Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 97: The Terror of the Ancestral Witch

Zhen Yuanzi and others, who were originally curious, were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

They found something weird, but they didn't expect the weirdness to be so big that even Nuwa was among them.

The key is that after being discovered by the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch, he still dared to arrest the Lich clan so unscrupulously.

You know, they have just witnessed the power of the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch. What on earth are Tianyuan and Nuwa going to do!

"Pan King, who is so bold? We have never met him in Zixiao Palace!" Prince Dong looked at Tian Yuan in the distance with a shocked expression on his face.

It is really unimaginable for Duke Dong Wang to be at the peak of Daluo Jinxian and not give any face to the two Lich clans.

Not to mention the Twelve Ancestral Witches roaming across the vast land, the Demon Court is also in a state of affairs, and their fortunes are gathering. Who else dares to stroke their beards at this time and offend two of them at once.

King Pan looked at the precious gourd that fell into the palm of the gourd baby, shook his head, and said in shock: "I'm afraid that baby is not simple either."

Both of them are three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. Almost all the innate saints in the prehistoric world know each other, but they have never met these two.

The Zixiao Palace preached, and the sacred message of the Taoist ancestors spread throughout the world. Is there anyone who hasn't gone?

At this moment, not only the two Dukes of Dongwang, but also the people around who saw Tian Yuan for the first time were all very interested.

This curiosity even surpasses the weirdness of being the Demon Queen Nuwa.

The Taoist preacher was talking about the cultivation after Da Luo. Who can resist this temptation?

"Little sister!" Fuxi looked at the figure leaving after Tian Yuan and hurriedly sent a message.

He was the Demon Emperor Xi of Demon Court, and Nuwa was also the Demon Emperor of Demon Court. He had thought things were a little weird before, but he didn't expect that he would get involved with Tian Yuan.

How many times has Nuwa met Tianyuan?

Fuxi didn't know why Nuwa did this, and he didn't know what Tianyuan wanted to do. But in this situation, Nuwa's behavior will definitely seriously affect the reputation of Demon Court.

Nuwa looked back at Fuxi and happily fell into Mount Buzhou.

Compared to the ambitious Di Jun and Tai Yi, she believed in Tian Yuan on Mount Buzhou more.

She is not a person who hesitates. Now that she has made a decision, she should show sincerity.

Seeing Nuwa disappear, Fuxi's face became extremely ugly.

I originally thought that my younger sister recognized the Demon Court, but I didn't want the ending to turn out like this.

The battle between the lich and the lich lasted for a long time, and Fuxi didn't know how many people from the demon court Tianyuan had captured.

Due to the obstruction of the two Lich clans in the air, Tianyuan and the other three people were able to successfully submerge themselves into Buzhou Mountain.

Di Jiang and others chased after him angrily, but finally stopped in front of Buzhou Mountain, letting out a thunderous roar.

To everyone's surprise, the furious ancestral witches did not break into the mountain. They only vented their anger at the foot of the mountain and then retreated.

Di Jun and Tai Yi stood in the air, both of them looking very unhappy.

I originally thought it was just a war with the Wu clan, and I didn't want anyone to fish in troubled waters.

What does the stone man want to do if he openly provokes the two Lich clans?

Glancing at the group of ancestral witches who were leaving in a frantic manner, Di Jun and Tai Yi looked at each other with surprise and doubt in their eyes.

The character of the ancestral witch, not to mention them, the innate sanctity of the entire prehistoric world is very clear, this is not like their style.

Tianyuan captured not only the Demon Saint of Demon Court, but also the great witch of the Wu Clan.

At this moment, the two demon kings realized that they didn't know anything about the Buzhou Mountain Stone Man, and they didn't know what the conflict was between Tianyuan and the Wu Clan.

"Two Demon Emperors! Fu Xi's fault!" Fu Xi flew forward with a look of shame on his face.

The lichs fought each other, but failed to show the power of the Demon Court. Instead, a stone man stole all the glory.

More importantly, Nuwa, one of the four emperors of Demon Court, actually got together with the other party.

Taiyi's face was indifferent and he could not tell anything, but Dijun put away the anger on his face and said softly: "This matter has nothing to do with Emperor Xi. We should gather the demon clan first and discuss it later!"

Although he was a little angry because of Nuwa's incident, Di Jun still recognized Fuxi's loyalty to Demon Court.

Things have already happened and there is nothing that can be done to reverse them. Currently, the statistics of casualties in Demon Court are the most important.

The two Lich clans were numerous in number, and the battle lasted for a long time. Di Jun didn't know why Tian Yuan started to act.

However, those monsters captured by the opponent still have to find a way.

"Brother, are you leaving like this?" Taiyi asked in a deep voice after hearing the meaning of Di Jun's words.

This was a great opportunity to revitalize the Demon Court, but it was destroyed by Tianyuan in this way. Taiyi felt a little unwilling.

"There will be plenty of time in the future!" Di Jun glanced at Buzhou Mountain and rushed towards the Demon Court.

A cold light flashed across Tai's eyes, followed closely by him. He knew it was because of the current situation between the two of them.

If it weren't for the excessive consumption of fighting the ancestral witch and the strange reactions of Di Jiang and others, he would have jumped to Buzhou Mountain long ago.

Tianyuan robbed him of his opportunity last time at Buzhou Mountain, and now he is plotting against the Demon Court like this. He deserves to be killed!

Fuxi turned his head and looked at the towering Tianzhu, sighed in his heart, and quickly chased after the two Demon Emperors.

After the matter is settled, I must go to Buzhou Mountain, meet my little sister, and ask her what she thinks.

Fuxi also felt a sense of anger in his heart towards Tian Yuan, whom he had met several times.

