Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0279 Blood Demon Seizes The House

"what do you want?"

Bertras gritted his teeth.

"I heard that the scenery on the ninth floor is very good, I want to go up and take a look!"

Long Feng looked at the stairs behind the two black dragons and jumped up to the ninth floor.

"Do you want to go up?"

Bertras's eyes were a little weird.

"Nonsense, daddy came here, could it be that you two old black dragons can't make it!"

Long Feng glared at the other side contemptuously.

"Hey, okay, if you want to go up, you can, but you have to release your control of my son first!"

The two dragons looked at each other, and Bertras nodded and said coldly.

"Yes, get out of the way now, and when I get below the stairs, I will unlock the beast taming technique."

Long Feng saw that these two magic dragons were a bit strange, so he didn't think much about it. It was very simple to release the beast taming technique.

"Well, I hope you don't play tricks, or I can swallow you right away!"

When Bertras finished speaking, he moved away and opened a passage.

When Long Feng saw it, he didn't stop, nor was he afraid that the two dragons would sneak attack, and quickly walked down the stairs.

Then a series of handprints were fiercely punched, and the relationship between master and servant with the black slave was lifted.


Then Longfeng soared up and flew to the ninth floor.

The two dragons did not stop, and watched him disappear above the eighth floor.

"Hey, what a silly fork, I want to go up and die, we can't stop it."

"There are such stupid creatures in this world, no wonder they are so weak."

The eyes of the two dragons were full of joking and contempt.

The ninth floor!

Longfeng's figure was together, and just as soon as he stood firm, he could see the miniature Blood Demon Hall at the end.

Above the mini Blood Demon hall, there is also a demon core floating. This demon core emits a blood-red light, and it can be clearly seen that there are nine demon patterns on it.

"It's actually the Ninth Grade Demon Core!"

Longfeng's pupils shrank. This was obviously Blood Demon's magic core. I didn't expect that Blood Demon actually possessed the 9th grade magic core, which was terrifying.

On the side of the magic core, there are four bodies standing straight, motionless, they are the bodies of the Dragon Peak people.

From the moment they entered the second level, the bodies of a few of them had already been photographed, and only those who broke into the ninth level could the souls return to their bodies.

"Huh, why are there no Magical Beasts?"

At this moment, Longfeng noticed that there were no Magical Beasts on the entire ninth floor, except for the mini palace and magic core at the end, nothing else.

This made him very surprised, and when he turned his head, he could see the eight steps below.

The proud son that day was being abused like a dog on the seventh floor.

Although the four demon wolves who were fighting against him were also the four demon wolves, they were all the peaks of the demon saints, which was a step beyond what Long Feng dealt with.

On the sixth floor, Mobatian’s opponents are also the two demon wolves at the peak of the Demon Sage.

He has the upper hand with one enemy and two, and victory is a matter of time.

The black slave was also on the sixth floor, not far from Mo Batian, but separated by a layer of invisible strength.

He killed his opponent one step earlier than Mobatian. At this time, he was scarred and was absorbing the essence of the soul.

Long Feng instantly understood that the attacks that appeared on the first eight floors of this ladder were all linked to the Realm of the person who broke through.

The higher the Realm, the stronger the Magical Beasts of the attack, and the lower the Realm, the weaker the attack of Magical Beasts.

"The ants of Otherworld, how did you enter the ninth floor?"

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came from the top of his head.

Long Feng was startled, and looked up, a big face was hanging silently in the air at this time.

"Of course I broke through!"

Long Feng's eyes were calm, without any timidity.

"Broken here?"

The big face was puzzled, staring at Longfeng for a moment.

"Also, your primordial spirit is very gazing, and your physical body is also extremely powerful, and I can sense a tremendous amount of energy from your primordial spirit."

"You have greater potential than the other three demons. Go to the original soul first and swallow my ninth grade demon core, then you can accept my inheritance."

"What, this can accept the inheritance? What about the test of the ninth level?"

Long Feng looked dazed, so that's it, it's that simple?

"The test of the ninth floor is me. I think you can accept the inheritance if you do. On the contrary, even if you are heaven-defying, you will be killed by me if you reach the ninth floor as long as I am not satisfied!"

"This... you are Blood Demon?"

"Yes, I am Blood Demon, the strongest demon. I competed with the Dragon Sage for the Heavenly Dao Nine Sages, but I finally failed and was seriously injured by him. I just sat here!"

"Sure enough, it is the inheritance of Demon Lord!"

Long Feng became excited. If he was inherited from the Demon Venerable, once all the clones were merged and became a holy, he would definitely become a Saint Venerable very quickly.

At that time, between heaven and earth, who will be his opponent!

Long Feng didn't hesitate anymore, and instantly came to the physical body, and the soul returned directly.


At this moment, his primordial spirit is already the Sage middle stage. After entering the physical body, it instantly blends, and a powerful coercion is immediately released, increasing his overall strength again.

Long Feng had a clear understanding at this time. His current strength would be invincible at the Sage late stage level if he had all his cards.

Even at the peak of Sage, he had a chance to escape.

At this moment, Long Feng's eyes were fiery, looking at the Ninth Grade Demon Core in front of him, his heart was beating wildly.

He couldn't wait to stretch out his hand and directly pinch the blood red devil core.

"Ding, the owner picked up a Ninth-Rank Demon Core, which was identified by the system as a lucky waste product, and recovered a Ninth-Rank Holy Core, which can transform Dantian into a holy core."

"Ding, the master picked up a Ninth-Rank Demon Core, which was recognized by the system as a lucky waste product and recovered it to obtain Sage-level Cultivation Technique Bloodthirsty Swallowing Yuan Gong, Mysterious-Rank Low-Rank Supernatural Power Gravity Technique, and Chaos Divine Skill Blood Desperate Palm."

"Ding, the master picked up a Ninth Grade Magic Core, which was identified as a lucky waste by the system, and recovered a Magic Treasures Fusion Card, a Magic Fusion Card, and a Celestial Fusion Card."

"Ding, the master picked up a Ninth-Rank Demon Core, which was recognized by the system as a lucky waste product, and the high-level bloodline Fei Crow bloodline was recovered."

"Fuck... trough!"

Long Feng opened his mouth wide and his eyes bulged round. This magic core unexpectedly gave him such a big surprise.

This wave of system prompts made his ears roar, but it made him care.

This is simply more explosive than killing a super-large BOSS.

Long Feng laughed, his face almost broken.

At this moment, he really wanted to jump up vigorously and roar, "It's so cool!"

"Hey, kid, swallow my magic core, the reward is not small!"

The voice of that big face sounded again.

"Thank you senior for completion!"

Long Feng calmed down his excitement, and saluted the big face respectfully.

I can get such benefits, thanks to this Blood Demon, and if I am grateful, I don't need any money. Of course, Long Feng is not stingy.

"Thank you? Hehe, wait a while, I'm afraid you won't thank me!"

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