Subsequently, ten thousand people left individually.

With their current strength, they are enough to dominate the Demon Cavern.

Even if you encounter a Zerg in a small city, you can quickly destroy it and completely kill it.

And Longfeng and others have already left the underground world and returned to the place where they entered the wormhole.

There, the resurrection platform is still towering high, blooming with supernatural power.

"This time, it depends on this resurrection station!"

With a big wave of Longfeng's hand, the resurrection platform immediately began to shrink, and finally became a slab-brick shape with the size of a palm, supported by Longfeng in his palm.

"Boss, I really don't know where your resurrection station came from, it has such a powerful power."

"This simply subverts the existence of Tao."

The real person Shuiyue looked at the slab in Longfeng's palm that exuded the light of life, with a puzzled expression.

"By the way, boss, with this brick, will the disciples of my Heavenly Sword Sect not be afraid of death in the future?"

Mo Batian suddenly looked excited.

Since the resurrection platform was built, none of the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect had died.

Although they were blown up by the Zerg and their primordial spirits were destroyed, they were immediately reborn from the resurrection stage.

Not only Mo Batian, but San Xiao, Jiang Ziya, Kong Xuan and the others were all excited.

If they can never die, wouldn't all of their disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sage be Heavenly Dao Sage?

And he won't be bound by Heavenly Dao.


In that way, the Heavenly Sword Sect would be invincible in the world.

Kill anyone you want.

Others want to kill me, sorry, you can't kill me.

Thinking about it, I feel terribly awesome.

However, Long Feng just glanced at them and immediately interrupted their dreams.

"Think too much!"

"There is no real immortality between heaven and earth!"

"Even if it is Heavenly Dao Sage, as long as he explodes enough times and has enough power, the same will be destroyed!"

"This resurrection station is only aimed at the wormhole."

"Once out of the wormhole, its effect disappears completely."

"Er wait and remember, only if you are strong can you dominate the world, don't think about taking shortcuts all day!"

Long Feng felt that these people were a little floating.

If you don't educate them, when their strong heart fades, that will be the result.

All the people present are the future of Heavenly Sword Sect.

There are eight major disciples of own, all mounts, and younger brothers.

Their future is unlimited.

Cultivation must have a strong heart.

Constantly urge yourself to become stronger.

Immortality is in fact a kind of shackle that hits you to become stronger.

Because a person has a retreat, his will is not so firm.

With cultivation, breakthrough will slow down.

Seeing Longfeng's serious expression, everyone also realized.

Especially the real person Shuiyue, he has a lot of experience.

These truths are better understood than Longfeng.

Soon, everyone's heart of the strong became more stable.

No longer expect to be immortal.

"Thank you Master for your teaching!"

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, Master!"

For a while, everyone was grateful to Longfeng.

"Well, very good, you can rest assured, as long as you follow me Longfeng, Heavenly Dao is definitely not the limit."

"Well, I will let you feel the joy of cultivation and reach that Supreme God's Mansion!"

Long Feng looked up at the sky.

He thought of Qingtian, of the giant with steel muscles.

There is also the period of Long Aotian's complete victory, and the period of Huqiu's complete victory.

Their strength surpassed Heavenly Dao.

What are they Realm?

How strong is it?

These are all he wants to explore.

Even, he wants to surpass the blue sky, surpass the steel giant.

At this moment, Long Feng's body was overpowering, his hair was windless, his clothes were hunting, and he was full of force.

There is a firm belief on his handsome face.

Full of unmatched confidence!


Soon, the disciples of the Ten Thousand Heavenly Sword Sect washed the whole cave in blood again.

Not even let go of a fly.

There is no zerg in the early stage wormhole.

Finally, in order to be foolproof.

Longfeng, Shuiyue, and Mo Batian personally took action, scanning the entire wormhole with their spiritual thoughts.

After confirming and confirming, he decided to leave the primary wormhole.

Soon, everyone followed the passage and returned to the Blood Demon Hall.

Under the stage, each captain and deputy captain prepared with their team members.

In the next step, they will enter the Intermediate Worm.

Everyone looked at the Dragon Peak on the stage of Dianjiang feverishly.

At this time, Long Feng closed his eyes slightly.

An expression of enjoyment.

Because, as soon as he returned to the Blood Demon Hall, the system sounded a beep.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for exploding the primary wormhole and get a reward!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for getting the reward, supernatural power overlord sword cut to advance, supernatural power overlord fist, Cultivation Technique chaos overlord power!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for the reward, half-step Hongmeng Supreme Overlord Sword +10000, supernatural power overlord Sword Qi!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the reward, forty-eight Hongmeng golden lotus +10000, and one thousand superb Hongmeng purple qi."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the reward, and the big world has a chance to transplant it."

Every time the system prompt sounded, Long Feng's face smiled brightly.

Know that the system prompt has stopped!

He was so excited that he almost jumped up.

This kind of reward is so rich that people can hardly imagine it.

All are made for ten thousand disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Tyrant Slash was promoted and became a supernatural power of the lower rank of the world.

Explanation: A single cut can release eight hundred and ten knives. The power of each knives is equivalent to one knife with all your strength.

This supernatural power is tailor-made for the 10,000 disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and reduces the difficulty of cultivation for these 10,000 disciples.

In other words, this sword cut out was ten times more powerful than when it was the best of the earth.

Using this magical power, if it can be fully utilized, the combat power can be increased by eight hundred and ten times.

Such a powerful magical power, that is only the Supreme Sage qualified to cultivate.

But now, Tyrant Blade can actually cultivate ten thousand disciples.

Longfeng immediately chose cultivation.

In an instant, the upgraded Tyrant Slash appeared in Long Feng's mind.

And the cultivation was completed instantly.

Compared with the self-evolved, there are several changes.

The changes made to these places have even greater power and the same level of Ascension.

Longfeng is very satisfied.

Immediately use the stripping technique to strip out the prototype of ten thousand supernatural powers.

When everyone saw it, Long Feng was stripping off his supernatural powers again, and all of them were suddenly excited.

Overlord Slash is powerful, they have all seen it.

The next Shentong will definitely not let them down.

"Xiaoba, distribute the prototypes of supernatural powers."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Long Feng smiled faintly, and ordered Heavenly Dao.

"Yes, boss!"

Next, Mobatian distributed the prototypes of supernatural powers.

Everyone immediately began to cultivate.

The level of the sage, although the difficulty of cultivation is reduced, but cultivation goes to cultivation, and play goes to play.

Success in cultivation does not mean that it can be fully utilized.

Of course, as long as the cultivation is successful, the problems of exertion will naturally arise as long as the strength of the Ascension occurs.


Longfeng continues to check the harvest!

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