The Shengwei on him spread out instantly, and became entangled with Zhen Yuanzi.

in a blink!

The original three saints felt light all over, the holy power flowed, and the holy power became mighty again.

"Fuck! Fellow Daoist, what are you doing?"

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked!

The strength of this Styx was even slightly stronger than him.

Everyone knows that Styx uses the two swords of Yuan Tu and A Nose, plus ten second rank karma red lotus, a total of three top-quality Innate spirit treasures are slain.

Zhen Yuanzi only has two pieces of the best Innate spirit treasure, the ginseng fruit tree and the book from the ground, plus an ordinary Innate spirit treasure.

In comparison, Styx will definitely have the upper half.

"My fellow daoist and Longfeng also have Karma to end, so I ask Zhenyuan fellow daoist not to interfere!"

The ancestor Styx had awe-inspiring killing intent, and his tone was beyond doubt.

Since his sanctification, his spiritual platform is immediately clear, and his vague memories are also immediately penetrated.

Long Feng killed countless avatars of him, but he also remembered it instantly, so hatred, he could not let it go.

This time Zhenyuanzi and Tongtian Sparta were joined, and Styx joined them, and they instantly went from the strong side to the weak again.

The two saints looked at each other and their eyes became solemn at the same time.

But at this time, Long Feng looked dumbfounded!

"What's the situation? Didn't you come to trouble me? Why did a few Sage hit the bar first?"

At this moment, he took a trembling step and said weakly, "I said everyone, you all treat me as a soft persimmon!"

"You know, I have killed the demon saint late stage and escaped from the hands of a large group of demon saint peaks."


As soon as Longfeng spoke, the seven Sages were taken aback at the same time, and then they rolled their eyes and stared at Longfeng immediately.

"Hahaha, are you funny?"

Primitive Tianzun laughed, his eyes filled with contempt, "You have also killed the demon saint late stage, I have also killed the demon saint Dzogchen!"

"It's really bragging and not drafting!"

"A few fellow daoist, blocking Jin Yuanzi and Tongtian, wait for me to take off this dog's head to use it as a urinal!"

In the hands of the original Tianzun, Pangu Fan releases the Chaos Sword Qi, ready to attack at any time.

"I said, kid, don't you pretend that you are going to die less, and don't look at what the situation is now. When we start fighting, you will run immediately, you know?"

Master Tongtian also slapped his head fiercely, this kid is simply too ignorant of the height of the sky!

"Uh, what I said is true, why don't you believe it?"

Longfeng feels that he has had enough fun!

It’s better to let yourself pretend to be forced by others!

Reaching out his hand, the Zhuxiantu Divine Sword flickered out, and his whole body began to burst out in his tight handshake.

The Eight Dao Hongmeng Purple Qi is ready, ready to burst into flames at any time, and torment the four Sages on the opposite side.


At this moment of tension!

The vigorous and majestic voice suddenly resounded.

"I am Hongjun, whoever Heavenly Dao Sage, come to Zixiao Palace to discuss matters!"

After a pause, he said again, "Little friend Longfeng can also come!"

The sound seemed to be heard in everyone's minds, except for a few of them, no one else heard it.

For a time, the originally tense atmosphere disappeared instantly.

Everyone look at me, I look at you, and at the same time withdraw Shengwei.

Daddy closed his eyes first, his figure flashed, and he headed towards the chaotic sky.

Primitive Tianzun glanced at Longfeng, snorted coldly, and turned and left.

Then Zhunti, also erected a Buddha cloud, and disappeared beyond the sky.

"Uh, why are you leaving? I haven't started pretending yet. Force it!"

Long Feng looked like a pity.

"Fuck, boy, you have saved your life, and you are still talking cold words here, hurry up and go!"

"Remember, you will come out of Zixiao Palace and follow me closely. Then my second senior brother will definitely attack you."

Master Tongtian looked serious and said harshly while looking at Long Feng.

"Uh, all right!"

Long Feng shook his head secretly, "This Tongtian has no confidence in himself."

"Dragon fellow daoist, don't worry, with my Zhenyuanzi here, even if it is Styx, you can't even hurt you half a point."

Zhen Yuanzi also looked firm.

Long Feng nodded, his face also solemn.

"Let's go! Hongjun Dao ancestor has orders, and they dare not do anything while they are out of Zixiao Palace!"

A cloud floated under Zhen Yuanzi's feet, and his figure instantly lifted into the sky, heading directly to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord Tongtian and Longfeng also set up a cloud head and flew to the outer sky of the chaotic sky.

Chaos and void, a huge and majestic palace stands.

The three simple and simple characters of Zixiao Palace are brilliant.

Soon, the Seven Great Sages and the Dragon Peak came to support the clouds. Outside the Zixiao Palace, the current Jade Emperor and Queen Mother had already arrived.

"Haotian, Tianyao, see all Sage brothers!"

The Queen Mother of the Jade Emperor politely saluted the cupped hands of all the saints.

"The two are the masters of Heaven Court, you don't have to be so polite."

Daddy hit a checkpoint, his eyes proud.

Primitive Tianzun and Zhunti two sages are full of contempt, and in their eyes, Sage is full of ants.

Even if it’s the Lord of Heaven Court, they don’t To put in one’s eyes.

As for Nuwa, he just nodded politely.

Zhen Yuanzi and Tongtian treated people with a kindness, and also smiled at the Queen Mother of Jade Emperor. As for Styx, they didn't even look at them.

Jade Emperor Mother, he had seen it before, so he had to be polite, but now, it's ants!

"Human Longfeng, I have seen the Queen Mother of Jade Emperor!"

Long Feng politely arched his cupped hands and greeted him with a smile.

The expressions of all the sages, Haotian saw in his eyes, and he was extremely angry about these Sages.

He is also the master of Heaven Court anyway, but these Sages rely on their own strength to reach the sky, and they are so disrespectful to themselves.

"One day, I will step on your Sages!"

Haotian thought bitterly in his heart.

But for Longfeng, he had a lot of affection, and he nodded at Longfeng with a smile.


At this time, the door of Zixiao Palace slowly opened.

"You wait to come in!"

Hongjun Daozu's voice sounded.

As a big brother, Daddy wants to be in the front.

However, Styx stepped straight out from the rear, Shengwei exploded, directly shook Daddy away, and walked steadily in the first place.

"You... Styx, you are simply not a son of man!"

Daddy didn't react at all, caught off guard, and was almost knocked to the ground by the Shengwei of Styx.

Fortunately, the original Tianzun at the rear responded promptly and pulled daddy to prevent him from falling and losing Sage's skin.

"court death!"

Styx is now the strongest Sage besides Yangmei Hongjun, so how can he put the original daddy to put in one’s eyes.

Hearing that the Primitive Tianzun actually dared to insult him, he was furious, stretched out his big hand, a monstrous holy might burst out, and went directly to the primitive Tianzun to suppress it.

"Styx, dare!"

Feeling this monstrous holy prestige, the primitive is shocked, his eyes are red, and his face is like earth.

"It's strictly forbidden to do anything in the Zixiao Palace, Styx, you can't be arrogant!"

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