The fierce beasts alone have such strength.

As for the Zerg, wouldn't it be stronger.

"Pass the order, everyone is stationed in place!"

Long Feng turned his head and saw that all the members of the Bugworm Legion had arrived, all standing on the ground.

Zhenren Shuiyue and Mo Batian stood beside him.

Later, there is Kong Xuan Kunpeng et al.

The Bugworm Legion was divided into five teams, standing in their respective positions, strictly disciplined, and silent.

"Yes, boss!"

As the leader of the Bugworm Legion, the real person Shuiyue immediately gave the order.

Hundreds of miles outside the tunnel, it was fairly calm.

Perhaps because of the system, the fierce beast would never invade this area.

The worm legion rested in place.

Long Feng thought for a while, and immediately confronted the enchanting tyrant Heavenly Dao, "Little tyrant, you go to the Zerg city ahead to explore the way."

"Look at what Realm masters are inside, and pay attention, this high-level wormhole is not easy!"

There was a trace of solemnity on Long Feng's face.

It takes only one year to eliminate the high-level wormholes.

Time is a bit rush.

However, since he has a resurrection platform in his hand, he is not afraid of what moths the Zerg can dig out.

In the wormhole, the function of the resurrection platform can be heaven-defying.

Even the real person Shuiyue and Mobatian can be resurrected infinitely.

No matter how strong the Zerg is, he can't play with himself.

Later, he set the resurrection platform on the ground.

"Yes, boss!"

When Mo Batian heard the order, his figure flashed, and he leaped towards the Zerg City.

Along the way, he kept avoiding the beasts, so the speed was not fast.

It wasn't until one day that he approached a hundred kilometers away from the city.

At this time, he was more careful.

Because, there are constantly Zerg appearing around.

These zergs are at least half-step above the middle stage.

They are in groups of three to five, with the largest number in the hundreds.

These zergs all came out in teams to punish the ferocious beasts.

The killing of ferocious beasts has a great effect on the increase of the Zerg's strength.

From the fierce beast, they can obtain the Cultivation Base.

In addition, the meat of fierce beasts can be eaten by them.

These zergs have high IQs, and some even surpass humans.

Mobatian keeps in mind the own task, which did not provoke these zergs, but directly approached the city.

Soon, he came to the side of the city.

Mobatian is also proficient in the magical powers of pupils!

At this moment, he was hiding on the mountain peak closest to the city, running his pupil technique, and looking towards the city.

"Insect Emperor City!"

This is the name of this Zerg city.

The city is not big, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles!

There are not many zergs inside, about one hundred thousand.

In addition to hunting outside the city, Mobatian estimates that the maximum is 200,000.

However, the strength of the Zerg in this Zerg Emperor City is unprecedentedly strong.

The lowest is the middle stage first floor of Banbu Avenue.

Moreover, the middle stage of Banbu Avenue is only a minority, accounting for only one-tenth of the total.

Among them, most of them are half-step avenues late stage and extremely top, about 150,000 yuan.


The sub-prime is about 20,000!

The supreme has at least ten thousand.

Among them, there are more than 20 kinds of powerful coercion, and even Mo Batian must pay attention to it.

What surprised Mo Batian most was that

In the Chongdi City, there is actually a coercion that makes him feel dangerous.

"This is so special, so strong!"

"If this zerg race appears on the battlefield of chaos, the great chaos world will not be destroyed immediately!"

Moba Tianxin was extremely shocked.

"Who, dare to spy on this emperor!"

Just when Mo Batian noticed the strongest pressure, the whole body affected the world.


Immediately afterwards, a black light rose from the Chongdi City and shot at the Demon Tyrant's extremely fast.

"Fuck, I was discovered!"

"What a powerful perception!"

Mobatian was shocked and immediately ran the Magic power, trying to avoid the black light.

This black light was so powerful that Mo Batian even felt a breath of Death in it.


He stepped up and backed extremely fast towards the rear.

At the same time, the dragon war armor was worn on the body, and the immortal demon seal in his hand turned into a pair of gloves, which he wore on his hand.

Immediately, he hit the black light with a backhand.

This punch, he was punched with an instant killing punch from the super king of supernatural powers.

The huge shadow of the fist suddenly rose into the sky and directly collided with the black light that came.

The imaginary explosion did not sound.

I saw that black light was like cutting tofu with a knife, blasting through Quan Ying with one blow.

Then, he came in at the speed of light, piercing Mo Batian's chest.


Mo Batian didn't even have time to react, so he burst his body with a violent force, and his flesh and blood flew all over the place, with no bones left.

On the resurrection stage!

"Fuck, it's so strong, it sent me back in one move!"

Mo Batian jumped down from the resurrection stage with a cold sweat.

"Boss, it's incredible. There is a super existence in this city, who is definitely a master of integrating the nine rules of Realm and Dantian."

"It's even possible to surpass Heavenly Dao!"

Mobatian quickly ran to Longfeng to report.

"Xiaoba, tell me more specifically!"

Seeing Mo Batian actually come out of the resurrection platform, Longfeng was also shocked.

From the resurrection station, Mobatian was slaughtered once.

What a pity, a little bit of a joke!

With Xiaoba's strength, he was actually killed.

Even the real person Shuiyue doesn't have such skills!

Long Feng's face was even more ugly.

On one side, Zhenren Shuiyue, Kong Xuan and others also gathered around, pricked their ears.

"Boss, the Zerzu city is called the Zerg Emperor City. There are 20,000 Sub-Sovereigns and 10,000 Sovereigns in it!"

"There is still a top-half chip weaker than me at twenty."

"In addition, there is a fellow who claims to be the emperor, who is stronger than Xiao Shui Shui!"

"One move will kill me!"

"But it was also my carelessness, otherwise he would have to spend some tricks if he wanted to kill me."

Mo Batian wiped the cold sweat from his bald head and replied.

He didn't brag, he was just killed in a second, and it was indeed that he underestimated the enemy.

His strongest supernatural powers did not make a move.

And it hasn't stimulated the infinite potential eighteen times the combat power.

The two avatars at the same level as the ontology were not released either.

If he tried his best, he would have the confidence to block ten moves, but then he would die.

The opponent is too strong!

It's simply overwhelming.

From his solemn face, Long Feng also felt the strength of the opponent.

Fortunately, I have a resurrection station.

Otherwise, Xiaoba will be braided this time.

"Well, just follow the strategic approach of the Intermediate Worm!"

"First destroy the surrounding fierce beasts, and then attack the Chongdi City!"

"As for Emperor Raoshi Ziben, I will deal with it, and the others will be called to you!"

Killing the zerg can obtain the power of the holy power and the primordial spirit.

Even Mobatian and Shuiyue real person can benefit.

I believe that after the Chongdi City is eliminated, everyone's strength will change drastically.

As for killing the fierce beast first, this is also a way to increase strength.

Killing beasts can gain fierce aura and enhance combat effectiveness.

At that time, as long as he and Mo Batian, the combat effectiveness of Real Shuiyue can be doubled.

Even if you don't use the hole cards, you can still go through the entire high-level wormhole.

"Yes, boss!"

Real Shuiyue immediately took the lead!

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