"Ding, the Magic Treasures clone swallows the Tai Chi diagram, adds the function of fixing the ground, water, fire, and wind, and then swallows four Magic Treasures, which will advance to the Chaos Supreme Treasure level, or meet the integration requirements."

"Come again!"

Longfeng swallowed the Pangu banner to Magic Treasures clone, and the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding, the Magic Treasures clone swallows the Pangu flag to increase the power of the move, and then swallow three Magic Treasures, the level of Ascension may meet the fusion requirements."

"Ding, the master Magic Treasures avatar swallows Tai Chi diagrams, Pangu flags, chaos clocks, the power is greatly increased, it breeds the power of opening the sky, and obtains the low-level Pangu bloodline."

Pangu bloodline, after fusion, can control the law of power.

"Ding, the master got the low-level Pangu bloodline, is it fused?"

"Not fusion yet!"

Longfeng can no longer look down on the low-level bloodline, even though it is still the Pangu bloodline.

Magic Treasures clone swallowed Magic Treasures has reached seven, with the last three remaining.

Finally, it is the Five Elements clone.

The system is upgraded, and the Five Elements clone has also changed.

"Swallow the origin spar?"

Longfeng Daqi, click to explain.

The origin spar, the spar transformed by the origin Spiritual Qi.

Origin Spiritual Qi is divided into five types: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Only the place where the origin is extremely rich will be born.

After being born, it is extremely secretive, even Heavenly Dao Sage can't be found easily.

Long Feng was a little confused, half-knowledgeable.

"System, the Chaos Demon God who masters the power of the source, does he have the source spar in his hand?"

"Ding, the origin spar, one world, there can be no two kinds."


Long Feng was even more confused.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, and then I had to give up.

This matter has come to an end for the time being.

Long Feng put away his clone and stood up slowly.

Among the attributes, other magical powers and immortals have basically not changed much, and the next step is to implement the big plan.

The Blood Demon Hall is very large, but in the eyes of the owner of Longfeng, everything can be clearly sensed.

He knows where there are so many Magical Beasts, where Magical Beasts are strong, and where Magical Beasts are weak.

Since the beast is tamed, of course, you have to attack the Holy Magical Beasts, and the stronger the better.

Beast Taming is actually a kind of master control technique, based on the master, a means of suppressing and controlling the Magical Beasts master.

The stronger the soul, the stronger the Magical Beasts can be trained, and the more Magical Beasts cannot resist after training.

Just like before, Longfeng's primordial spirit is only the pinnacle of quasi-sage, but he tame the black slaves of the Sage level.

This is a bit beyond the limit of animal training, and the resistance of black slaves is great, so black slaves often go against Longfeng.

But now, Longfeng's primordial power has skyrocketed, and it is already at the limit of Sage's late stage, and it can break through the peak of Sage at any time.

Such a powerful soul is almost invincible in this Hall of Blood Demon.

Even with the power of Demon Sage Peak, he can temporarily control it, just like controlling a black slave.

If it is below the peak of the Demon Sage, then the opponent will not even have a trace of resistance under control, only obediently obey the orders.

At this moment, Longfeng first locked a three-headed bird that just broke through the middle stage of the magic saint.

These three-headed birds are a rare species of Magical Beasts in the Demon Realm. They are very rare in the Demon Realm today and are about to become extinct.

But in this Blood Demon Hall, it was left behind. There are still many in it, even the existence of the late stage of the Demon Saint who just broke through.

Long Feng liked the three-headed bird, one is that it is not far from where he is now, and the other is that the three-headed bird is still in an order.

This is convenient for Longfeng to start.

Special skills: Beast Taming

Grade: Yellow

Function: Play the handprint of the beast, add a special technique, and establish a master-servant connection between the master and the beast soul.

Can tame all kinds of Magical Beasts, Fairy Beasts, Fierce Beasts, Demonic Beasts, all beasts, all within taming.

The tamed beasts execute 100% of the master's orders. If there is resistance, the master is just a thought and can kill its soul at any time.

The current beast taming technique is at the yellow level, which can simultaneously tame ten beasts one level higher than the master's soul, and a hundred beasts of the same level, regardless of the master's strength.

For beasts higher than the master's soul, although it can be tame, but it is possible to get rid of the shackles and rebel against the master.

Under Realm, the master soul, or equivalent to the master soul, will completely surrender.

This three-headed bird is no more than the middle stage of the demon saint, and the primordial spirit is even more difficult to cultivate. I am afraid it is only the demon saint's early stage. Once trained, it will completely obey the orders.


Longfeng walked out of space.


The three-headed bird saw an alien suddenly appeared in front of him, and he called out, his eyes were full of alert, and his momentum began to rise.

"Naughty animals, surrender or die!"

Long Feng's eyes sharpened and his voice chilled.

Immediately afterwards, a bright red light, like a sonorous thunder, rushed out of Longfeng directly, like a thunder, and a rush like a spark.

At this moment, in Long Feng's mind, the power of the primordial spirit was as vast as the ocean, and the boundless primordial spirit's light fluctuated and radiated dazzling light.

The light was dazzling like a small sun, and there were bursts of wind, thunder and fire, and the blessing of the great road, mysterious and mysterious.

When this light suddenly appeared, it swept across the heads of the three birds, and a domineering air that seemed to be able to suppress the world and scorn the ancient and modern swept out.

In the blink of an eye, the light was as radiant as the sun, if mysterious power descended through it!

The terrible Yuanshen coercion swept away directly and suppressed it!


The three-headed bird felt the danger signal, its wings spread out, and its figure quickly retreated.

The three heads suddenly started to vomit, a golden light gushing out from the middle head, the heads on both sides moved at the same time, two breaths of ice and fire exploded in amazement.

The sudden scene changed Long Feng's eyes.

At this moment, Longfeng rushed up and stepped out of the air, his figure was like a light, stepping directly on the middle head of the three-headed bird.

"Supernatural powers, blazing flames!"

For a moment!

Sage's late stage Sacred Force suppressed the three-headed bird crawling on the ground.

Immediately, the beast-taming seals continued to condense, and in the palm of the hand, the power surged, bursting out a great coercion, accompanied by suppression and majesty at the same time.


Numerous handprints continue to rise like ocean waves, surging away.

At this moment, it seemed that a mysterious force was released from the world and penetrated into the minds of the three birds.

In Longfeng's body, the power of the overwhelming primordial spirit also burst out instantly, and a sound like the roar of a beast came out like thunder from the handprint.


At the same time, the three-headed bird began to struggle with anger, and the huge body slapped the ground, causing the world to tremble.

All around, the mountains shook suddenly, the mountains and thousands of peaks rolled for no reason, and the mountains and plains were full of flying sand and rocks.

In an instant, terrible movement enveloped dozens of miles around, shaking the world!

However, no matter how hard the three-headed bird struggles, the wind and thunder can't get rid of Longfeng's control.


Longfeng's fist has also arrived.

Taming the beast, of course, must combine the power of the fist.

An enormous coercive holy power swept down from heaven and earth, making the three birds creepy for no reason.

Under the coercion of the vast fist, the three-headed bird struggled even more crazily.

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