It only takes less than ten years to go from the middle stage of a saint to the half-step road.

It's so appalling!

Guiguzi has advanced to the half-step avenue, has reached the limit of the intermediate wormhole, and has been able to withdraw from this war.

After all, his strength is too strong.

Killing the Zergs of these sages Realm is already abusing food.

No matter how many beheaded, the strength of Ascension can only be minimal.

Why rush to eat with the younger brothers in the Bugworm Legion.

However, he just wanted to leave.

Suddenly, the pressure of a half-step road swayed again in the city of broken gods.

"Half-step road, relying on you, can you dare to break through the city of God and go wild?"

"You are looking for death!"

A cold voice resounded.


The huge momentum is amazing, the golden light is overwhelming, and a half-step road early stage three-story Zerg arrives in the air.

This one is the strongest person sent by the Insect Emperor to the Intermediate Worm, the Insect is extraordinary.

Seeing the flying insects are extraordinary, Guiguzi raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes moved.

The Cultivation Base on the third floor of the early stage half-step avenue was also shocked in his heart.

Although he was only two small levels higher than him, but half a step, one level and one heaven and earth.

He is also not sure of victory.

Besides, the supernatural powers of the heavenly lower grades, the Half-Step Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, are not much cheaper in the hands of the Half-Step Dao.

Now, he only has a fierce spirit, which can still be useful.

Twenty times the blessing of the evil spirit, surpassing two small-level battles.

a bit difficult!


Guiguzi breath is unreserved.

He hovered in the air, hunting in his clothes, and dancing wildly. With a bit of momentum, it made people watch, and it was also extremely shocking.

"The third floor of Half-Step Avenue is indeed not weak!"

"But if you want me to die, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Gui Guzi looked directly at the insect and said.

Against the third floor of Banbu Avenue, although Guiguzi knew he was going to lose.

However, if you want to kill him, I'm afraid it's impossible.

Even if there is no resurrection station, he can't be killed.

"Hmph, a small fish who has just been promoted to the half-step road, dare to speak up and die to me!"

The worm slashed out with a palm.


The violent energy is everywhere.

Gui Guzi's complexion changed drastically, but although he was not disturbed, he gritted his teeth secretly, and his holy power was flying.

The law is turbulent, if a bright curtain of light spreads, one punch is greeted.


Muffled like thunder, Gui Guzi's body was directly retreated, a muffled hum came from his throat, bloodshot overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha, so you have so much strength, you want to kill me, I'm afraid it's a little too close!"

Gui Guzi wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes were a bit solemn, but there was a trace of disdain in his mouth.

"Hmph, just a palm, I haven't used one-fifth of my strength, you can eat me a stick!"

As soon as the voice fell, a long stick flashing red appeared in the extraordinary tentacles of the insect.

"Supernatural powers, Hun Yuan is a stick!"


With a burst of shout, the sticks are full of shadows, and the strength of the stacks of sticks is like the waves of the sky.

At the same time, a cold breath burst out!

On the extraordinary body of the insect, the powerful aura fluctuates, and the law of yin and cold rushes out of the body, lingering in the surrounding sky, causing the void and the wind to change color.

"So strong!"

"Quickly, Yin Po, Ximang, Chongyu, Ji Han, Er, etc., go and help Guiguzi!"

Seeing this, the real person Shui Yue immediately shouted orders.

Yin Po, Ximang, Chongyu clan, Ji Han clan, these four are the earliest ancestors of the human race to reach the half-step road.

They are all Innate human races, but Nuwa used Innate to breathe the earth and pinched it with his own hands.

The entire Innate human race has gone through countless calamities. In addition to the Suiren clan, the Jiren clan, and the Winning clan, there are also ten Elders.

At present, there are only four of them.

The strength of the four of them was really cultivated.

They are on the second floor of the early stage of Banbu Avenue.

Of course, they have the current strength and are inseparable from the countless Medicine Pill spirit fruits brought back by taking Longfeng.

Otherwise, even if they are the Innate human race, even after experiencing that great change, they are at best the pinnacle of quasi-sages.

I'm afraid that even Sage's way cannot be achieved.

Not to mention a half-step road.

Nevertheless, their strength is strong enough.

Whether it is aptitude, luck, or chance, in the human race, they are all at the top.


"Kill without mercy!"


Yin Po, Ximang, Chongyu, and Ji Han got orders.

They immediately sacrificed their Overlord Swords, and at the same time broke out the pressure on the second floor of the early stage of the half-step avenue.

The figure flickered, he had already come in front of Guiguzi, and at the same time he shot out the sword.


Five swords came out together, and hundreds of Sword Qi flew randomly in the void, and finally gathered together, slashing towards the Insect Extraordinary.


Defeated in one blow!

Even if all five people came out, they were also bombarded with one blow.

"It's actually a heavenly middle-rank supernatural power!"

"That stick is also a half-step Hongmeng treasure!"

"What a worm emperor, he actually sent such an excellent zerg to death!"

When Longfeng saw it, he knew that this insect extraordinary was the outstanding one among the Zerg tribe.

On the third floor of Banbu Avenue, it was able to display the supernatural powers of Heavenly Grade Middle Grade.

Even if it is unable to exert the full power of supernatural powers, it is also very remarkable.

However, he is not worried about the five Guiguzi.

The insects are extremely powerful, and the five Guiguzi are not weak.

They also have hole cards.

That is not afraid of death!


at the same time!

Yin Po, Ximang, Chongyu clan, Ji Han clan, and Guiguzi clan erupted at the same time.

At their feet, a forty-eight grade lotus platform appeared.

The lotus platform burst out with sacred light, shining brightly, and sprinkled with brilliant light, covering each of them.


Left sword and right sword, two magical powers come out together!

At the same time, the fierce aura is like a violent wave hitting the shore, forming a sword Sword Technique phase on top of each other's heads.

"Supernatural powers, Sword Qi!"

"Supernatural power, domineering sword cut!"

Each of the five issued two heavenly low-grade supernatural powers, and Sword Qi suddenly seemed to be plagued by locusts.

In the end, the sky full of swords and swords Sword Qi gathered together again, forming a long dragon, majestic heaven and earth.


There seemed to be dragons roaring and tigers roaring, and the sound of thunder explosion resounded.

"Hmph, wait for death!"

"Supernatural powers, Hun Yuan is a stick!"

Extraordinary insects did not show weakness, and blasted out again.


The void exploded continuously.

There are forty-eight grades of Hongmeng Jinlian defense, plus full shots.

The five members of Guiguzi were already able to stabilize the situation.

At this moment, the two sides began to stalemate.

So now, the fight is lasting.

Whoever consumes more energy than the other side is undoubtedly the one who wins.

At this time, above the city wall!

The worms have already taken action, their magical powers are being used, the blades are condensed, and the blades are surging.

A round of sword gangs slashed out fiercely, blasting into the zerg group below.


Countless zerg races are densely packed like locusts.

These zerg races seemed to have received extraordinary orders from the worms, and they roared and thundered, exploding with a terrifying aura.

The degree of intrepidity is definitely a hundred times stronger than the previously seen Zerg.

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