Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 269 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

FTLN 0269 I am not a man

"Hey, the strength of the disappearance has not increased."

Long Feng's eyes lit up, which was good news.

At the peak of the quasi-sage, his strength dropped rapidly, and one breath would basically drop by one percent.

But now, his strength is already Sage late stage, and his breath still only drops by one percent of the peak of Quasi-Saint.

Moreover, he can clearly feel that the speed at which the blood in his body disappears has also been reduced a lot.

In this way, at least within a few hours, the surrounding environment will no longer have much influence on him.

Longfeng Saint-level magic power gathered his eyes, and slowly walked a few steps forward, carefully looking at the surrounding scenes.

At this moment, Long Feng's eyes flickered with golden light.

However, even with his eyesight, one can only watch the sights within a hundred feet of it here.

But just looking at it like this surprised him.

He was in a Great Hall, and in his eyes, he saw countless corpses.

The ground within one hundred feet is almost covered with a thick layer of withered bones.

These withered bones kept lying on the ground in various movements, seeming to be struggling.

"No, this is not a dead bone!"

Long Feng's pupils suddenly shrank.

These are corpses that have just died.

It's just that the flesh and blood seemed to be sucked dry, leaving only the skin and bones.

"These corpses are the powerful demons who just entered!"

Long Feng's expression instantly changed, and he immediately put on the Chaos God Armor.

"These corpses, I'm afraid there are not as many as tens of thousands!"

Long Feng quickly reached out and picked up a green-skin corpse in front of him, silently recalling it.

However, this time there was no notification sound from the system.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a slip in his hand, and the corpse turned into ashes.

"What? It can't be recycled!"

Long Feng's expression changed, and Zheng Zheng looked at the ashes under his feet, "Yes, this corpse has been turned into ashes and has no value at all, so it cannot be recycled."

Long Feng sighed in his heart. He glanced at the corpses of the powerful Demon clan on the ground, as well as many corpses of Magical Beasts.

In the front, the bloody aura became stronger, and with his eyesight, he couldn't see anything.

Long Feng subconsciously opened the soul-catching eyes, and his eyes instantly penetrated the void to see a long passage.

In that passage, countless powerful demons were slowly advancing, and many demons fell on the ground, their flesh and blood evaporated in an instant.

"Special, this is a life-threatening road!"

Long Feng's eyes suddenly shrank.

"This, going out from here, is it the first test."

In this Hall of Blood Demon, it is expensive, can swallow blood and flesh, and there is energy that destroys vitality.

Under such an environment, the strength of Quasi-Devil Saint's peak could not last long.

Even some Tianjiao will soon be swallowed by the Hall of Blood Demon so that there is no scum left. How can they get out of this tunnel?

Long Feng frowned slightly.

He was guessing that this test might be used by Blood Demon to select the new owner of the Blood Demon Hall. This test would definitely kill countless demons.

Avenue is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine.

Under any crisis, there is a silver lining.

This may be the cemetery of Blood Demon, but it may also be the place of his inheritance.

Once he can pass the test, he may be able to accept Blood Demon's inheritance.

The inheritance of a Demon Venerable, even Long Feng is extremely jealous.

Long Feng concentrated his energy and began to take a step slowly.

The destructive power is increasing, and the gravity on the body is increasing, but the power to consume and devour flesh and blood has not increased. This is good news.

If this increases, Long Feng feels that he can support an hour, and it will be easy to finish the passage.

Longfeng stepped out decisively when he thought of it.

With every step forward, gravity will increase and the destructive power will skyrocket.

In less than a stick of incense, he felt half of his strength lost.

However, at this moment, he has also crossed the Great Hall and entered the corridor.

It's just that on his body, the bones are emitting a kaka body, especially the shoulder bone, which has been broken under the pressure of gravity.

Under the pain, the Hunyuan profound art was quickly operated, and his shoulder bones healed rapidly. As his progress accelerated, various negative intensities were slowly Ascension.

Entering the corridor, there was a voice in front of him without stepping out a few steps.

I saw two ugly Yaksha men slowly moving more than ten meters in front of him.

Their expressions were amazed, their faces were scared, and their whole bodies released an aura far beyond the peak of ordinary Demon Saints.

One of them is older and stronger than the other, but the pressure on him is obviously greater than that of his companions.

At this moment, the calm air was like a ten second-level typhoon, and the elderly Yaksha clan powerhouse suddenly trembled.

He suddenly stopped, the beads of sweat on his forehead gushing out frantically, and then the big ones dripped down.

He looked at himself with horror on his face, and saw that his physical body was swiftly moving down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was like an inflated balloon, leaking air. In an instant, his body, which was originally a little fat, was nothing but skinny.

At the same time, his vitality began to decline rapidly, and within the blink of an eye, he was already on the verge of death.

Even if he sacrificed the whole body of devilish protection, those few negative forces can also act on him

"Quick, brother, help..."

He reached out and grabbed the man next to him.

But his younger brother immediately blasted out with a palm, the powerful palm wind whistling, directly put him on the ground, and then backed a few steps with horror on his face.

At this moment, the others in the corridor also watched this scene with shocked eyes.

"Junior Brother, you..."


Accompanied by an unwilling cry, this Yaksha clan powerhouse turned into a corpse and could no longer get up.

Seeing such a scene, Long Feng instantly understood that in this corridor, not only did it have huge gravity, which restricted your speed.

And the power that destroys vitality and absorbs flesh and blood has skyrocketed again.

This is not over yet, besides this, there is also a nameless wind, which will randomly blow anyone at any time, amplifying these negative forces tenfold.

Let you die instantly.

It's like a leak in the house that rains in the night. The environment here is bad, but there are sneakers who don't know when they will come to you.

At this moment, Long Feng's eyes were staring, this passage seemed to have no end.

In the front, there are countless densely packed Mozu disciples who are struggling forward.

In the eyes of Shenhuntian, in Longfeng's view, this is all doing useless work.

Because, even the Contemplating Sky Eye did not see the end of this tunnel.

"Could it be that there is another way out for this tunnel?"

Long Feng frowned.

"Boss, wait for me!"

From the rear, Mo Batian's shout suddenly came.

Long Feng turned his head and looked around, and saw that in the bloody color, Mo Batian was coming steadily.

His big shiny bald head was blooming with a faint golden light at this time.

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