Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0296: Asking Questions In Zixiao Palace

At this moment, Hongjun Daozu's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a larger Shengwei suppressed it, and instantly annihilated Styx's attack.

"Stay will follow the teacher's order!"

Hearing the voice of Daozu Hongjun, Styx immediately took back the pressure on his body, glanced at Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, snorted coldly, and walked directly into the Zixiao Palace.

Daddy and Primordial Tianzun looked angry, but they had to walk behind the Styx.

Regarding the issue of order, Long Feng didn't care, he didn't step in slowly until everyone had entered.


As he entered, the Purple Heaven Palace was closed suddenly.

At this moment, Hongjun Daozu has long been sitting on the futon, looking down on the saints.

Below, ten futons are lined up, and the Seven Sages and the Jade Emperor Mother sit in their respective Lotus Positions, closing their eyes and resting.

"Human Sky Sword Sect Sect Leader Longfeng, I have seen Hongjun Daozu!"

Long Feng glanced around and hit Hongjun with an inspector, and then sat on the last futon.

"See the teacher!"

At this time, the Seven Great Sages did not dare to neglect, even the ancestors of Styx and Jin Yuanzi bowed to salute.

When Hongjun became a sage, he opened the main road. Among the guests in the Three Thousand Zixiao Palace, Styx and Zhenyuanzi were among the best. It is reasonable to call Hongjun Daozu Yisheng teacher.

"You don't need to be polite, I invite you to wait today to preach and preach the Fa!"

Hongjun raised his head lightly, his eyes were hollow, and he glanced at everyone.

"Teacher, I don't know what the teacher is going to preach or teach?"

Daddy asked with a salute.

"Well, I will talk about the way of Sage today!"

"Didn't the teacher say this?"

Primitive Tianzun asked suspiciously.

"What I'm talking about today is the whole way of Sage, from Sage early stage to half-step avenue!"

"Since Pangu opened the sky, now the Nine Saints have gathered together to give you the boundless merits, so that everyone can improve in strength, and even I have benefited from this."

"And under Heavenly Dao, nine is the number of extremes. If the predecessor wants Heavenly Dao to be completely perfected, so that our Sage can break through a higher Realm, only the Nine Tribulations can be completed."

"Pangu opens the sky, the robbery of the fierce beast, the three races for hegemony, the war of the lich, the invasion of the demons, the gathering of the nine saints, a total of six calamities."

"After the Six Tribulations, Heavenly Dao will speed up its operation due to the power of the demons. The next Three Tribulations will all evolve within ten thousand years."

"All of you are Heavenly Dao Sage. We should follow Heavenly Dao and help Heavenly Dao perfect, in order to hit a higher Realm."

Hongjun's tone was cold and completely devoid of emotion.

"Teacher, what is higher Realm?"

Tongtian has always been a good student who loves to learn, of course, just ask if you don't understand.

"Today, I invited you to talk about Sage's Great Perfection. You have to listen carefully!"

"Follow the teacher's decree!"

The other sages and the Queen Mother of the Jade Emperor instantly became energetic, and each of them pricked up their ears, listening carefully.

Hongjun's preaching really is true.

Behind Hongjun, I saw a nine-zhang celebration cloud, and the purple radiance above his head illuminates the entire Zixiao Palace. There are countless Rui Cai clouds hanging down, turning into golden lotus flowers.

Hongjun Dao ancestor is all over the heavenly Dao, and on the nine-zhang celebration cloud, the half-round jade plaque shines with brilliance, mysterious and mysterious, but it is the fragment of the chaotic treasure good fortune jade plaque.

The good fortune jade disc is infinite mystery, engraved with the Heavenly Dao motto, which is spoken from Hongjun Taoist ancestor at this time, and people can't help but be intoxicated and fall into the path of the illusory Tao.

The people below are fascinated by it, with feelings constantly, sometimes frowning, sometimes feeling comfortable, and many heaven and earth principles are connected at this moment.

However, as Hongjun talked more and more profoundly, everyone began to be in the mist, first of all, the Queen Mother of the Jade Emperor, which sounded baffling.

Then came the Five Sages of the Heavens and Longfeng, who gradually couldn't keep up with the rhythm. In the end, even Zhen Yuanzi and Styx looked dumbfounded.

Moreover, the mystery of this Dao is simply boundless. To understand is to understand, if you don't understand, you don't understand, you can't get half lucky, even if you learn by rote, you can't.

The whole preaching and teaching starts from the Sage early stage and ends at the half-step road.

However, even Hongjun knew what Sage had done after Dzogchen, so he could only rely on the good fortune Yudie and follow the instructions.

In the blink of an eye for three years, Hongjun gained the benefit of preaching, and Qingyun behind him was even more radiant. The Heavenly Dao Huaguang also showed auspicious light, surrounded by golden lotus swaying, and the holy power all over.

Countless golden lotuses are layered on top of each other, like waves and seas, scattered throughout the entire Zixiao Palace, turning into Taoist spiritual light, injected into Hongjun's body, and gaining a glimpse of the law.

After preaching for three years, Hongjun suddenly shut his mouth, glanced around, and said indifferently, "Is there anything you don't understand about Sage's way today?"

"Teacher, after Sage's Dzogchen, why Realm?"

Styx bowed to Hongjun and asked loudly.

"Sage Dzogchen is actually divided into the realm of the new Sage Dzogchen and the deity. The realm of the deity requires the power to control the law."

"There are divisions based on the number of rules, but how to divide, I cannot tell for the time being."

There was no sadness or joy on Hongjun's face, and he replied loudly.

"Teacher, what is the law?"

Zhen Yuanzi didn't dare to be a queen.

"The law, recorded on the good fortune jade disc, is the origin of the world, divided into basic laws and rare laws."

"Three thousand avenues, every avenue is a rule."

"Golden, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder are the basic laws, and the rare laws are transformed from the basic laws, such as time and space, ice, light and darkness."

"Of course, there are also strengths and weaknesses in the rules. The rare rules generally mastered are slightly stronger than the basic rules, but they are not absolute. For example, some rare rules that are tasteless are inferior to the basic rules."

Hongjun explained.

"Teacher, once you have mastered the law, can you advance to the holy level?"

"To control the 20% of the law, Realm breakthrough Sage is the limit of Dzogchen, and I already control the 20% of the law, and it is only one step away from the Lord."

"Then teacher, how do you control the law?"

Daddy asked the key.

"You have your own blood, and you can advance to Sage Dzogchen, the law can naturally be controlled slowly. At present, there is no cultivation law Cultivation Technique, so you can only increase the Cultivation Base and control it naturally."

"Bloodline? Then we wait for Sanqing, can there be bloodline?"

"Our cultivator, good fortune, inherits the bloodline, you are the Sanqing, Styx, inherits the Pangu bloodline, but is extremely indifferent, and is a low-grade bloodline."

"Zhen Yuanzi inherits the earth and is the blood of the earth, Nuwa inherits the life, is the blood of life, as for the enticement of Zhunti, is the blood of the wood."

Hongjun scanned the crowd and said.

"Master, do I have blood with Tian Yao?"

Seeing that Hongjun hadn't mentioned himself or the Queen Mother, the Jade Emperor was anxious and asked loudly.

"Er, etc. are instructed by stubborn stones, their qualifications are ordinary, and there is no blood heritage!"

Daozu Hongjun's ruthless blow made the Jade Emperor's eyes dark, and he was immediately stunned.

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