Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1210 The Method of Killing Heavenly Demon

Countless laws carry holy power, pouring out from the Magic Treasures in his hands.

Too strong!

Every avatar of Heavenly Demon has the strength of the real person who completely defeated Shuiyue.

But at this time, it is useless.

No matter how he attacks, he can't touch half of Long Feng and others' vellus hair at all.

On the contrary, the Magic power in his body is still disappearing quickly.

The people in Longfeng also saw that Heavenly Demon was an extremely impulsive lord.

So he didn't let him rest, and began to yell in turns, so Heavenly Demon couldn't stop at all.

At this moment, Long Feng also thought about how to completely end Heavenly Demon.

After all, there are only two opportunities to use the shield without breaking, and each time only has an hour's time limit.

But even the Dragon Tiger Slaughter the Holy Fist couldn't kill Heavenly Demon, what other way to solve it.

Flying Daggers?

Or a sword?

Or is the Hongmeng Dao destroying the sword formation?

Now, only these three methods can kill Heavenly Demon.

Flying Daggers, the celestial treasure of life, can kill all supreme Sages in seconds.

When the master reaches the Supreme Realm, he can use his full power to kill Heavenly Dao or more in a second, only in a single thought.

As for Heavenly Dao, there is nothing in seconds.

Hongmeng Dao Destruction Sword Formation, Dao-level, arranged formation can be cut on Heavenly Dao.

Ten thousand swords, fusion of the nine rules, Realm's Xeon masters, are all instantaneous spikes.

Dadao Yijian, a heavenly top grade, has a 100% chance to kill below the avenue, and can kill all under the avenue in seconds.

Fighting above the half-step boulevard, there is a chance to kill in seconds.

At present, the master's strength is insufficient, and ordinary methods can't be used at all. However, this magical power is only half.

Long Feng took a closer look.

All three methods are extremely powerful.

Relatively speaking, the Hongmeng Dao Destruction Sword Formation consumes the least.

It only needs nine superb Harmony and Purple Qi to perform once.

And the highest grade Hongmeng Purple Qi, the sacred tree produces one every year.

At present, he already has twelve ways and nine ways of the ultimate cosmic purple qi.

Relatively speaking, Flying Daggers has a chance of being discovered by the stronger ones, and there may be unknown dangers at that time.

This kind of danger, Long Feng initially estimated, would definitely surpass Heavenly Dao.

When such a strong person comes, he will definitely die or not.

Don't look at many of Longfeng's methods, they all introduce the powerhouses who can surpass Heavenly Dao in seconds.

But there must be requirements.

For example, his own strength must reach the same height.

For example, Flying Daggers, if you want to be above the spike Heavenly Dao, then his strength must have the Supreme Realm.

Therefore, to provoke a better player than Heavenly Dao, the gain is not worth the loss.

As for the Tianxin Cave, he had used it several times, but there was no abnormality. There must be other reasons.

In fact, it is no different from his guess, Tianxin Cave is not in chaos at all.

And the system said that there is the possibility of alarming the stronger, and it is not talking about other people, but...

In the end, Dadao Sword, the price is too great, drop a small level, directly rule out!

Therefore, Longfeng chose to use the Hongmeng Dao Extinguishing Sword Array to join the Flying Daggers.

He didn't believe it, this wouldn't be able to kill Heavenly Demon.

Now it is hard to grind.

Let Heavenly Demon consume as much as possible.

After waiting for an hour, I will try my best.

That way, Heavenly Demon will consume a lot more, and beheaded will be easier.


Long Feng also began to participate in the insult to Heavenly Demon.


Heavenly Demon also discovered the conspiracy of Longfeng and others.

"Huh, don't you just want me to consume it?"

"It doesn't matter if Master Ben is satisfied with you, it's really a poor group of ants."

"Even if the demon is standing still, you can't help me!"

Heavenly Demon didn't care at all, and continued to attack Guangbo vigorously.

He still doesn't believe that with his strength, he can't break a defensive mask.

Besides, there are millions of powerful demons under his men.

"Children, give me concentration to break this tortoise shell and kill Shuiyue and Longfeng!"

"Ho ho ho ho..."

Following the order of Heavenly Demon, the millions of demons suddenly felt like chicken blood, all of them entwined with demonic energy, and their power burst out.

Countless attacks converged into a river, forming a wave of unparalleled tyrannosaurus, whirling softly, roaring and shaking the sky.

Among the attacks of millions of people, 30% of them were half-step avenues, and the rest were all demon lord.

The combined power is not much weaker than the power of the eight Heavenly Demon clones.


The void trembled, the chaos lined up, and the world was divided.

Under a single strike, wherever the power goes, overwhelming.

A prototype of the world appeared in front of him, but without the suppression of powerful Magic Treasures, it closed instantly.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked, but not afraid.


"Several beef batches!"

"It's like a heifer stands upside down, and the cows are soaring to the sky!"

"But you come and hit me!"

"I'm just standing here and not moving, come and spank me, come and spank my ass, my ass is so itchy."

Mo Batian jumped up and down, shouting extremely arrogantly.

In the end, he lifted his big ass and shook it constantly at Heavenly Demon.

"Ah, I want you to die!"

"A bunch of ants, you deserve to die!"

Where did Heavenly Demon have suffered such insults and ridicule, it was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped!


at the same time!

The powerful and unmatched force crashed down.

Chaos has collapsed in a radius of tens of billions of miles.

Even time and space are chaotic.

The entire explosion area formed a vacuum zone.

The powerful and unmatched shock waves form the same boundless waves, rolling away, bringing the boundless law, and turbulent in all directions.

Instant time!

The shock wave exploded, and instantly flooded millions of demons.

Countless demons suddenly resembled ants caught in the raging waves.

Within a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of Demon Lords were swallowed.

They didn't even have a trace of resistance, they were torn apart by a powerful shock wave, then destroyed into ashes and turned into the dust of the universe.

After that, there was the Demon Death at every moment!

The three demons who couldn't breathe, half a step below the road, were no longer left.

Not only that, even many half-step Dao Mozu were crushed into dregs.

The rest are all seriously injured!


"Heavenly Demon, help!"

"No... I don't want to die!"

There are screams everywhere.

At the same time, Heavenly Demon and his eight avatars flew out, already fleeing the shock wave raging area.

"This time, I see how you die!"

Heavenly Demon is confident.

Just a blow, gathered his eight clones, plus the full blow of a million demons.

He can be sure that even he will definitely fall under such a powerful attack.

He didn't believe that with such a powerful blow, Longfeng and the others would not die.

He was proud of his face at this time, and the black robe on his body had been blown to pieces and fluttered.

His head could no longer be covered, revealing a slightly wretched face.

His eyes were cold, and his body was murderous.

A pair of eyes coldly looked at the Demon Race who was still struggling in the ocean of tyrannical laws, with a sneer on his face.

There is no plan to help.

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