"What? You are not dead yet?"

When the insect turned his head up, it turned out that it was the human race who had just been overturned by his own tentacle.

"What if you haven't died, then I will let you die again!"

The insect roared, his body flashed, stepped into the air, and rushed towards Guiguzi quickly.

"Hmph, caterpillar, you want me to die, you are not enough!"

Looking at the figure of insects turning the sky, Gui Guzi sneered.

Then, cut it out in one fell swoop!

He did not underestimate the worms, and Banbu Dadao itself is not a weak one.

Therefore, as soon as he shot, he didn't keep his hands, but did it with all his strength.

"Supernatural power, domineering sword cut!"

The prehistoric tyrant sword, plus the supernatural power of the heavens, the blessing of fierce aura.

Coupled with his own strength, he is already infinitely close to the half-step road.

Therefore, the power of his sword is almost the same as that of the insects.


Knife Gang flying around, like locusts in the sky.

Seeing the danger of this knife, the insect was shocked.

His figure turned quickly and coquettishly, avoiding more than a hundred sword gangs.

Afterwards, his tentacles Yin Jue quickly condensed, and at the same time stepped across, directly blocking the steps of Gui Guzi.

For a moment, above his tentacles, golden light was dazzling, if there was a golden thunder light, there was a faint sound of thunder that pierced the ears.


The golden tentacle mudra is like a thunder dragon, and it spreads directly with the roar of thunder.

The golden light broke out, covering the sky and the sun, covering Guiguzi.

The Thunder Dragon glowed with golden light, especially dazzling and sharp, filled with the aura of killing, and quickly rushed to the center of Guiguzi's eyebrows.

The golden afterlight impacted and opened, and the ground directly exploded and cracked, flying sand and rocks, and the scene was terrifying.

"What a powerful attack!"

Gui Guzi also exclaimed, the worm's move was violent.

"Supernatural powers, Sword Qi!"

In his hand, the Honghuang Tyrant Sword was also replaced with the Tyrant Sword.

Although the supernatural powers are of the same grade as just now.

But this time, the level of Magic Treasures is one level higher.

The power of Sword Qi must be doubled again.

"call out!"

Sword Qi glows like a flame, shining in the air.

The golden light was shining, the thunder rang, and the aura of fierce death had spread to the center of Guiguzi's eyebrows.

At this moment, Sword Qi burst out, and instantly intersected with the opposing Thunder Dragon.


The dazzling Thunder Dragon collided with Sword Qi of Guiguzi, and a low muffled sound suddenly spread.

The dull voice was like thunder, making the surrounding sky roar and the earth trembling.

The aftermath of the power bursting between the two spread directly in all directions along the body of the two.


The ground around it reveals the traces of cracks like mirror cracks one after another.

The storm swept across and slammed into all directions, and the two fighting parties around were directly lifted off. The scene was terrifying!


A crisp sound of broken bones spread, particularly harsh.


With all eyes in sight, Guiguzi's figure flew upside down again, and then smashed to the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted.

Guiguzi's forehead was blue veins, and his body was painful, and cold sweat broke out.

He glanced at the top of his wrist, the broken bone was already exposed at this time.

There is still a trace of residual meat on the top of the broken bone.

The entire arm had long been stained red with blood.

But on his face, there was a madness!

"Hahaha, caterpillar, unhappy!"

His eyes were red and his killing intent was raging.


"Caterpillar, die!"

The Overlord Sword was handed over to the other hand, culled out with a madness.

On the other hand, although the insects were not knocked down to fly, they were equally damaged.

The corners of his mouth were bleeding, one of his tentacles was cut off, and a scream of pain in his mouth, big sweat dripping from the worm's head.

At this moment, his eyes were like a ghost, staring at the ghost valley that was rushing towards him.

But his eyes are full of incredible.

"It's so strong!"

His eyes also changed drastically, and his heart was shocked.


He has retired.

But how could Guiguzi let him go.

The figure flashed, already killed.

"It's bullying too much!"


He stretched out a tentacle again, nodded a Thunder Dragon, and rushed towards Guiguzi.

But the momentum of this Thunder Dragon is much weaker than just before.

On the contrary, the crazy Guiguzi, the power of this sword, is stronger.

"Hahaha, caterpillar, you are dying!"

Seeing Chongtianshaw under the own sword, the coercion was lost, and Guiguzi roared!


A loud noise!

The terrible Sword Qi power poured into the insect's body, extremely domineering, causing him to surge in blood and vomit blood crazily.


Chong Fantian revealed a bit of hideousness on his face, and his whole body strength swept like a storm, trying to get rid of this Sword Qi from the body.


In an instant, a crazy breath erupted from his body, rushing straight into the sky.

The thunder shook, the golden light broke out, and the worm's body turned sky-shaking, so it rose in the same day!

At this moment, he knew that the crisis was coming, and he had no reservations, and the astonishing breath spread, shaking the world.

However, the Sword Qi is extremely tricky.

A hundred and eight Sword Qi bursts into his body, violently destroying his Meridians soul.


His internal organs have been crushed by Sword Qi.

His resistance immediately weakened.

And the power of Sword Qi is undiminished, surging forward!


The insect's body suddenly exploded, and it was already dead and couldn't die again.

"Hahaha, good!

"This Guiguzi really deserves to be a celebrity in China."

Seeing this, Longfeng immediately clapped his hands in applause.


At this moment, Guiguzi cuts the insects and shakes the sky, obtaining a huge amount of sacred power, law, and primordial power.

In addition, he is already on the verge of breakthrough.

At this moment, he made a breakthrough.

A half-step power exploded from his body.

He felt that the world was different when he was promoted to the half-step road.

Looking at the zerg at the foot, it is no doubt with the ants.

He has absolute certainty now that he can trample 8,000 Zerg to death with one foot.

"Oh my God! Half-step Avenue, Guiguzi has set foot in the half-step Avenue!"

"Half-step avenue, this is the first stage of the half-step avenue!"

The exclamation sounded one after another.

At the age of Guiguzi, over a thousand years old, Cultivation Base on a half-step road, how can such talents not make everyone amazed.

"Half-Step Avenue Realm, you deserve to be the leader of my Bugworm Legion!"

The surprised voices of Kong Xuan and others were one after another, and everyone was moved.

Before entering the wormhole, no one would have thought that someone could advance so quickly by killing them.

A cultivator with excellent aptitude and great luck will take at least hundreds of millions of years to go from Sage early stage, cultivation to Ban Bu Da Dao.

But Guiguzi is less than a thousand years old.

In fact, it is less than ten years.

What a miracle.

Even Longfeng is less than one percent!

However, Guiguzi did it.

Not only him, but the entire Trembler Legion may be within ten years.

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