Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0268 Blood Demon Hall's Three-tier Test

"how do you know?"

This is what my clan veteran told me! "

"Really? There must be a lot of good things in there!"

"Hehe, what a silly criticism, what's in it, this Blood Demon Hall itself is the best thing."

"What do you mean by stupid critics, do you want to die?"

"Damn, kid, you are so long and capable, don't you dare to speak to me like this, do you know who I am?"

"My ancestor cares who you are, and if you dare to insult my ancestor, you must have the consciousness of death."

"Bold, my dad is Lei~~, the peak powerhouse of Demon Sage, be careful that my dad kills your entire race!"

"Get out of here, the peak of the Demon Sage, look for death!"


Instant time! There were fighting sounds around.

Such things do not happen in one place.

The demons are aggressive, and if Ruyi Scepter is not there, blood will flow into a river. With so many demons gathered here, there is no bloodshed.

But these did not affect Longfeng.

At this time, he once again grasped two main points.

One, the Heavenly Dao nine sages of the Demon World, one of them is the Dragon Sage, presumably the number one leader of the dragon clan.

Second, Blood Demon should be one of the earliest creatures in the Demon Realm. He fought for luck with Dragon Sage and finally failed.

The Heavenly Dao nine sages of the devil are extremely mysterious, plus they have been too far away.

In today's Demon Realm, few people know who they are.

Even Mobatian didn't know any information about the Heavenly Dao Nine Saints.

This Dragon Saint is the only Demon Realm peak powerhouse that Dragon Peak knows at this time.

This is very important, although he may not even count as an ant to the so-called Dragon Saint now.

However, he had a feeling that sooner or later he was going to face the Heavenly Dao nine sages of this demon world.


At this moment, the Blood Demon Hall burst into a bloody radiance, and then an ancient gate appeared in front of the Great Hall.


Immediately afterwards, thunderous sounds resounded.

The door is slowly opening.

Long Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a blood-red light was shining out from within that door.

This ray of light released a powerful power.

It was as if there was an ancient behemoth in that door about to wake up.

The blood-red light was very rich, blocking the sight of many demons.

Eye of the soul, open!

Magic Treasures: Hall of Blood Demon

grade:? ?

effect:? ?

Instructions:? ?

"Except for one name, it's all question marks."

Yes, even if the Sky Eye has been promoted to the Soul Demon Sky Eye, the attributes of this Blood Demon Temple are not visible at all.

The contemplative sky eye can only observe the attributes of the items in the owner's big Realm. This Blood Demon hall has obviously exceeded the limit of the sky eye.

However, this is not the time for Longfeng to study the Blood Demon Hall.

Because there are already demons that have started to act.

It's just a few short breaths, even before the door is fully opened, there are already countless powerful demons who have entered the Blood Demon Hall regardless of danger.

In addition, there are more and more powerful demons behind, leaping up like locusts.

There are even various semi-Magical Beasts, St. Magical Beasts.

They also rushed into the Blood Demon Hall to look for opportunities.

Although they have low intelligence, the beasts all have an instinctive subconsciousness. There is a chance for them in the Hall of Blood Demon.

"Boss, let's hurry in too!"

Seeing countless demons entering, Mo Batian was obviously anxious.

"Don't panic, this Blood Demon Hall is not for anyone who goes first to get the benefits."

On the contrary, this Blood Demon Hall, as the burial place of Blood Demon, should be filled with crises. These demons are just our cannon fodder! "

Long Feng smiled contemptuously, seeing the demon army like locusts, he was not at all anxious at all.

"Boss wise!"

After listening to Long Feng's words, Mo Batian couldn't help touching his head and thinking for a while, it seemed to be the reason.

Immediately there was a silly smile on his face, and his eyes looked at Longfeng with admiration.

"Hey, Xiaoba, you are still too tender, learn more in the future."

Long Feng nodded, with killing intent in his eyes, constantly looking at the powerful demon clan rushing into the door.

These powerhouses are densely packed like a locust plague, afraid that they will not be hundreds of millions. It is not until a quarter of an hour later that the number of demons gradually decreases.

"Now, we can also set off!"

As soon as Long Feng's voice fell, he urged the magic in his body, his figure jumped, and the electric shot came out.

"Boss, wait for me!"

Mo Batian moved and immediately followed.

The black slave saw Long Feng rushing directly into the door, and he didn't care about himself at all, and his mind immediately became active.

Escape at this time is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity.

However, when he remembered the pain just now, he immediately let go of the idea of ​​running away.

His figure flashed, and he followed into the portal.

Longfeng and the others were not the last to get in. Although the demons behind were reduced a little, they continued to come.


Until an hour later.

The door began to close slowly.


At the last moment when the door was closed, a Sword Ray came quickly from far to near.

"It's still too late. God helped me too!"

It was a teenager who came.

This young man was full of Sword Qi rushing into the sky, filled with the holy light.

Behind him, a giant god-tier Sword Technique appeared, which indicated that he was already a super master of the Demon Saint level.

This young man was the Heavenly Jiao, Young Master Tianao who had escaped from Longfeng a few days ago!

It's just that at this moment, Young Master Ao is no longer the pinnacle of the Quasi Demon Saint, but the Demon Saint early stage.

In just a few days, he has actually proved sanctified.

This, it is likely that in the past few days, he got a huge opportunity in the Dangling Lao.


Young Master Tian Ao turned into a rainbow light and entered it at the last moment when the door was closed.

"Kang Dang!"

The gate closed directly.

When Longfeng stepped on the door, he felt the sky spinning, and then there was a blood red in front of him, and he couldn't see five fingers around him.

"Enter this door and accept three tests!"

A piece of information seemed to appear in Long Feng's brain out of thin air.

At the same time, a gravitational force and a mysterious power swept toward him in an instant.

This force seems to be madly destroying the vitality in his body and sucking the flesh and blood in his body.

A feeling of powerlessness struck, and his strength was rapidly regressing.

In less than an instant, he felt that his own strength had disappeared by one percent.

Long Feng frowned slightly, and he stretched out his hand and threw a punch in the direction he had just entered.


This punch, as if hit in the air, made a muffled sound.

"Huh? The place where you came in has disappeared."

When Long Feng's eyes moved, he felt the mysterious power getting stronger and stronger.

He was constantly drawing blood from him, and in just a few breaths, his own strength had dropped by nearly one level.

This surprised him!

"Supernatural powers, blazing flames!"

The Eight Dao Hongmeng Purple Qi instantly turned into a raging flame, allowing his strength to rise immediately, reaching the Sage late stage directly.

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