"Boss, I want to kill the insects!"

Real Shuiyue had two consecutive swords, and he was able to rise up, but he was blocked by Longfeng, making him even more unhappy.

"What's so special about you, these zergs are used by me to train soldiers. Kill as you do, I'll practice a fart!"

Long Feng rolled his eyes and kicked on the ass of Real Shuiyue.

"Uh, boss, then I want to kill the insects, what should I do?"

Real person Shuiyue looked at the overwhelming zerg underneath, and his heart tickled.

"Don't worry, you will kill it."

"In the high-level wormholes, there are all masters. This low-level wormhole is boring to kill."

Long Feng said lightly.

"There are also high-level wormholes, what are they Realm?"

As soon as Shui Yue heard it, his eyes lit up.

"In the high-level wormholes, at least half-step road early stage, the strongest should not be much weaker than you!"

Longfeng looked towards the vast city.

Although in this low-level wormhole, the strongest is Sage Dzogchen, and the weakest is Sage early stage.

But now it seems that they are basically Sage middle stage.

Below the Sage middle stage, there are very few, and there is never one.

As for the Sage middle stage and above, there are also very few.

This gave Long Feng a clear understanding in his heart.

Perhaps, the Zerg in a city are basically the same in strength.

Because the weak are all killed.

The new ones are all at the same level.

Longfeng can also be sure that the first Zerg in this vast city is absolutely all Sage early stage.

It can be seen that the Zerg in the big city will be more powerful.

Maybe the Zerg in the whole city is the pinnacle of Sage, or even Sage Dzogchen.

And so on, in the advanced magic cave.

Will there be an entire city with Supreme Sage?

Or even the supreme Sage that integrates the nine laws of Realm?

Longfeng is excited!

Not only was he not afraid at this time, but he was extremely excited.

In this way, as long as own, the ten thousand heaven swordsman, step by step, gradually Ascension.

To the day the wormhole closes.

Will their strengths all reach the point of integrating the Eight and Nine Paths to develop Realm?

Long Feng kept yelling, and the goose bumps all over his body exploded with excitement!

When the real person Shuiyue on one side heard it, his eyes widened.

He looked at the small shrimps in the Sage middle stage, and suddenly felt bad.

The Zerg in the Sage middle stage is so boring to kill.

To him, it was like a god who was too boring and went to the mortal world to step on ants.

Lost interest in an instant.

After a while, go to kill the Zerg at the same level, then it will be cool.


Below, the battle has entered a fierce state!

All masters are not allowed to end.

All the enemies will be confronted by the ordinary Sage of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Every time you kill a Zerg race, you can get a certain amount of holy power, the power of the original spirit blessing.

Of course, in the face of the bloodthirsty Zerg, there was also a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect who was beheaded by the Zerg and then swallowed the flesh.

But the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect opened the door.

Anyone who died will be immediately resurrected by the resurrection station.

Then enter from the entrance of the cave and continue to slaughter the Zerg.

In less than an hour, basically all the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect under the peak of Sage had died at least once.

Although their Realm is stronger than the Zerg.

But their combat experience and combat effectiveness are not as good as the Zerg.

It was even leapfrogged and killed by the Zerg.

However, as the fight gets more intense, the number of deaths increases.

The combat experience of the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect gradually increased.

At the same time, as more and more Zerg races were killed, the sacred power and the power of the primordial spirit were constantly superimposed, and finally someone began to advance.

Coupled with their fully armed, chaotic suit blessings, fewer and fewer people die.

Began to fight against the Zerg.


Blood spurts like a fountain!

A Sage late stage disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, armed with the Chaos Tyrant Sword, killed dozens of Zerg with a single blow.

A huge sacred power and the power of the original spirit surged, filling his whole body.

Following his Meridians, using the cultivation route of Ten Thousand Swords, quickly spin a universe and enter Dantian.

In Dantian, such a huge sacred power suddenly poured into Dantian, which immediately saturated Dantian.

At the same time, the power of the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness continued to expand, madly hitting the edge of the sea of ​​consciousness.


There was a sudden thunderous sound in his body.

Immediately afterwards, the coercion of Sage's Great Perfection spread out.

"Hahaha, I am promoted to Sage Dzogchen, Zerg kid, give me my life!"

This time, he was even more brutal, and with every cut, hundreds of Zerg lives could be taken away.

Such a scene happened one after another on the entire battlefield.

Almost all the disciples of the Sage Sword Sect in late stage have advanced to the top of Sage.

The whole battle took only five hours.

The vast land city is already a river of blood!

There are basically no standing Zergs left.

The entire Zerg race in the vast city was killed.

Ten thousand disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, under Sage's Great Perfection, all died at least once.

Of course, even if they died, it was from the first half of the war.

The further the war goes, the stronger their combat awareness, the richer their combat experience, and the fewer deaths.

Longfeng is confident that as long as they can fight like this for a few more games, their combat effectiveness will be ascension.

At that time, not to mention the Zerg at the same level, even if they leapfrog the challenge, they will not be half afraid.

The city of the Zerg has no cultivation resources.

Because most of them are not needed.

They just need to kill.

Therefore, slaughtering the vast city and everyone's promotion is the biggest gain.

At this moment, the ten thousand Heavenly Sword Sect disciples lined up neatly, looking at their Sect Leader feverishly.

It is this Sect Leader who has transformed them from ordinary human races into cultivators.

Those who follow the cultivation will prove to be holy!

Now it has reached the pinnacle of Sage.

Moreover, they are about to become stronger.

Everything is bestowed by the man in front of them!

Seeing everyone's worshiping eyes, Longfeng is extremely useful.

He glanced at Zongjirou below.

The sound is sonorous and powerful!

"My sons, I was so happy to kill today!"

Long Feng smiled and his voice was deafening!


Ten Thousand Sage shouted loudly, shaking the space distorted.

"Hahaha, cool? Do you want to continue?"


Tianjianerlang is full of energy and fighting spirit!

"Okay, very good, then let's go to the next city right away!"

Longfeng waved his hand!

He cast the Eye of Heavenly Dao and immediately locked on the next target.

In this city, the number of Zergs is twice as large as that of Haotu City.

The strength is also comparable to the vast city.

Soon, everyone entered the killing again.

It took only a few hours to slaughter the entire city.

However, this time there are few who are promoted.

Because as Tianjian Erlang's Realm improves, the sacred power and primordial power they need has also increased tenfold.

Only kill the Zerg at the Sage middle stage, you need to use the quantity to pile it up.

But Longfeng is not in a hurry at all!

In this low-level wormhole, there are still more Zergs.

It's simply inexhaustible.

Regardless of whether they are buried, the time limit is only one year, and they can only slaughter as many cities as possible.

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