Coupled with the power of supernatural powers, each of the worms in the army is like a super power in the late stage fifth stage.

"Stab it!"

The sharp knife gang slashed on the Zerg.

Blossoms of blood appeared on many Zerg species.


After a round of sword gangs, many disciples of the worm legion quickly threw out and began to hunt down.

Gui Guzi rushed forward.

At this moment, he stepped on the lotus platform, surrounded by purple light, holding a knife in both hands, with a crazy color on his face.

Guiguzi is a human cultivator in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.

In the beginning, he was known for his strategy of war.

At the time, they were all extremely powerful people.

There are also several disciples in the school who are all masters of warfare.

Because of this, he gathered a huge amount of luck.

Later, he specialized in spells and became enlightened in a hundred years.

At the same time, the help of luck is advancing by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, he encountered the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, relying on his strong aptitude and luck, he broke through the Realm of Quasi-Saint Realm.

After that, he made great progress all the way, proving the way to sanctification.

It can be said that Guiguzi has been a legend for more than a thousand years.

His luck is also at its peak.

He also inherited the blood of the ancient true dragon. Some time ago, he had the rest in the Chaos Battlefield.

Purify the true dragon bloodline and promote it to the top grade dragon bloodline.

And the strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

It can be said that he is the youngest one in the Ten Thousand Bugs Legion.

But the current strength, at the level of the Lord, he can rank in the top two hundred.

At this time, he was extremely brave.

He is fast.

All the Zergs he overtaken were swept away by him.

His whole body was already blood red.

There are already hundreds of Zerg killed by his sword.

Of course, the other disciples of the Bugworm Legion were also brave and good at fighting.

Their strength is higher than these Zergs, and it is a crushing blow to the Zergs.


These zergs have a powerful advantage, that is, they are very large in number.

Although the worms had temporarily gained the upper hand, in a short time, countless zergs surrounded him.

"Look, the city guard is here!"

At the same time, there were zerg shouts.

Soon, a pair of well-equipped zerg flew in front of them.

The number is probably hundreds of thousands.

All of them were armed with spears, pedaling on the whirlwind wheel, and draped in all kinds of fierce animal skins.


"Array, kill!"

As soon as these Zerg came, they didn't ask about three to seven and twenty one, and immediately put on a battlefield with murderous aura.

They stared at the Butterworm Legion with fierce eyes!

These zergs all unleash the strength of the fifth level of the middle stage of the sage, and their killing intent is turbulent and full of fighting intent.

Faced with such a situation, the Buggers Army also suspended the pursuit, moved quickly, and stood in a row!

"Supernatural power, domineering sword cut!"

Ten thousand knives burst in an instant.


Instant time!

Countless knife gangs are like torrential rain, slashing towards these hundreds of thousands of Zerg elites.


The domineering knife gang rubbed against the air, making a roar of thunderous roar.

As soon as the Zerg saw it, he immediately felt a wave of repressed sword gangs.

Like countless sharp giant mountains suppressed.

That powerful threat is simply beyond their imagination.

But many Zergs are definitely unwilling to be suppressed.


With a burst of shouts, hundreds of thousands of long spears were immediately pierced, like a shower of bullets.


in a blink!

The attacks of the two sides were handed over immediately, and a shock wave spread quickly.

Under a single strike, the strengths and weaknesses of both sides suddenly appeared.

Although the Zerg is strong, there are many in number.

But compared to the undulating bug army, it was still a lot worse.


In an instant, the sound of countless rags being torn was heard around!

This is the sound made by the sword knife cutting into the Zerg's body.

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of city guards were killed and injured immediately.

The strongest Zerg in the dignified city.

Collecting hundreds of thousands of power, he was actually chopped off by the 10,000-thousand-thousand worms Legion Erlang.


Simply awesome!

Like the Bugworm Legion!

Seeing that the Bugworm Legion already possesses such a powerful lethality, Long Feng felt very relieved.

"Good job!"

"Charge me all, kill the Zerg at all costs."

Long Feng watched with enthusiasm, if he weren't afraid that he would overthrow the city with a single move, he would have wanted to go down and slaughter.

"Yes, boss!"

Real Shuiyue was itchy to see.

Kill the insects!

What a pleasant thing this is.

But now, he can't go to the fight.

However, it is possible to command the worms to kill the insects.

It can be regarded as a dry addiction.

in a blink!

The entire city guard was overturned.

The Zerg who had fled, saw the city guards coming, and immediately stopped escaping, preparing to eat melons.

But they knew that Guadu was still moving out.

They rely on the proud city guard, with a number of dozens to one.

He was beaten up by others.

It's a spike!

"Cao f*ck, is this the enemy too strong, or is our Zerg City Guard too weak?"

"Did these city guards grow up eating shit?"

"I feel that this is not the city guard, but a group of ants, let others trample on."

"Fuck, you guys are talking about a hammer, run for your life, those murderers are catching up!"

For a time, the Zerg was frying pan at this moment.

Run away, run away, roar...

The whole scene is completely messed up.

In this way, it reduced the difficulty of beheading for the Bugworm Legion.

Countless Zergs died under the knife of the Volworm Legion.

The scene is more chaotic.

In this way, it will be even better to kill!

Seeing that the Ten Thousand Bugs Legion will continue to suppress it.



There was a loud noise ahead.

"All Zerg erlangs, stop for me, turn around and fight to the death, otherwise I will not forgive."


As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of tens of millions of formidable pressure came from the front.

"The sage of the Zerg is on the fifth floor of the middle stage, I'm afraid they will all be dispatched!"

Long Feng and the others soared into the air, following the large army.

Seeing the smoke and dust billowing ahead, countless powerful pressures rise, Long Feng sneered slightly.

"What can you do if you are all out? I'm not going to be strangled by my worm army!"

Real Shuiyue's face showed a crazy look.

"Children, turn on the mad killing mode and get crazy!"

Real Shuiyue blushed and roared to his heart's content.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Hearing the orders of the real person Shuiyue, all the disciples of the Trembler Legion went crazy.

"Supernatural power, domineering sword cut!"

"Supernatural powers, Sword Qi!"

Real left-handed sword, right-handed sword.

Honghuangba knife, the treasure of chaos.

Overlord sword, half-step Hongmeng treasure!

Magic Treasures plus magical powers are not enough.

The fierce aura, the violent bonus, and the triple combat power blessing instantly brought everyone's strength Ascension to the pinnacle.

Countless sword gangs, Sword Qi, are flying all over the sky.

Kill thousands of Zerg in a blink of an eye!

"Presumptuous, Er and other human races, exist as food, and dare to slaughter our zerg races, it's not a pity to die!"


At this moment, the city guards rushed over, quickly stopped the Air Zerg, and began to resist.

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