Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1446 Entering the Primary Worm

Under Heavenly Dao's eyes, there is a wormhole entrance outside the canyon.

Long Feng stepped out and appeared outside the entrance of the cave.

The mouth of the cave was deep and terrible, and a nasty smell came out from it, which was disgusting.

Long Feng couldn't bear the smell, and immediately shut his breath.

"It's so special, do these Zergs never take a bath for a lifetime? It smells too bad."

Long Feng scolded.

"Boss, you are really funny, this Zerg doesn't take a bath in the first place, okay!"

"They are a piece of skin from birth to death, and the dirt on it can scrape a thick layer."

True person Shuiyue stepped out step by step, standing side by side with Longfeng.

But instead of closing his breath, he took two greedy breaths.

"What's so special, it's this smell, the smell of Zerg!"

Smelling this stink, the murderous aura on Master Shuiyue became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a cloud of murderous aura on top of his head.

"Fuck, Xiao Shui Shui, you are so disgusting, so smelly, you still smell it with relish!"

Longfeng was stunned at the time!

True person Shuiyue's nose was shrugging, I don't know, I thought he smelled something scent.

"Hahaha, boss, the smell of this zerg is incense, it can evoke infinite killing intent in my heart."

After speaking, the real person Shuiyue took a step first and entered the cave.

This is a long passage.

It took about half an hour to enter the main road.

One kilometer to the left of the main road is a three-way intersection.

At Heavenly Dao, there is a large city after three million miles to the first intersection.

There are countless Zergs inside.

To the second intersection, if you travel a million miles, it is a small city with hundreds of millions of Zerg.

As for the third road junction, it is a main road that runs through the entire wormhole.

On this main road, there are countless branch roads leading to countless cities.

Everyone has walked out of the channel at this time.

The main road is ahead.

Here is also a cave form.

However, the caves here are very big, needless to say, endless.

Just the height is ten thousand feet, and the width is also ten thousand feet.

Has been extended to the distance.

Although it is an underground cave, there is light inside, and it is brighter than the surface of the worm cave.

"Everyone, be careful, follow me!"

Long Feng looked serious, and entered the main road at the same time as the real person Shuiyue.

Everyone immediately followed up with Magic power running.

Because the cave tunnel is tall and large, everyone can fly in it.

It took less than a minute to fly, and it was already at a three-way intersection.

Longfeng chose the second channel without hesitation.

The current strength of the Tianjianzong disciples is not enough, and they can only start from an early age.

After the strength is Ascension, it can form a rolling, and then attack the big city.

Soon, everyone came to a Zerg city.

On the city gate, there are three words of Haotucheng printed on it.

"Zhongerlang, slaughter the Zerg race, start from this vast city!"

"Everyone rushed in, don't leave the chickens and dogs, slaughter the city!"

The cold voice of Longfeng resounded in everyone's ears!

"Respect the decree!"

Many Tianjian Erlang shouted excitedly.

Zerg is a group of bloodthirsty cold-blooded animals.

They have no men, women or children at all, they are all soldiers.

Every Zerg race has been planted with a slaughter idea by the Zerg Emperor from the day it was born.

It's as if people are born to eat.

These zergs will be killed when they are born.

If they don't kill for one day, they will die!

There is no enemy, they are the enemy themselves.

Even the city in front of him is filled with killings at any time.

Half of the Zerg died every day.

However, the rule of Tao in this wormhole is production.

Their growth cycle is extremely short, and it only takes a few hours to grow to the strongest.

Unlimited production of Zerg.

If you are half dead today, make it hard at night, and you will give birth to more tomorrow.

It will never be extinct.

Unless, a city is completely extinct.

Otherwise, they will soon be able to return to their peak again.

And these zergs can also advance from the killing.

And the Zerg born the next day will be exactly the same level as their parents.

It's like an evolution!

Constantly Ascension, constantly getting stronger.



Below the city gate in front, there are several pairs of Zerg fighting each other.

And it was so dark.

After one party is killed, it will be swallowed by the victorious party immediately.

No mercy!

The most disgusting thing is that what they swallow may be own brothers and sisters, parents, wives and children.

Anyway, among their ethnic groups, there is no distinction between humanity at all.

The cruelty and ruthlessness of the Zerg is undoubtedly evident in the wormhole.

The Zerg on the battlefield of Chaos is the same thing as the Zerg in the Worm.

It's just that there are countless chaos cultivators on the battlefield of chaos, who can meet the needs of the Zerg race.

Therefore, killing each other rarely happens.

But in the wormhole, there are only Zerg, and they will undoubtedly show their nature.

"Everyone listens to the order, within one day, can you clear this city?"

Long Feng's eyes were blazing, and his murderous intentions skyrocketed.


Everyone screamed!

"Kill me!"

Later, Ten Thousand Sage culled out and rushed towards the vast city!

By the city gate, the zerg who was fighting was awakened by the shout.

Seeing so many humans pounce.

Their eyes flashed suddenly, and they immediately gave up their opponents and began to recoil towards the humans.

"Quack, a lot of food, don't worry about not eating this time!"

Zerg laughed.

"Killing them can also increase your strength. I am so lucky today."

The Zerg croaked while charging.

He didn't even reach a hundred, and he dared to charge ten thousand, and he didn't put Tianjian Erlang To put in one’s eyes.


The real Shuiyue who was in the front, slashed out with a sword, and suddenly saw Sword Qi three thousand feet.


With a sword swept out, the nearly Hundred Zerg races that rushed were immediately wiped out.

At the same time, the aftermath of Sword Qi was not smooth, and he slashed towards the city wall ahead.

The wall suddenly collapsed, and hundreds of millions of Zergs appeared in the city.

These zergs fight together during the day and build insects at night, repeating itself, cyclically, and gradually become stronger.

It is broad daylight at this time.

The whole city is in the smoke of gunpowder.

The collapse of the city wall shocked the Zerg who was fighting in the city.

Then I saw tens of thousands of human races rushing towards them, and I was overjoyed.

The Zerg in the Worm is born like the Zerg in the Chaos Battlefield, and has an absolute sense of hatred for creatures other than the Zerg.

Once you see it, you will never die.


The two sides were extremely jealous when they met like enemies.

They came together in an instant.

"Hahaha, Zerg, your grandpa Shuiyue is here, die!"

The strongest of the Zerg in the early stage wormhole is Sage Dzogchen.

Even Nezha, Sanxiao and others didn't bother to do it.

All watching in mid-air.

But the real person Shuiyue went into battle in person, and the slash of the Hongmeng Divine Sword pierced the entire city.

Killing millions of Zergs with one sword is almost a batch of ruthless ones.

However, when Longfeng saw him, he was immediately unhappy!


"Xiao Shui Shui, you stop me!"

Longfeng immediately stopped Shuiyue's real shot.

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