Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1419 The Last Fight (Part Two)

Divine Sense spread, and soon, Long Feng felt four huge coercion on a planet.

Obviously, these four pressures are the last four Demonic Beasts.

Longfeng, Shuiyue Zhenren, Huqiu, Moba, the three of them stood outside the planet, each of them blooming with brilliance.

"Lei Lingdiao, don't hide, I know you are inside, come out obediently and die!"

Longfeng's voice shook the space, undulating and opening.

Hearing in the ears of several demons, Lei Ling's heart trembled.

"Outsiders, you have to be forgiven and forgive. You have killed so many people. Are you really going to kill them all?"

The voice of Lei Lingdiao came from within the planet.

The tone was no longer the previous boldness, but with a trace of pleading.

"Hmph, you are not dead, I can't get what I want!"

"You should come out obediently and die!"

Long Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, slammed his backhand on the planet.


The whole planet exploded, countless rubble splashed and dust rose.


"It's so deceitful, fight with them!"


A thunderbolt turned into a big sword, rushing from a distance, and slashed towards Longfeng.

"Huh, it's a bit capable, but today, you will die!

Longfeng's eyes condensed.

Such an attack would be extremely difficult to deal with if he had just entered.

But now, that's all!


The Hongmeng Divine Sword has been returned to True Man Shuiyue.

He stretched out his hand, raised the gun and rushed out.


With a stroke of the sharp spear, the spear light suddenly rose and slashed towards the big sword.


A symphony of gold and iron resounded, and a gust of wind suddenly blew around.

The wind dissipated, revealing the lineup of both sides.

In the opposite direction, Lei Ling carving was at the forefront.

Behind him, one tall and one short, one woman lined up.

All of them burst into powerful pressure.

Time, space, force!

Demonic Beasts evolved from the three supreme laws.

These three demons are the three most powerful Demonic Beasts among the three thousand Demonic Beasts.

Belongs to the king level.

However, they were all standing behind Lei Lingdiao at this moment.

It can be seen that they are looking forward to the horse's head with Lei Ling.

"Outsiders, don't use the means that can restrain us if you have the ability!"

Seeing the people in Longfeng, Lei Lingdiao looked solemn.

"Hahaha, well said!"

"Today, I don't need that kind of method. As long as you can defeat me, you won't die!"

Long Feng smiled coldly, and Shengwei was blooming on his body.

Something called self-confidence was released from him.

"Well, kill me!"

Lei Ling's figure flashed, and the lightning flashed in his hand, forming a thunder and lightning spear.


A shot pierced the void, like a spiritual snake, piercing towards Longfeng's throat.

at the same time!

Lei Ling carved behind him.

Space Phoenix, a violent dragon, and time Jinmao move at the same time, killing the sky.

Good job!

Long Feng shook his hand, his figure flashed, and he stepped out of the sky.

It was also a spear thrust, and between the trembling of the Killing Spear, the shadow of the spear continued, like rushing water, and flew out gracefully.


The tip of Longfeng's sharp-killing spear immediately struck the tip of the lightning spear, and both sides shook at the same time, fighting together again.

Behind Longfeng!

The real person Shuiyue lifted the Hongmeng Divine Sword, pierced out with a sword, and turned into a Sword Qi long dragon.

The long dragon roared, twisting his body in the void, and stab at the violent dragon behind Lei Lingdiao.

Huqiu spread his limbs, leaped in the air, and made two shocking claw marks on his front paws, grabbing Phoenix in space.

The last Demon Batian was extremely excited. He mentioned the Decepticon Tiger, and then slashed at the Time Jinmaoshu.


"Time paused!"

Time Jin Mao mouse pointed to the air.

Suddenly there was time to wrap the Mobatian.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Batian felt that he could not move.

When Jin Maoshu saw it, his feet moved.

"Time accelerates!"

In the blink of an eye, he came to Mo Batian and slashed his head with a palm.

If this palm hits, Mo Batian will not be able to break his brain on the spot, and he will die on the spot.


At the time of crisis, Mo Batian's eyes were red, and the 18 ring scars on his head burst out with fierce light.

"Supernatural powers, Titan's true fire seal method!"


Above the head, a handprint of flame suddenly formed.

In the center of the handprint, a red "Thai" character appeared.


Mo Batian broke away from the time constraints, his handprints suddenly fell, and he patted the time Jin Maoshu's head.

"Fuck, I broke away from my time rule!"

Time Jin Mao Rat suddenly trembled, his stature retreated!

"Can you go?"

Mo Batian burst into a shout!

Titan's True Fire Seal turned around, and continued to chase Jin Maoshu towards Time.

at the same time!

He held axe high.

"Supernatural powers, behead the gods!"

"Supernatural powers, Overlord Storm!"

The Tyrannical God Axe rolled up a storm, like an abyss like a sea.

"Time paused!"

"Time goes back!"

"Time accelerates!"

When the time Jin Maoshu saw the coming menacingly, it suddenly became calm.

Three times in a row, the magical powers were sent out one after another.

However, in the face of Moba Tian's extremely strong attack, the power of these three magical powers was greatly discounted.

But despite this, it also blocked Mobatian's attack.

After all, the Time Jin Maoshu is the Heavenly Dao master of the law of time.

And Mobatian, currently only integrates the six rules of Realm with Dantian.

No matter how heaven-defying he is, it is impossible to defeat the opponent.

Huqiu is still there!

He was dealing with Phoenix Space, and he just barely resisted.

But by relying on Longfeng's power to kill their three thousand fellows, they had already broken their momentum.

Both sides can guarantee undefeated for the time being.

As for the real person Shuiyue, his opponent is the strongest violent dragon.

He relies on unmatched fighting consciousness.

In addition, the two were already strong at the same level, so they were still evenly matched.

Of course, among Longfeng's four, the truly strongest is still Longfeng himself.

Among the other four monsters, the weakest is Lei Lingdiao.

The strongest is the weakest.

The only one who has the upper hand is Longfeng.

In just a few rounds, Lei Lingdiao was already defeated.


Longfeng shot the lightning spear and pierced Lei Ling's heart.

In addition to the powerful attack, the law of thunder also has excellent speed.

At this moment, Lei Ling turned into a flash of lightning and dodged.

At the same time, a black thunder appeared on Longfeng's head.


The thunder blasted, and a black thunder as thick as a bucket formed a pillar of thunder, covering like a dragon peak.

"court death!"

Longfeng squinted his eyes!

The Magic power burst, holding the Gunslinger in his hand, and threw it fiercely at the Lei Ling Eagle.

at the same time!

"Supernatural powers, Dragon Tiger Overlord Fist!"

Finally, Long Feng played his trump card.


Longhu roared.

Around Longfeng, there were countless dragons and tigers phantoms bursting out.

With unmatched speed, they quickly gather to form a dragon and a tiger, breaking through the space, and bursting out.


Under the strength of the dragon and phoenix fist, the black thunder was quickly stripped.

The boundless thunder was broken up by the dragon and phoenix boxing force.

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