Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0278: Threatening Shuanglong

At that time, Long Feng was almost crushed to his knees.

Now, he also has this kind of Yuan Sacred prestige, he is already planning, when he goes back, he will definitely want those two two hundred and five to taste his Sacred prestige.

After absorbing the four primordial spirits, Long Feng didn't stop, his figure flashed, and he rushed to the next floor.

At this level, Longfeng encountered two demon tigers, and their strength skyrocketed again, reaching the middle stage of the demon saint.

However, at this time, Longfeng's primordial spirit was already at the Sage level, and under the eyes of the demon world, the Demon God Shockwave used all his strength to kill two demon tigers instantly.

On the next level, the four-headed Demon Sage middle stage Demon Tiger, this time it took a little time, but also beheaded.

At this time, after absorbing the essence of the six-headed demon saint middle stage demon tiger, Longfeng's primordial power once again soared, almost reaching the limit of the Sage early stage.

Sixth floor!

Two demon saints late stage demon wolf!

This time, Long Feng used almost all means to behead it with difficulty.

After absorbing the primordial spirit of the two demon wolves, his primordial spirit power also broke through the Sage middle stage as he wished.

At this moment, he felt full of power, and with the power of the primordial spirit, he could also fight the strong Sage middle stage.

"It's cool!"

The feeling of Yuanshen's promotion made him feel like a spring breeze, and his body was comfortable.

But he has no time to enjoy this comfort at this time, he must race against time to rush to the ninth floor.

On the seventh floor, it is estimated that there is no difference between Longfeng and the four demon wolves of the quasi-sage late stage.

At this time, the primordial spirit was promoted to the Sage middle stage, and the power of the soul-stealing heavenly eye was greatly increased.

Although the flame impact alone is not effective against the soul, his chaos magical skills can break the world and destroy the gods, the mysterious powers of the soul-slashing qi, and the dragon-breath of the souls can attack the soul.

With full strength, the four demon wolves did not make much waves.


At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding, the master's mana value is currently zero, the transformation of the demons has failed, and the human body has been restored."

At this time, Nine Heavens time is up, and the magic value has been consumed.

For a moment!

Longfeng's primordial spirit regained his human form, the two green horns on his head disappeared instantly, and the power on his body was restored to immortal power.

"Is it time?"

Long Feng squinted his eyes and touched his head. It was flat. Then, in the Demon Realm, he will be an enemy of everyone, and he will be unable to move.

However, he was not afraid at all, instead he was full of fighting spirit.


After absorbing the spirit of the stone magic wolf, Long Feng became serious, and a solemn color appeared in his eyes.

It is still in the Blood Demon Hall, and neither humans nor demons are affected, so I should get the Blood Demon Hall first.

On the eighth floor, if he guessed correctly, he should be guarded by the strong guards at the peak of the two demon saints.

Although his primordial spirit broke through again at this time, if he really wanted to fight, he would not necessarily be an opponent.

Sage middle stage, against the peak of the two demon saints. Although these Magical Beasts do not have magical skills, where is the Realm.

No matter how powerful his supernatural powers are, it is impossible to leapfrog against Demon Sage Peak.


Long Feng burst into the air and rushed to the eighth floor.



As soon as I entered the eighth floor, I saw two huge figures flying in the sky, chasing and frolicking.

"Two-headed dragon!"

"Did I draft it!"

"It's actually the black dragon at the peak of the two demon saints!"

Longfeng was almost scared to pee!

How to fight this special?

Dragon creatures are almost at the top of the food chain. Their primordial spirit has almost doubled its growth compared to ordinary Magical Beasts.

"Roar, wife, some creatures are coming up!"

At this moment, the two dragons stopped suddenly, and the four dragon eyes violently opened. Looking at the dragon peak, it was like seeing fragrant food.

"Huh, you are not a demon?"

The eyes of the magic dragon flickered, revealing the color of doubt.

"Forget it, ants, no matter where you are from, since you are on the eighth floor, obediently let my husband and wife swallow your soul, or wait for my wife to get angry and tear your soul into pieces!"

These two dragons, one male and one female, are talking about the male dragon.

"Are you a husband and wife?"

"Then do you know Bertrank?"

Long Feng's eyes lit up. In this Demon Cavern, apart from the black slaves, only his parents were Demon Dragons.

For these two magic dragons, the primordial spirit has the strength of the peak of the magic sage, and its body should be the great perfection of the magic sage.

It just so happened that the parents of the black slaves were also Demon Sage Dzogchen, and the two demon sage souls were very likely to be the parents of the black slaves.

"What are you talking about, Bertrank, my son, where is he?"

Upon hearing Bertrank, the female dragon who had not spoken suddenly yelled.

With a swing of the dragon's tail, the figure resembles electricity, and the dragon's claws peeked, directly holding Longfeng in his hand.

How Ren Longfeng dodges, in front of this female dragon, it is like a baby, caught in the dragon's claws like a baby being caught by an eagle.

"Cough cough cough, whatever the situation, let go, or I will kill your son."

The power of the magic dragon was amazing, and just a slight pinch, it almost squeezed out Longfeng's excrement and urine.

"What? You dare to kill my son, I want to swallow you!"

The female dragon was obviously a violent temper. Hearing what Long Feng said, without saying anything, she stuffed Long Feng into her mouth.

This time, he almost frightened Longfeng to death.

The ferocious dragon mouth exudes powerful divine power and sharp teeth. Long Feng is almost certain that when he is sent into his mouth, he will definitely be chewed.

"Wait, do you dare to eat me? Your son's soul is under my control. I only need a thought, and he will die!"

Long Feng's eyes were about to split, his mind moved, and the black slave who was still absorbing the spirit of the sixth layer suddenly felt a pain in his brain and screamed.

"You...you actually controlled my son, you are looking for death!"

The magic dragon has an inexplicable connection with his own heirs. Just now, she clearly felt that the ant was connected with his son's soul.

This made her angry immediately, but she did not dare to make any more movements.

"You, let go of my son!"

The eyes of the Devil Dragon stared round, and the murderous look in his eyes was like a steel knife. It was as if Longfeng Yuanshen had been scraped by a sharp knife, and it was heartbroken.

"Fuck, let go of me!"

Long Feng was pierced with a steel needle, and the tragic howling of black slaves clearly sounded in his mind.

At this moment, the Devil Dragon could also feel the pain of his son from the weak connection, and quickly let go of the dragon's claws.

But on her body, there was an invisible murderous aura that had been condensed into a knife, which could kill Longfeng in a flash at any time.

"Ant, you dare to enslave my son of Bertras. I swear that you will devour your entire race so that you will never be born again."

The black slave's father, Bertras, had fire in his eyes and his voice was like iron.

"Stop talking nonsense, your son is now in my hands. If you want him to die, you still want him to live!"

Long Feng straightened out his messy hair, his face was full of disdain, threatening me, especially, unless you don't want your son's life.

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