Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1452 Destroy the Primary Worm


A thunder blasted, and the giant palm crashed onto the purple shield.

In the huge tremor space, the giant palm and the purple shield were broken apart at the same time.

Seeing that the own handprint was actually blocked by a group of ants, Shui Yue's face suddenly became unsightly.

In particular, Mo Batian looked at Real Person Shuiyue with a look of surprise, with a look of contempt in his eyes.


"Xiao Shui Shui, can you do it!"

Long Feng was not even more polite, and directly asked if it was okay for Real Shuiyue.

Xiao Shui Shui's face blushed.

Losing face!

I originally thought that a dozen ants could all be slapped to death with a light slap.

But now, I was beaten in the face for a second.

"Okay, why not, come again!"

Real Shuiyue shouted angrily, increasing the power of his palm!

After just a palm, he was afraid that one palm would destroy the entire Hawking City. He only used one thousandth of the Magic power.

With this palm, he used one percent of the Magic power.

Even an ordinary supreme Sage has to be slapped with a palm.


With a thunder, it exploded.

In the center of the city, more than a dozen Zerg figures suddenly rose.

"Who, dare to run to my Haojin City to run wild, not to die?"

Among them was the Zerg race, like their leader, who was looking towards the real person Shuiyue at this time.

In an instant, the eyes of these Zerg races almost stared out.

However, these zergs are not brainless fans, and they are desperately charged when they see the human race.

They looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

"Human race, there are so many human races!"

"How can it be?"

"Where did you come from?"

A roar resounded, and the faces of the dozen or so zergs changed wildly.

You know, this is a wormhole!

Not only the Zerg inside cannot leave.

Even outside creatures cannot come in.

And what is going on with the human being in front of you?

"You don't care where I came from, you all will die for me anyway!"

A group of ants, the true talent of Shuiyue didn't want to talk nonsense with them, and directly rushed down.


The void is twisted under this palm.

The huge palm reaches the size of a hundred li in a radius.

All the Zergs covered in palms shivered and felt a breath of Death coming.

"Quickly, end up!"

The Zerg chief yelled loudly.

For a moment!

The hundreds of billions of Zergs once again produced a purple shield.

"I knot f*ck, and all die for me!"

Madam Shui Yue glanced at the shield and smiled coldly.

With the power of 100 billion Sage Dzogchen, this shield is strong, but it can block attacks from the top three floors of Half-Step Avenue at most.

Even a sub-prime can break through.

Not to mention that this strike, the real person of Shuiyue, already has supreme power.


With a palm, the shield was destroyed, and the remaining power was unfailing, and it fell down like a ruin.

A hundred miles around, suddenly turned into air.

This palm not only wiped out all the Sage Zergs, but also included hundreds of millions of Sage Dzogchen Extreme Zergs.


Seeing that the real Shuiyue smashed the enemy's peak combat power with a single palm.

Longfeng immediately gave the order, and the disciples of the Sword Sect of All Heavens rushed out, lined up on the city wall, and began to wield the tyrant sword and perform the tyrant slash!

Countless knives swung out and began to harvest the lives of the Zerg.

"Look, Human Food!"


For a time, he lost the leadership of the Sovereign Zerg.

These brainless zergs only know Chong.

When he rushed up, he was killed by Dao Gang.

The level of the saint, plus the blessings of the predominant tyrant sword, prehistoric tyrant boots, and prehistoric tyrant armor.

There is also the power of supernatural powers, killing these Zergs of Dzogchen Realm is like cutting cabbage.

However, even if the cabbage is chopped, there are too many to chop.

The old way, if you can't cut it, it will blew up.

Go to the resurrection stage to resurrect with full blood, and then come again.

Over and over again, the zerg in Hawkin City is rapidly decreasing.

The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect absorb a large number of laws, holy power, and the power of the original spirit, and their strength is rapidly improving.

With the increase in strength, killing the Zerg will be more convenient.

In this cycle, the number of deaths of the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect became less and less.

In the end, the speed of the Magic power was restored gradually while performing the Domineering Slash.

Death gradually decreased, and the speed of killing insects increased sharply.

Long Feng looked at all this coldly, with no expression on his face.


With a sound of earth-shattering resounding, the entire Hawking City was full of corpses, blood flowing into rivers.

There is no longer alive Zerg in the city.

The Ten Thousand Heaven Sword Zongji Lang quickly assembled and knelt down on one knee to Longfeng.

"For Sect Leader, all the Zergs in Hawkins have been wiped out. Please Sect Leader for instructions."

Tianjian Zongerlang, all of them are majestic and majestic, and their voices are generous and powerful.

The huge Shengwei burst out, like a torrent of steel, overwhelming ancient times.

"good, very good!"

"This is the good son of my Heavenly Sword Sect!"

Long Feng nodded in excitement.

With these ten thousand elders, the three big bullshits, and the Zerg, all will lie at their feet and sing to conquer.

"Boss, this time our army of 10,000 is strong!"

Real Shuiyue also leaned forward and flattered Long Feng.

"Fuck off, it's still far away!"

"Now they are out of the ranks of the weak. To truly become the strong, at least they must become the supreme!"

"Does the supreme know? They are still a long way from the supreme."

Long Feng glanced faintly at the real person Shui Yue, with a look of disdain.

"Supreme, do you still have to reach the supreme?"

"Boss, your requirements are too high!!"

At present, these ten thousand people are basically in the middle stage of the holy deity.

The way of cultivation becomes more difficult as it goes backwards.

Don't look at the Zerg Clan, within a year, these ten thousand people have Ascensioned several levels.

But they want to continue Ascension, and the Zerg to kill is massive.

The farther you go, the more Zergs you have to kill.

Even if it is a wormhole, it can't supply so many high-level Zergs for them to kill!

Real Shuiyue was extremely suspicious.

This disciple of the Ten Thousand Heaven Sword Sect, even if the remaining two wormholes were emptied, he would not be able to reach the half-step road.

However, Longfeng is confident!

He had a plan in his mind.

Now it's a field trip.

Once it succeeds, then it will not be difficult for him, the Ten Thousand Heaven Swordsman, to be promoted to the supreme.

"My requirements are not high, I will know when the time comes!"

"Now, Ten Thousand Erlangs are dispatched separately, and then sweep the wormholes around to make sure not to leave a living Zerg."

Longfeng immediately issued the order.

"Yes, this is how it should be. The Zerg must be killed."

Hearing Longfeng's command, Shuiyue nodded straight.

Zerg’s reproductive capacity is too strong.

I don't know how they did it, and the newly-born Zerg can return to its peak in one night.

If there are enough zerg in this wormhole to escape their lives.

I believe that it will not take long for them to reproduce again and achieve a large scale.

In that way, wouldn't they kill for a year in vain.

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