Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1420 The Last Fight (Part 2)

In the end, like a sea tide backing down, he rushed forward towards Lei Ling Eagle.

Destroyed all the way, the lethality was shocking.


A powerful force burst out and bombarded Lei Ling Diao's body.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Lei Ling's figure flew upside down.

"Die to me!"

Long Feng won the power and did not forgive people. He stepped on, followed closely, and caught up with the Killing Spear, hitting the head of the spear with a palm.


The Killing Spear was as fast as lightning, and it pierced the chest of the inverted Thunder Eagle.

Seeing the sharp spear of the Killing Spear, he felt a threat of Death, and Lei Ling's eyes were about to split.

"Outsider, you are deceiving too much!"

"Phoenix, the violent dragon, the golden rat, array!"

At the moment of his death, Lei Lingdiao's body suddenly exploded with soaring pressure.

At the same time, the Phoenix demon in the space who were fighting with Mobatian and others, also broke out the same pressure.

Instant time!

The four Demonic Beasts flew together quickly, sending out a palm at the same time, blocking the attack of several people from Longfeng.



A bang resounded in the void.

The surrounding area immediately radiated a dazzling glow.

And Lei Ling carved the four demons at the center of the Xiaguang.

Seeing such a big battle against each other, the people of Longfeng suddenly gathered together.

"Boss, what are they doing?"

Mo Batian is holding a big axe, his eyes are sharp, and his whole body is like a knife.

"I don't know, wait for me to see!"

The Eye of Heavenly Dao is released immediately!

Lei Ling Carving, Demonic Beasts, and the Nine Laws of Realm, are transformed by the Law of Thunder, powerful...

Grow a thunder and lightning demon core in the middle head.

Researched out four great formations of demon gods and evil spirits, combined with four Demonic Beasts, can summon the demon king phantom to fight.

The violent dragon, the law Demonic Beasts, integrates the nine laws of Realm, and transforms the law of power into form.

Itself is the rule of the most, is the number one master of three thousand Demonic Beasts, the demon core of growth power in the brain.

Proficient in the four great celestial monsters and evil spirits, combined with the four Demonic Beasts, can summon the demon king phantom.

Space Phoenix...

Time Jinmao...

The properties of several Demonic Beasts are very similar.

Looking at Longfeng, he suddenly knew that at this time, several Demonic Beasts were probably arranging the four great celestial monsters.

I don't know, who is that Demon King?

It must not be easy to gather the power of the four Demonic Beasts and summon them by formation.

At least above the four Demonic Beasts.

And the four Demonic Beasts are already Heavenly Dao extreme powerhouses.

The Demon King is stronger.

Wouldn't the Demon King be at least Hongjun's class, or even surpass Heavenly Dao.

Longfeng was shocked immediately.

"Everyone step back, be careful that the other party makes big moves!"

Longfeng greeted the Mobatian people and paid attention to defense.

At the same time, Long Feng danced all over his body, and a wave of Long Wei suppressed him.

It was the special magic that was used.

At the same time, the supernatural power dragon soul seal burst out, accumulating strength.

Two breaths in a blink of an eye!


But at this moment!

Above Lei Ling's heads, an illusory animal shadow appeared.

This beast's shadow, although still a bit vague, can be roughly seen clearly.

The strange appearance, Longfeng people can be sure, it is absolutely unseen, unheard of.

As the beast's shadow appeared, a sound like a dragon chanting and a tiger roar resounded, echoing in the void.

"Suppress me!"


The Dragon Soul Seal has already accumulated to its maximum power.

Long Feng pushed out with a palm, wanting to destroy the opponent's formation before it took shape.



The powerful dragon soul seal blasted out, but was blocked by the eruption of the phantom.

Such a powerful blow did not even splash a ripple.

Long Feng's face changed!

With just one blow, he did his best!

This seal, even if Hongjun Daozu had to deal with it, I am afraid it was not so easy.


in a blink!

The phantom was even clearer, completely revealing its true colors.

Horns, Eichhornia, Tiger heads, Dragon scales, Qilin horns...

It's almost a hodgepodge!

It's like a patchwork of dozens of beasts.

However, the coercion on him is extremely strong.

It's like energy that isn't a chaotic world at all.

He is stronger than Hongjun, but his strength is much worse than Qingtian.

Longfeng immediately judged the opponent's strength.

"Eye of Heavenly Dao, open!"

View the other party's attributes.

Demon King, unknown strength, unknown control law, unknown origin, unknown magical powers...

Cultivation Base is abnormal, suggesting that the owner flee immediately.

Is it drafted? Everything is unknown, and it has clearly surpassed the Heavenly Dao level.

You know, the function of the Eye of Heavenly Dao can be viewed as long as the attributes within Heavenly Dao.

Now a series of unknowns proved that the opponent was outside the scope of the Eye of Heavenly Dao.

"A few ants actually summoned this king, it's kind of interesting!"

The Void Demon King lowered his head and glanced at the Demonic Beasts of Lei Ling, with a look of disdain on his face.

However, he then raised his eyes and looked at several people in Longfeng.

"A few scum can be wiped out."

After speaking, he raised his palm and patted it.

Before the palm, a strong wind swept first.

"Boom boom..."

That palm has said that the void continues to explode, and black holes are born out of thin air.

Instant time!

Surrounded by Monster Qi, there was a breath of Death.

"Fuck, so strong!"

That palm came very slowly, but the power was huge, and it gave Longfeng a hunch that he would die.

Long Feng wanted to hide, but he hadn't acted yet, and that gesture locked him.

He has a feeling that no matter how he hides, his palm will catch up with him and kill him! !

Long Feng's eyes moved, and the faces of the real person Shuiyue were also pale.

Presumably they also feel the strength of each other.

Seeing this, Longfeng made a decisive decision and immediately summoned the entrance of Hongmeng World to avoid the edge for a while.

I don't know, the surrounding space actually seems to be suppressed by a force, and the passageway portal that has just entered and exited freely, but it can't be summoned.

"It's young!"

"It's grassy!"

Long Feng was anxious.

The palm print was getting closer, and Long Feng felt that Death was getting closer and closer to him.

Flying Daggers!

Long Feng suddenly remembered that maybe Flying Daggers could handle it.

Flying Daggers, the master's life Magic Treasures, the master reaches the supreme Realm, can exert all its power.

Killing Heavenly Dao or above in a second is only in one thought.

As for Heavenly Dao, there is nothing in seconds.

Note, if Flying Daggers is separated from Heavenly Dao, the owner should use it as little as possible, otherwise there is a chance of being discovered by the stronger ones.

Explain that the introduction is good, even if it kills Heavenly Dao or more in a second, it will only be in a single thought.

The premise is that he wants to reach the Supreme Realm.

The question is whether he surpassed the ordinary supreme after he left.

As for the probability of being discovered by the stronger, Long Feng directly ignored it.

He doesn't cast it frequently, he only casts it once, and the problem shouldn't be big.


At the last moment, Baoguang flashed, and Calabash appeared in his hands.

Longfeng didn't stop for a moment, immediately untied the Calabash cover, and bowed!

"Please turn around, baby!"

In an instant, a dash of light flew out.

This trace of light broke the Demon King's palm print, appeared on its head, and suddenly turned in a circle.


With a sound, the Demon King Xuying exploded directly!

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