Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1429 Breaking Through The City Of Ten Thousand Buddhas

But at this moment!


The sky suddenly resounded like thunder.

"My Lord, it's not good, it's not good..."

The thunder roared, and before it stopped, a middle-aged Tutuo ran in with a pale face.

"Drafting, what's wrong, daddy is very good!"

Upon hearing the other's words, the Golden Python Buddha was furious.

I was tasting the golden pheasant of Jiucai, this stupid dare to curse myself.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, he would definitely slap to death the head that he didn't see.

"City...City Lord, no, no, no, someone robbed!"

Na Tu Tuo was stared at by the Golden Python Buddha, and he was shocked, almost peeing on his pants.

"Drafting? You can't even say anything, so what use is it for you!"

The golden python Buddha was furious, and he shot it directly with a palm.

Seeing that the head is about to die under this palm.

"Town Lord, wait a minute!"

Suddenly, a fist wind swept across, diverting the palm of the Golden Python Buddha.


The rest of the palm swept the ground, and there was a burst of flying sand and rocks, and even the earth was cracked by a palm.

"Buddha Tyrant Fist, what do you mean, do you want to go against me?"

Seeing that his hand was the Fist Lord Buddha of Tiannan Temple, the Golden Python Buddha was furious.

Boxing Lord Buddha, is the third disciple of Zen Master Dasheng who presided over Tiannan Temple.

With a fist, the law of gold has been applied to the limit.

Rumor has it that he also controls the law of power.

However, no one has seen it.

Whether it is true or not is unknown.

Hearing what the Golden Python Buddha said, the Fist Lord Buddha frowned.

But he didn't refute, he just smiled and slowly said, "The city lord calms down, let him talk about what is going on first."

Just now, this tutu said that someone had robbed him, but the Fist Lord Buddha heard clearly.

"Fuck it, well, let's say it clearly, otherwise daddy will kill you!"

When the Golden Python Buddha thought, he was the king.

Be atmospheric!

So I decided to give Nato Tuo another chance.

"Yes, City Lord!"

Nato Tuo fought in two battles and recovered a life, but instead he calmed down, at least he didn't stammer anymore.

"Report to the city lord that a group of people came from outside the city, saying that they were going to rob, and they had already attacked the city at this time."

Toutuo plucked up the courage to finish speaking, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

"What? What did you say?"

"Someone is coming to robbery? Grass, are you making me happy?"

The Golden Python Buddha was taken aback for a moment, and then became even more angry.

"The city lord made a thorough investigation, his subordinates did not lie to you, they have already entered."

The cold sweat came out on Toutuo's forehead.


Just at this time, a blast spread throughout the city.

Immediately afterwards, a shock wave spread.

Obviously, this is someone fighting.

"Fuck, someone really came to my Ten Thousand Buddha City to make trouble, it's just looking for death!"

This time the Golden Python Buddha couldn't help it.

His figure flashed and turned into a golden python with gleaming golden light.

With a swing of the python's tail, it has already risen into the air and flew towards the center of the battle.

"Let's take a look. Who is not afraid of death and ran to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to rob."

The other people immediately looked at each other, and at the same time they flew towards the direction of the battle.


A palm split a sub-prime monk, and a beast roar came from above his head, shaking Shen Gongbao with tinnitus and heartbeat.

Looking up, a golden python was floating above his head, his eyes shining with cold light, and he was staring closely at him.

"How dare you go to the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas to go wild and see the Buddha swallow you!"

As soon as the golden python's voice fell, he opened his bloody mouth and bit at Shen Gongbao.

At that speed, Shen Gongbao had no time to dodge.

"Dare to get out of me!"

But at this moment, a seven-colored tiger suddenly appeared next to him.

The tiger stretched out its claws and patted the golden python's mouth with one claw.


This claw was really hit.

The golden python suddenly screamed and flew back.

"Who are you, do you know where Ten Thousand Buddhas City is, you dare to be wild here!"

A trace of jealousy appeared in the golden python's eyes and looked at the colorful tiger with wings in horror.

"Robbery, take out all the cultivation resources, Magic Treasures Spiritual Roots, in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, or die!"

Kong Xuan stepped from the void and rode on the back of the winged colorful tiger.


"You... Are you a cultivator of Otherworld?"

Seeing Kong Xuan's appearance, and then taking a closer look at Shen Gongbao, the Golden Python Buddha suddenly took a breath.

"Drafting, didn't you hear me clearly?"

"Small plug, teach him how to be a python."

Kong Xuan let out a cold snort and immediately ordered the colorful tiger with wings.

"Yes, master!"

The winged colorful tiger promised, and then his stature skyrocketed, and his tall body was even bigger than a golden python.

Then, with a sound of his front paws, the surging power of the law suddenly spread, grabbing seven inches towards the python.

"Fuck, so strong!"

The golden python was horrified, turned and ran.

However, he could run faster than the winged colorful tiger, and was suppressed by one of his claws and pressed to the ground.

"Arrogant, still arrogant?"

Kong Xuan jumped from Huqiu's back, stomped on the python's head vigorously, and immediately stepped all the python's head into the ground.


The other seven masters who were just following me, who were going to be the melon-eating crowd, saw this scene and immediately turned around and fled.

too strong.

Don't you run to save your life?

They felt that they were in front of the tiger.

There is not even a trace of resistance.

The seven masters all flew away immediately.

But in an instant, several dragons chanted in the sky.

There is also a Kunpeng spreading its wings.

It is the Chaos Devil Dragon, Ancestral Dragon, Dragon Sage, Kunpeng, and Guanlong Tianzun who leap forward.


"A few ants, don't try to escape!"

The Chaos Demon Dragon roared, and the dragon claw stretched out, and it was immediately overwhelmed, suppressing the fighters of Fist Tyrant Buddha.

"Boom boom..."

Several people fell to the ground at the same time, vomiting blood and suffered injuries.

"Hahaha, a bunch of ants!"

"Come on, tie them up for me!"

In an instant, a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect flew over and tied up the tycoons of Ten Thousand Buddha City.

At the same time, fighting was taking place throughout the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Cultivators of the great world of Ten Thousand Buddhas continue to fall.

Of course, there are also disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who are in danger, but at the last moment, there is a powerful shot to rescue them.

With the intervention of the strong, the masters of Ten Thousand Buddhas City were constantly arrested, and several of those who resisted fiercely were even killed.

The whole battle lasted only one hour.

The huge city of Ten Thousand Buddhas all fell and was occupied by the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Next, it is time to harvest.

The dojo of the eight masters was constantly looted.

Even the hidden dojo did not escape the search of the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

The baby was all turned out.

For a time!

Countless medicinal materials, refining materials.

Various talisman materials, formations, Medicine Pill, Magic Treasures, piled up into a hill.

Seeing Longfeng from above the void, he immediately felt a pity.

Now that the system is updated, it cannot be reclaimed unscrupulously like before.

Otherwise, if this wave of recycling continues, there will be definitely a lot of rewards.

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