Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1428 Golden Python Buddha

"Boss, next, shall we attack the city ahead?"

Seeing Longfeng put away the purple electric green radish, Shuiyue real person immediately leaned forward, rubbing his hands together, looking like he couldn't wait.


Longfeng nodded!

They are here to attack the city.

And also to see if there is a chance to take the entire world of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Of course you won’t be polite.

"Hey, that's fine, I'll go check the situation first."

After Madam Shuiyue finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Although they are powerful, they know themselves and their opponents, and they will fight forever.

Before starting the fight, of course you have to probe the opponent's master.

Soon, the real person Shuiyue flew back.

Holding a bald monk in his hand.

The interest just disappeared on his face.

"Weak, it's so weak!"

"Boss, in the city in front, there are eight ants that merge the three laws of Realm."

"In addition, there are sixteen Realm who merge the two laws."

"Fuse a law Realm, there are thirty-two."

"As for ordinary supreme, there are more than one hundred people!"

"The boss wants to know what else, you can ask him!"

After realizing Shuiyue, he threw the monk in his hand in front of Longfeng and stepped aside.

"Shang...Shang Xian forgive me!"

When the monk saw so many cultivators in strange costumes, he was so frightened.

What's so special, they have always invaded other worlds from the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

But now, it is the other worlds who have come to the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Seeing this, I'm afraid it will attack the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

"Tell me, what kind of city is this down here, and what forces are there?"

Long Feng's eyes glared, the divine light flashed, and two cold-glow eyes immediately penetrated the monk's soul.

Let him dare not lie at all.

"Yes...Shangxian forgive me, I will explain, I will explain everything."

This person is only a holy person in the early stage, so he dare not hide a little bit from Longfeng.

Immediately, he explained the situation of Ten Thousand Buddhas City clearly and plainly.

When he got the answer he wanted, Long Feng raised his mouth and smiled coldly.

"Interestingly, the location of this city of Ten Thousand Buddhas is so important, and in the center of Ten Thousand Buddhas, there must be a lot of cultivation resources in it."

"Take him away!"

Long Feng faintly glanced at the monk who was kneeling beside him, and drank coldly.

Hearing Longfeng's words, Zhenren Shuiyue stepped forward and slapped it with a palm.

"No, forgive me..."

The monk hadn't finished speaking before he was slapped into the air by the hand of the real person Shuiyue.

"Too weak, boss, these people simply make me uninterested."

These people are too weak for him.

It's boring to kill.

Just like a Martial Forest master who flies over the wall, he kills a newborn baby.

No technology content.

In addition to looking for excitement, he was reluctant to make a move.

"Hehe, it's a city, and it's not a Sage dojo. There are definitely not many masters."

"We are just watching the show, and we are wary of the opponent's masters coming."

"Kong Xuan, Kunpeng, Longsheng senior, Guanlong senior, Zulong, you will lead the team."

"Attention, you can only deal with masters, other shrimp soldiers and crabs, hand it to the younger brother below."

This time, Longfeng deliberately led a team of 10,000 to try the water in order to start the killing in the future.

He wants to turn these ten thousand people into an invincible division, bloodbath the three thousand chaotic world.

Then put the entire chaotic world into your hands.

In this way, luck can be unified.

At that time, the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect breakthrough will be more relaxed.

Of course, plundering cultivation resources is also one aspect.

"Respect the decree!"

Several captains immediately took orders respectfully.

Even Long Sheng didn't say anything, and took his own team and killed him.

Five teams, attacking from five directions.

As for how to fight, Long Feng doesn't care, what he cares about is Heavenly Dao Sage of the Ten Thousand Buddhas World.

Even Heavenly Dao of the Ten Thousand Buddhas World.

Last time he was turned into a dog by Heavenly Dao of the Ten Thousand Buddhas World.

This time he wants to shit Heavenly Dao from the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Long Feng took the devil over the sky, and the real person Shuiyue hid in the void, acting as a crowd eating melons.


Soon, five teams appeared outside the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The attire of the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect quickly attracted the attention of the guards who guarded the city.

Especially Kong Xuan's team is even more arrogant.

All of them are in the hands of the wild tyrant, and the hand is tyrannical and out of the sheath, flashing cold light, and murderous.

"Stop, who are you waiting, why did you come to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas?"

When the gatekeeper Buddha saw him, he was nervous and shouted loudly.

"Robbery, men stand to the left, women stand to the right, and neither men nor women stand in the middle!"

Kong Xuan yelled loudly, and the sound spread, and immediately resounded throughout the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Damn it, someone came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to rob. What a pity, it was the first time in hundreds of millions of years.

Many people did not react.

There are still a small number of people who look at Kong Xuan and others like they are watching a group of idiots.

What is the place of Ten Thousand Buddhas City?

Then the place where the luck of the world of ten thousand Buddhas converged.

The eight Heavenly Dao Sages are all guarded by powerful disciples.

When you come here to rob, you just send your head to someone's knife edge!

But Kong Xuan doesn't care what they think.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately waved his hand.

Instant time!

The Sage disciples behind him immediately threw out and rushed into the city.

"You're so daring, let me know the City Lord's Mansion!"

The head of the Buddha's guard was shocked, and immediately ordered his men to report to the City Lord's Mansion.


Thunder suddenly exploded over the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

At the same time, in the city lord's mansion.

The Golden Python Buddha is entertaining the other seven masters.

Since his disciple and grandson were adopted as disciples by the Grand Buddha, he became the new Heavenly Dao Sage in the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

He was completely inflated.

In addition, the golden python Buddha is a bit python, as the saying goes, his head is a bit iron.

In the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas!

Coupled with his identity as the city lord, it is even more ridiculous and desperate.

The other seven masters all give him Face.

Today, the Golden Python Buddha was very interested, and he called in the other seven masters, saying that he was going to get together.

In fact, he wanted to pretend to be forceful.

Several other people also knew that the Golden Python Buddha had a strong desire for expression.

This operation is not the first time.

"Come here, fellow daoist, today this Buddha hit a golden pheasant in Wanfoshan."

"In order to entertain you, I grilled it specially, and come to taste it with fellow daoist."

Golden pheasant, the delicious name is well-known throughout the Chaos World.

Because of the serious killings, they have rarely met.

When everyone heard the words, their saliva suddenly flowed.

Seeing the appearance of a few people, the Golden Python Buddha suddenly laughed.

His self-esteem is greatly satisfied.

Soon, a cooked golden pheasant was carried up.

This golden pheasant is quite big, at least a thousand catties.

The whole chicken is roasted into golden brown, releasing a super scent that can make people want to die.

Smelling this scent, everyone swallowed wildly.

Even the golden python Buddha has his eyes shining.

"Hahaha, you are welcome, please start with me!

The Golden Python Buddha laughed loudly and immediately tore off a chicken leg and waited to feast on it.

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