are below the demon emperor, and among the many demon saints, besides Bai Ze, his favorite is Chi Tie.

The other party is not only a prehistoric alien species, but also born in the prehistoric starry sky, a great demon born and raised in the demon court.

Bai Ze was left to protect the family, and Chi Tie came with him, but now he is nowhere to be seen.

Before Di Jun could act, there was a "clang" sound in the sky, and a visible ripple was seen swinging towards the battle circle.

"Not good!" Tian Yuan, who was collecting people everywhere, changed his face slightly in an instant.

The sound of the bell echoed in his ears, and he fell out of the void. The yellow clouds around him faded, turning into a ray of light that sank into his chest.

The figures of Calabash Brothers and Nuwa also appeared in the southeast, which was particularly eye-catching.

Under the innate treasure Chaos Bell, they were all exposed and had nowhere to hide.

Facing this scene, although Tian Yuan felt regretful, he didn't care too much, after all, this was already in his expectations.

With a light shout, rolling yellow clouds suddenly appeared, accompanied by the flashing of rich innate Wutu divine thunder.

All the figures passing by froze in the air and then disappeared under the flying yellow dust.

In the east, the gourd boy threw his right hand, and the treasure gourd in his hand grew in the wind and floated in the sky.

Countless fighting witches and liches flew to the gourd mouth in panic and roared. No matter how they struggled, they disappeared one by one.

Nuwa was just stunned for a moment, and a milky white halo emanated from her body, sweeping away the witches and liches.

Looking at the disappearing figures, Di Jun's face was gloomy, especially when he saw Nuwa, his face was even uglier.

Not only did the other party not help the demon court, but he actually mixed with the stone man of Buzhou Mountain.

Although he didn't know what Tianyuan and the others were doing, it undoubtedly filled Di Jun's heart with endless anger.

The appearance of the three not only stunned Di Jun and others, but also several ancestor witches in the field, and then many roars exploded.


The ancestor witches showed fierce light in their eyes, murderous faces, and retreated.

Di Jun didn't know why Tianyuan captured so many creatures, but the ancestor witches knew it very well.

Immediately, they abandoned Di Jun and Taiyi and fled towards Tianyuan.

Di Jun, who was already at a disadvantage, would not be stupid enough to chase the ancestor witches at this time, and also rushed towards the nearest gourd baby.

He recognized the treasure gourd in the air, the top-grade innate spiritual root on Mount Buzhou.

The gourd vine really took shape and confronted their demon court.

Earlier, when he heard that Tianyuan was capturing the witch clan everywhere in the prehistoric land, Di Jun was very happy, but he didn't know that the other party would not let go of their demon clan in a blink of an eye.

Di Jun was very puzzled, they had no hatred with Tianyuan.

They didn't say anything when Tianyuan robbed the second brother of his chance, and they even asked Fuxi to make friends with him afterwards.

The matter of the heavenly marriage was personally sent by the demon king Fuxi. It would have been fine if Tianyuan didn't come, but now he deliberately went against the demon court.

Di Jun was very angry, very angry, this was a provocation to their demon court.


Above the sky, another earth-shaking bell sounded.

The treasure gourd that was collecting people in the air shook slightly, turned into a ray of light and fell into the palm of the gourd baby.

The nine-day Xirang that Tianyuan sacrificed also trembled, and quickly escaped into his chest, never daring to come out again.

"The suppression of the innate treasure is really too abnormal!" Tianyuan cursed in his heart, but he could do nothing.

Without any extra movements, he turned around and fled towards Buzhou Mountain, and did not forget to take away the guys he met along the way.

The gourd baby who received the sound transmission from Tianyuan did not hesitate at all, and rushed to Buzhou Mountain.

Only Nuwa in the sky looked at Fuxi in the distance, hesitated a little, and followed Tianyuan's pace.

The two tribes of witches and liches, who were fighting madly in the sky, also woke up in the sound of Taiyi's bell.

The demons quickly gathered towards the starry sky, and the witches all fell towards the prehistoric land.

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