Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1467 The Zerg in the Breaking City is dumbfounded

"Xiaoba, this city wall and forbidden air formation, I look upset, you go kill the chicken with a sledge knife and break it."

Asking Mo Batian to break this kind of city wall is indeed a big fuss.

But Longfeng likes rolling.

With unmatched power, an ant was crushed vigorously.

That feeling is really cool!

"Yes, boss!"

When Mo Batian heard it, he subconsciously rubbed his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Then he flew up, punched in the top of the head, and punched in the front.


Two consecutive punches burst out.


The first is the forbidden air formation above the sky, which was bombarded by Mobatian with a punch.

Then the city wall was knocked down by a fist several miles wide.

For a time, everything in the city was in Longfeng's eyes.

I saw countless Zerg in the city.

They are the same as human cities, there are countless vendors selling them, as well as restaurants, gambling shops, and brothels.

Of course, there are also fights and killings.

Only very few.


The wall collapsed and rumbling.

The movement was a bit loud, and immediately attracted the attention of the Zerg who were several miles away.

The Sovereign Zerg has the wisdom of an adult.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, whether it was the Zerg or Longfeng group, they immediately appeared in the eyes of the other party.

"Human Race, is it Human Race?"


In the broken city, it was like a frying pan.

"Human race, that's the best food."

"Quick, kill them!"

Instant time!

Countless zergs flooded out of the city.

All Killing intents soared to the sky, seeming to believe that the Bugworm Legion is good for bullying.

"court death!"

"Kill me!"

The ten thousand people of the Bugworm Legion were already lined up in a row, ready for battle.


Following the order from the real person Shui Yue.

"Supernatural power, domineering sword cut!"


Countless knives burst out immediately.

For a moment!

Dao Gang has already flown in front of the rushing Zerg.

"Quickly, block these knives."

Hundreds of thousands of Zergs shot together.


A huge shield rose, dozens of miles around, like an umbrella.



Countless knives slashed on the shield.

The shield faltered immediately.


In the blink of an eye, the shield shattered, the swords flew around, and thousands of zergs were cut in the blink of an eye.

With all the swords falling down, at least nearly ten thousand Zerg races died in this wave.

All the Zerg races immediately rushed forward, looking at the thousands of races ahead with shock.

And the disciples of the Bugworm Legion were also shocked!

Unexpectedly, he and others would kill 10,000 Zerg with all their strength.

The Zerg in the Intermediate Worm is really amazing!

"Boss, this wave is a bit awkward!"

Real Shuiyue also saw the form clearly.

Although the Thornworm Legion is ten thousand to several hundred thousand, and without a single casualty, it has already killed nearly ten thousand Zerg.

It can be described as rolling.

And it's still absolutely rolling.

However, there are too many Zergs here.

What's coming out now is just a drop in the bucket.

In the distance, the zerg is still gathering.

Believe that less than a hundred breaths, the surrounding Zerg can gather millions of people.

Then, how will this battle be fought?

However, Longfeng just shook his head.

"Don't panic, victory is always ours."

After speaking, Long Feng waved his hand.


The resurrection platform fell from the sky.

"With this treasure, no matter how strong the Zerg race is, it will be destroyed by the Bugworm Legion."

At the same time, a card appeared in Longfeng's hand!

"System, I want to use the Realm Ascension card of the Volcano Legion!"


Afterwards, Longfeng crushed the card.

"Bing, the master succeeded in using the Realm Ascension card of the Volcano Corps. The disciples of the Volcanic Corps in the middle stage of the Lord are all three small Ascension levels."



All the members of the worm army immediately began to advance.

With a burst of upgrade brilliance shines.

Everyone immediately advanced to a small level.

Afterwards, two brilliances rose one after another.

All of them are promoted to three small levels.

All have reached the fifth realm of the middle stage of the holy master.

This scene immediately frightened the Zerg who was still vigilant.

"I f*ck!"

"The holy master has five levels in the middle stage, continuously breakthrough several levels?"

"Shocked! Shocked! How is this possible?"

"Could it be that these people were just pretending to be pigs and eating tigers?"

For a time, many Zerg races were shocked to the extreme, breaking through several levels at once, still at the level of the Lord!

This f*ck is a magic medicine!

Although the middle stage of the saint is at the level of the saint, it is not the top!

But this is also the Lord!

It's not a simple Sage, it just makes them incredible!

At this time, all the Zergs were in a commotion!

They all have IQ like adults.

All know to be afraid.

Seeing the breakthroughs of these human beings in front of them, they shouted out curses one after another!

"F*ck, these humans are actually making a breakthrough, and they simply don't put us Zerg to put in one’s eyes!"

"Hurry up and immediately ask the city guard to take action to kill these human races."

"Yes, these human races dared to run to our arrogant city, and ask the city guards to come and kill the enemy."

For a time, many Zerg began to back down.

They are scared!

The human race on the opposite side is too terrifying, it is simply not a human being.

He broke through several levels in an instant.

This is so special that they could kill nearly 10,000 of them with one blow just now.

Now if I had another knife, wouldn't it be possible to kill one hundred thousand of them.

Can't beat, can't beat!

Only the more powerful City Guards can deal with these human races.

The city guard is the most powerful batch of worms in the city.

Each of them has the strength of the five-tier middle stage.

A strong group!

And the number has reached tens of millions, killing these 10,000 human races of the same level, a matter of minutes.

Seeing that the other party wants to escape.

Mo Batian suddenly opened his eyes.

"Boss, those Zergs want to escape, do you want me to stop them!"

With that said, Mo Batian would act.

When Long Feng saw it, he just smiled faintly.

Within a short period of time, millions of Zerg have gathered around.

Unexpectedly, the Zerg here is so timid.

When the number is absolutely leading, it is not thinking of jumping forward without thinking, but thinking of running away.

The Zerg in the Intermediate Worm is really hard to deal with.

However, since I'm here, still want to go?

Live it!

"Xiao Shui Shui, ordered the Bugworm Legion to make an all-out effort to kill the Zerg race."

"Yes, boss!"

The Bugs Legion has three consecutive Ascension levels, although the real person Shuiyue is also extremely shocked.

But it was just a shock.

Even more outrageous than this had appeared before, and he had already seen no surprises.

Hearing the order at this time, he immediately ordered!

"Children of the Bugworm Legion, give me every effort to kill the enemy!"

With a loud shout, the voice resembling Huang Zhongda Lu resounded through the world, deafening!

Numerous worms in the army group immediately calmed their minds and recovered from the joy of promotion.

"Supernatural power, domineering sword cut!"

At this moment, fierce aura covered the blade.

Countless knives burst out.

On each sword gang, there is boundless fierce aura.

Power, suddenly soared several grades.

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