"This world is getting more and more invisible!"

Long Feng looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

I think at the beginning, when I first came to the predominant land, my goal was to save my life, at most I think about the illusory Lord of Sage.

Later, he became holy, and the demons looked forward to it.

The crisis of the Demon Ancestor disappeared, and another Zerg came out.

What's so special, when are you tall!

And this special villain is getting stronger and stronger.

The promotion is too fast, even if you own the system, it's a bit too much.

Just like this high-level wormhole.

It's not just the Zerg who is great.

Even fierce beasts are not so easy to destroy.

"Set off!"

Longfeng was full of thoughts, and finally calmed down his inner discomfort and led the Bugworm Army into the mountains.

Their primary goal is to eliminate the beast.

This time, they split into two operations.

Longfeng, Mo Batian and Shuiyue Zhenren all the way, preparing to slay the powerful beast.

Under the leadership of their respective captains and deputy captains, the Bugworm Legion beheaded other ferocious beasts and absorbed the ferocious aura.

There are endless mountains with various terrains.

Surrounded by ancient trees, beasts roar constantly.

The entire mountain range was blood red, releasing a faint ferocious aura.

The three of Longfeng moved all the way, avoiding some weak beasts, and rushed to a powerful existence by themselves.

This kind of existence, there are a total of ten in the entire high-level wormhole.

All of them will be dealt with by Longfeng.

The other worm legions followed the three of them to clean up the weak beasts.


The advanced wormhole was approaching the night, and the surrounding area was slightly dark.

However, the red environment still allows the entire high-level wormhole to be highly visible.

It's like a sunset glow covered with red light.

"Just ahead!"

Long Feng looked ahead.

In the dimness, there is a swamp in front of him.

A huge crocodile was lying in the swamp, showing only one head.

It released a red light all over, narrowed its eyes, and watched the direction of Longfeng vigilantly.

"How dare to break into this king's territory, I don't know whether to live or die!"

The crocodile spoke suddenly, and the people in Longfeng were shocked.

The fierce beast can utter words, which is incredible.

"Be careful, this beast is very strong!"

The real person Shuiyue sacrificed the Shuiyue Yuan Shenzhu on the top of his head, and he also held the Hongmeng Divine Sword in his hand.

"Ant, die!"

A low and deep shout rushed out with a violent wind, like a flash of lightning, his huge body was several feet long.

He was covered in blood-red scaly arms, with a hideous head, four sharp claws under his abdomen, fierce pupils like copper bells, filled with blood.

It uttered a word, its huge tail shook, and a huge stone was swept behind it, and it suddenly turned into dust.


Looking at the beast crocodile, Longfeng was surprised, but he didn't panic at all, holding a sharp gun, stepping forward to meet him.


Mobatian and Shuiyue also broke out with powerful pressure at the same time, each rushing up with Magic Treasures.

Feeling the breath of the three of them, the crocodile's eyes also filled with surprise.

"What a strong ant!"

There was a surge of fear in his heart.

However, the Killing intent on him began to circulate violently, covering up the only trace of reason it had left, making it completely crazy.

The fierce beast, the fierce aura in the body can cover everything.

Let them not be afraid of life and death, and dare to fight everything.

It can also make them bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, cruel and tyrannical.


With a howl, the crocodile flew up in the air, and then pounced.

The huge figure shook the earth across the sky.

"It's you who died!"

Long Feng's expression showed no trace, from his body, the huge law of holy power suddenly surged, and the coercion of hegemonic destruction swept out.


A loud shout shook the world, and the ferocious sound waves made the distant beast tremble and roar endlessly.

"What a strong coercion!"

The crocodile's eyes changed drastically, and the loud voice shook, regaining his sanity a little.

This coercion made its heart tremble, its beast soul trembles, its whole body trembles, eyes reveal fear.

But it is a fierce beast after all, its reason is instantly deprived of fierce aura, and the corners of its mouth immediately show its fangs.

The red light on its body was surging, but its huge body was extremely agile, and its hideous blood basin and big mouth swallowed directly towards Longfeng.

The huge suction power covers a radius of ten miles.

All creatures immediately entered its huge mouth.

Even Mobatian and Shuiyue real person are within its attack range.

The holy light surged under Longfeng's feet, and his figure rushed out like lightning.

Shuiyue Zhenren and Mo Batian also exchanged their feet, and their bodies resembled electricity.


The crocodile's blood basin sucked and swallowed the three of Longfeng directly.

But as its sharp teeth opened and closed, there was no blood spurting out.

However, many of the surrounding rocks and mud entered its mouth.

The crocodile's fierce pupils changed drastically, the huge head instantly lifted, and the huge tail glowed like iron armor, sweeping out angrily towards the sky.

The speed of the three people is undoubtedly, blinking up to the sky, but the crocodile is not weak, and immediately senses the position of the three.

The giant tail swept across, and the figure stepped into the air, biting in angrily.


Facing the attack of the crocodile, Long Feng looked solemn, his head full of black hair flying, and the sacred power suddenly poured in as he shook hands with the sharp spear.

The red light on his body rushed into the sky, and the sacred gun was covered with a layer of fiery red holy light, as if there was molten liquid flowing on the gun.

Without delay, Longfeng spear thrust out!

"Naughty animal, take a shot at me first!"

The violent breath suddenly appeared, the gun power was like a dragon, and the power was like a mad tiger!

With this shot, he did not use powerful magical powers.


For a moment!

The spear thrust of Longfeng's God-killing spear thrust a red thunder, bursting out, resounding with the sonorous sound of wind and thunder.

The guns roar like dragons and tigers, accompanied by a majestic whistling sound, suddenly erupted.

The gun light slammed into the tail of the crocodile that swept angrily, and the sound of Jin Ge suddenly resounded, and the flames splashed everywhere.

Cracks appeared on the crocodile's extremely hard scales, with fiery red blood remaining.


But the power of the giant tail swept away in rage, shattered the spear light, and poured out on Longfeng's body.

With a low muffled grunt, Long Feng's body flew directly upside down and landed on the ground.

Longfeng's holy power flowed, stabilized his body, and suddenly felt the blood surging in his body, and his complexion was pale.

"It's amazing!"

Long Feng sneered slightly!

"Xiao Ba, Xiao Shui Shui, stand back and watch me take his life with the next shot!"

After just a blow, Longfeng immediately knew the strength of this crocodile.

The strength is basically equal to himself.

But if he uses the supernatural powers of the heavenly rank and the crocodile has no other cards, he can only be killed by a single blow.

At this moment, blood was flowing on the crocodile's giant tail, and the pain hit his mind, making it even more incompetent and furious.


In the roar, it did not delay, and with anger, its huge body suddenly jumped out again.

The breath on it erupted, carrying a gust of wind, rolling up the gravel and soil above the earth, as if the end of the world had come, it went straight to Longfeng.

Long Feng's eyes condensed slightly, his body's creation and body forging tactics circulated, and the top bloodline rushed through his body.

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