For him, whether it is a disciple of the Mozu, or Longfeng and others, they are all ants.

And he is a god-man who is aloof.

God man, how can he care about the life and death of ants?

Although these ants belong to their own family!

The special one is the ant.

"Damn waste!"

Heavenly Demon looked contemptuous!

There is no sympathy.

He only cares about the life and death of Longfeng and others.

But the front has become a vacuum zone, completely covered by tyrannical laws and holy power.

Even with the use of pupil magical powers, he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

However, Heavenly Demon is almost certain that the people in Longfeng have become scumbags!

With such a powerful force, he couldn't find any reason to believe that those few ants could survive.

Until half an hour later!

The surrounding gradually became clear.

That huge black hole that can swallow a world has also slowly closed, leaving only the last hundred miles.

Around, the demons who had escaped from birth once again gathered together.

But the number has gone from ten to nine!

Originally a million demons.

But now, there are only less than 100,000 left.

However, these demons are already the essence.

The second most powerful are the middle stage.

There is not even the early stage of Banbu Avenue.

The rest has been completely wiped out and the law storm just now.

Heavenly Demon not only doesn't feel sorry.

Instead, he nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

"Yes, you have eliminated the dross and kept the essence."

"Remember, only the strong can be respected and have the right to survive."

"As for the weak, they are all rubbish and cannon fodder. Even if they die, they have no effect at all!"

Heavenly Demon's words are as cold as ten thousand years, full of mercilessness.

Many demons can only listen obediently, and nod their heads in agreement at all times, without daring to refute them at all.


At this time, there was a rebuttal sound.

"A fallacy, is Quante a fallacy."

"In that case, if your mother, your sister, and even your women are weak, should they just abandon them?"

The sonorous voice, like a sharp arrow piercing the heart, spread to the ears of all the demons present.

"Who, get out of here!"

Heavenly Demon didn't expect that someone would dare to refute his remarks. This is nothing short of death!

"It's out, how can you drop it again?"

The sound came from the black hole that was about to disappear in front.

Heavenly Demon's eyes trembled suddenly!

Many demons also showed incredible colors on their faces.

"How can it be?"

"It's not true!"

Heavenly Demon's face collapsed instantly!

Then it turns from red to blue, from blue to white, and finally from white to black, which is simply a change.

"Hey, Son of Heavenly Demon, have you learned face changing?"

Longfeng and others have already walked out of the black hole area.

It's just that the light waves on them have disappeared.

But they were unharmed, as if they had never experienced anything.

The attack that was enough to destroy a big world just now didn't even touch the corners of their clothes.

"Son Heavenly Demon, or else, you slap yourself and see, the pain is real, and the absence of pain proves that you are dreaming."

Long Feng's face looked like a smile, his eyes were extremely contemptuous.

"What, bastard thing, you dare to insult this demon!"

At this moment, Heavenly Demon realized that Long Feng was calling him Heavenly Demon's son.


What a special thing, he was so angry that blood spurted out in an instant.

"Slow down, Son Heavenly Demon, don't be mad, he vomits a lot, and dad will take care of you!"

Long Feng was too angry to pay for his life.

Anyway, Heavenly Demon is his enemy.

The enemy is upset, the more upset he is!

"you wanna die!"

"Without that shit tortoise shell this time, I see how you can resist my ultimate move."

"Clone, come out!"

Just now, he thought that the battle was over and he had put away his clone.

At this moment, with a wave of his big hand, the eight clones flew out of him immediately.

Immediately, without saying anything, they sacrificed Magic Treasures and fought.

For a time!

Lotus platform, beads, magic mark, magic knife, magic sword, magic fork...

The eight Magic Treasures are like eight worlds, carrying the coercion to destroy the world and suppress them.

"Hmph, Heavenly Demon, don't be arrogant, let you see what it means to be a strong crush today!"

"Hongmengdao destroys the sword formation, open it for me!"

"The system, consume five points of luck, and give me Ascension to the peak."

"Ding, the master consumes ten points of gas luck, and the gas luck prompts ten times!"

"Okay, Heavenly Demon, it's your time to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Nine Realms of Supreme Hongmeng and Purple Qi disappeared in an instant!

A surge of supreme mighty force suddenly came out.


The light flashed, and a long sword of Killing Intent law appeared in front of Longfeng.


Immediately afterwards, the buzzing sound continued to resound.

The long sword of the law is divided into two, two into four, and four into eight...

In a blink of an eye, the long swords of tens of thousands of laws formed a mysterious pattern in front of Long Feng.

These long swords are not only transformed by the law, each sword is filled with a singular force.

This kind of power, blessed on the sword, doubles the power of the law long sword.

And that pattern is more like a link connecting ten thousand swords.

It makes it feel like ten thousand swords are unified, and one sword transforms ten thousand swords.


With a burst of shout, Longfeng's holy power was injected, the law urged, and suddenly ten thousand swords were fired.

Looking at the Sword Qi sent by Longfeng, Heavenly Demon's eyes suddenly cracked!

He can clearly sense that every sword in this can kill a supreme Sage that integrates the Seven Laws of Realm.

With all swords coming together, even the Xeon masters who integrate the nine rules of Realm can be killed instantly.

"Cao f*ck!"


Heavenly Demon dared to stay wherever he was, and turned around and fled towards the passage leading to the demon world.

However, only his real body escaped.

The eight clones did not dare to escape.

Otherwise, he would have no doubt that that powerful Wanjian would definitely chase him quickly and kill himself.

This is not the devil world.

If they were killed, they would really die, and even resurrection would be impossible.

At this moment, the Eight Great Forces immediately stepped up their attacks, doing their best, using their strongest magical powers!


Longfeng's ten thousand swords instantly collided with the full force of the eight avatars, making an earth-shattering bang.

Ever since, that situation just happened again.

At the center of Sword Qi, the eight clones that were directly hit were directly overwhelmed by Sword Qi.

But their attacks are also unmatched.

A counter-shock force collided, shattering Dragon Peak's whole body bones, and even Meridians' whole body was broken every inch.

This hasn't been played yet.

A mysterious force waved away.

Entering his body, exploding in his Dantian, Yu Wei shocked his sea of ​​consciousness.

Huqiu, who was sleeping in the sea, was suddenly awakened.

"Grass, I can't sleep peacefully!"

With a roar of tigers, Huqiu immediately burst into a powerful primordial power.

Then it merged with the power of the Primordial God in Longfeng's Sea of ​​Knowledge, and strongly suppressed the destructive power from erosion.


Long Feng's body was thrown away.

The vitality drops rapidly.

In just an instant, eighty points of vitality were consumed.

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