He was also polite to Tian Yuan, and earlier he warmly invited him to join the Demon Court.

It was fine if he didn't agree, but he didn't expect that he would turn against Demon Ting and even kidnap the little girl.

The many innate saints around Hou Li did not expect that the first battle between the lich and the lich would end in this way.

"Zhen Yuanzi! Let's go and see Taoist Brother Tianyuan!" Hongyun looked curious and wanted to go to Buzhou Mountain.

Zhen Yuanzi came back to his senses and quickly grabbed the other party: "The time is not right now, let's go back first."

After saying that, without waiting for Hongyun to say anything else, he immediately headed towards Wanshou Mountain to watch and escape.

Although he was also curious about Tian Yuan's actions, it was obviously not suitable to meet him now as the ancestral wizards were all far away.

Maybe just as we were approaching Buzhou Mountain, the furious ancestral witches rushed in again.

Glancing at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, Hongyun pursed her lips, quite surprised.

Although he was very angry at Zu Wu's arrogance, Hongyun had to admit that the other party did have the capital to be arrogant.

Looking reluctantly at Buzhou Mountain, the two disappeared into the sky.

The remaining Duke Dong and others are innately sacred and also know the stakes involved.

Most of them had just been invited to Di Juntian's wedding, so it was really inappropriate to get to know Tianyuan now.

After looking at the two Lich clans who were gradually leaving the scene, many fled to the cave and some went to the Demon Court.

Although there was an accident in the first battle between the lich and the lich, many innate saints still understood the strength of the demon court.

The ancestral witch's physical body is so terrifying that he cannot break through the defense of the Chaos Bell. It is probably even harder for them, the innate saints.

Donghuang Taiyi, who possesses the innate treasure, is worthy of being the first person under the Tao Ancestor.

There are many innate saints who have raised their hearts to join the Demon Court.

The Demon Court is now at par with the Witch Clan. If they join, they will definitely crush the Ancestral Witch.

Once the Witch Clan is eliminated, the world of prehistoric times will be under the control of the Demon Court, and it will have its own destiny.

As for Tian Yuan who suddenly jumped out, although everyone was surprised by his courage, that was all.

If the Demon Emperor hadn't been fighting for a long time, he would have reached Mount Buzhou.

In the continuous witch tribe at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the ancestral witches looked furious and cursed repeatedly.

They knew that Tianyuan was hateful, but they didn't expect that the other party would take advantage of the troubled waters in the lich war, and they didn't know how many tribesmen were captured by the stone men.

You have to control the will of God the Father and stand upright on the heaven and the earth. How can you do such a sneaky thing?

In addition to being angry and annoyed, several ancestral wizards were also worried that Tianyuan's strength would grow faster.

Tianyuan possesses the body of an ancestral witch and controls the will of the Father God. Once his Taoism is higher than theirs, the ancestral witches dare not imagine it.

The angry Di Jiang swept away the scene and frowned: "Why don't you see Gonggong?"

When he was chasing towards Buzhou Mountain, he didn't seem to see Gonggong.

Zhu Rong, who was cursing loudly, heard this and said angrily: "I saw him running after Kunpeng earlier."

"Chasing Kunpeng?" Di Jiang was stunned.

He is the ancestral wizard of space speed, and the only one in the world who can compete with him in speed is the demon master Kunpeng.

Di Jiang was very aware of Gonggong's strength. How could he catch up with Kunpeng?

Shocked, he quickly calmed down and began to sense Gonggong's location.

The ancestral witches share the same origin, and they can sense it no matter how far away they are.

Unfortunately, after a while, Di Jiang was shocked and said in a cold voice: "Gonggong is not here anymore."

The low-pitched words exploded in the field, and the originally noisy environment suddenly became quiet.

All the ancestral witches lowered their minds, and then were stunned one by one.

Zhu Rong's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "Could he be chasing after the chaos?"

Only the surging chaos can cut off the bloodline power of the ancestral witches. Zhu Rong thought that this was the only possibility.

However, there was silence in the field, everyone's expressions were ugly, and they had a very bad premonition.

Zhu Rong's mind turned and he said in disbelief: "Could Gonggong be stoned?"

The next words were not spoken, but the meaning of the words could not be clearer.

However, with Tianyuan's current strength, can he already capture an ancestral witch?

Di Jiang did not speak, and his figure disappeared from the scene in an instant.

After a while, Di Jiang came back, filled with a violent aura.

"Brother!" Zhu Rong asked anxiously.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, he and Gonggong were the least able to deal with each other, and they had always fought the most, but they cared about each other the most.

Xuan Ming and others also looked at him one by one.

Because of Hou Tu's departure, they worked together to give birth to a great shaman to replace Hou Tu, but at this time Gong Gong was missing.

Facing everyone's gaze, Di Jiang said word by word: "Captured by Tian Yuan!"


"Brother, what should I do now?"

"We must not let go of that stone man!"

The hope in their hearts was shattered, many ancestral witches looked anxious, and their hearts were filled with rage.

Vaguely, a ray of panic could be seen deep in their eyes.

If Tianyuan can capture Gonggong, it means that the other party is also capable of capturing them. How could this not make the ancestral wizards panic?

Although Taiyi has the innate treasure Chaos Bell, the ancestral witches are not afraid at all, because the physical strength has made them invincible.

But Tianyuan was different. The other party also had the body of an ancestral witch and had the will of the Father God.

Di Jiang did not speak. He did not tell everyone how Gonggong was captured.

If he knew that he was knocked unconscious by Tian Yuan and taken away, he would probably be even more panicked.

The Wu Clan is the authentic Pangu sect and cannot lose the prehistoric world!

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